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Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Its been a while again since my last entry and i was pretty much busy establishing and making youtube content on my channel ., and it took me a lot of time to finally had it establish . It was no joke building a youtube channel from the ground up. For now theres still no audience on my youtube channel which suits me fine on the fact that i get conscious if people would see my work . I'm much more confident that nobody see's my work until i guess its the "right time" for it to be shown and , I'd have much more confidence in expressing myself on the video's knowing that its just me doing all the recording. 

Lately as well , i had been making up a list on what i items i would have to buy for my next shipboard work . I know that its too early for now and that my current shipboard work hasn't even started yet officially. But you known the old saying , better be prepared now than later - and besides that a seafarers life is just an endless cycle , until the industry gets fed up with me or i get fed up with industry , either way.  As early as now i have already prepared plans on my equipment schedule , which one's will be improved , which one's to be retired and which one's will be new on my next shipboard work. 

Aside from that i had also been making plans on leaving my current company i had been working at , due to contract disputes, lately the contract they gave me was unfair. As of the moment the only thing i could say for now is that this is my last contract with them. I'm already making surveys and thinking which company i would hang out after this and hopefully id be fully prepared to make the transition. 

For now i guess this is the only thing i can write off for the moment and i had been terribly busy in making you tube content until now . I'm also thinking that i maybe transitioning this blog to a video blog later on., Im not abandoning this traditional blog infavour of the video blogs in youtube - heck infact I'm making this blog strengthen even more as im planning that some of my works should be published here . Infact id probably be at least posting links on my video blogs here .

I guess this is all i  have to write for now.. Peace out  

Sunday, April 18, 2021



Im currently starting out a youtube channel, its function is to catalogue all the acquired knowledge i made during my seafarering years and maybe perhaps...... my knowledge will help on the next generation of sailors that would be entering the maritime industry  ., I do hope that the knowledge that i will provide would serve useful to them .

Second function of my youtube channel will also act as a form to catalogue my progress in the aviation industry as an aviation student  

Third function of  establishing a youtube channel will serve as a form of "cloud" storage for all the knowledge and data that i will be accumulating later on . \

After the recently Hard ware malfunction of my 4tb hard drive (which destroyed it), its becoming difficult for me to store data given that i have limited capacity for the moment until i find a replacement for the damaged 4tb hard drive.

Fourth and optional function of my youtube channel , is if it will qualify for monetization - I will utilize that function to serve as a fund raiser for my flight school  

for the moment this is my youtube address 

Pilot Terence - YouTube

Friday, March 5, 2021


A cracked version of Microsoft office 2016, seems to be a promising as a general all around cross platform word processor. Specifically Microsoft OneNote 2016 program and it synchronizes well thru the OneDrive cloud storage. My blog entries are in sync whether it is in Microsoft Windows operating system or Mac apple OSX operating system , and even in android Operating systems (operating systems typically used by tablets and cellphones). Total synchronization on all multiple devices , and the best part is that i don't have to worry that my entries will be lost on a hard drive , because its stored on a cloud based storage.


So right now all is going well for me.,  at least computing equipment wise ... even for my old MacBook is working great in general ., and currently using it in everyday office / professional use. Its amazing on how far a MacBook hardware can go despite being called "antiqued" or obsolete class as what the Apple site tells., and with an age that's already almost 11 years old its still functional and can still keep up in using apps like a current generation notebook laptops out there .  I'm planning to "upgrade" its software to OSX Catalina despite the hardware is supposedly "Unsupported" (apparently theres some sort of patch to make it happen)


In other news

Finally finished the hard part of my current objectives ., which is to have a tooth extraction on the local dentist. I was worried that the tooth extraction will be painful since i haven't been on that kind of situation on more than a decade (as in way before i became a seafarer). Its relieving that the dentist i very professional on her work when it comes to the tooth business.


In other matters


Have started in making preparation for flight school next year and I'm already learning a great deal on the aviation industry . As a matter of fact , the whole survey and investigation i went is positive.

Saturday, January 2, 2021


A few more days and the year 2020 is over , and on my end what I'm doing currently is doing more investigation and gathering more info on how to become an airline pilot in the Philippines. For now still gathering more information about it and the info that i gathered looks more positive or at least as what i call it "feasible". PPL which is the first Phase (out of three) in reachable when it cost to cost and could be completed based on my current income on only a year , if no set back or financial incidents would occur and what's more that i found out is that studying as a pilot is not full time like maritime students , and payment on schooling CAN BE INSTALLMENT or from paid by parts which meant for me that i don't have to spend at least half a decade in saving up just to study as a pilot. Think of it like as more of a "per subject" or units in college.


My information gathering will still continue., until I'm full prep  to take on studying as an airline pilot. At least in the airline industry people are not scamming each other compared to the maritime industry .


From earlier perspective  people here seemed to be good mannered and civilized compared to folks in the seafaring industry.


A lot of people might wonder why , i suddenly thought of changing careers after spending decades., The answer to that is simply that seafaring career in the Philippines is basically a dead end job and I'm basically near on the dead end of my career , at the same time disenfranchisement is adding as well. Some how seafaring career is not all as what they promised or said in their propaganda and that the only reason why people choose this course was because seaman "college" course education is very cheap. Little do people know that the rising cost of education of being a sailor is already as coming close as studying as a commercial airline pilot .  Probably if this trend keeps on going for the decades to come ., there might be a possibility that one day the cost of education on both professions will be almost exactly the same.


I'm still currently doing a lot of "surveying" and gathering information , and for now the source of information I'm getting is from YouTube , apparently there's some Filipino people here who are chronicling their exploits in becoming a commercial airline pilot.,