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Sunday, October 15, 2017


After the long hassle in clearing my medical in halcyon medical clinic., i went on the long postponed Induction Seminar held by UPL shell

Honestly Induction seminar is more like an orientation meeting about UPL shell ., I was not expecting that they were generous on the accommodations and treatment and I don't get to see such generosity from my former employers like this. UPL Shell really knows how to make an impression on its employees and crew. They had us stayed at a 5 star hotel for the accommodation

They laid out all the in's and out, and Perks of joining them as a crew. and to compare their benefits are superior compared to other shipping companies out there plus they offer short contracts.

Despite all the glamour and perks of UPL Shell., i did find out that it also has a dark side of things- that promotion on a seafarers career here is very slow to the point that I'm thinking that its a stagnant.

Conference seminar room at the hew world hotel

Registrations starts at around 8am
In any case I will continue to observe and record the pro's and con's of joining their crew. Here are the pictures I took during the seminar.