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Saturday, January 2, 2021


A few more days and the year 2020 is over , and on my end what I'm doing currently is doing more investigation and gathering more info on how to become an airline pilot in the Philippines. For now still gathering more information about it and the info that i gathered looks more positive or at least as what i call it "feasible". PPL which is the first Phase (out of three) in reachable when it cost to cost and could be completed based on my current income on only a year , if no set back or financial incidents would occur and what's more that i found out is that studying as a pilot is not full time like maritime students , and payment on schooling CAN BE INSTALLMENT or from paid by parts which meant for me that i don't have to spend at least half a decade in saving up just to study as a pilot. Think of it like as more of a "per subject" or units in college.


My information gathering will still continue., until I'm full prep  to take on studying as an airline pilot. At least in the airline industry people are not scamming each other compared to the maritime industry .


From earlier perspective  people here seemed to be good mannered and civilized compared to folks in the seafaring industry.


A lot of people might wonder why , i suddenly thought of changing careers after spending decades., The answer to that is simply that seafaring career in the Philippines is basically a dead end job and I'm basically near on the dead end of my career , at the same time disenfranchisement is adding as well. Some how seafaring career is not all as what they promised or said in their propaganda and that the only reason why people choose this course was because seaman "college" course education is very cheap. Little do people know that the rising cost of education of being a sailor is already as coming close as studying as a commercial airline pilot .  Probably if this trend keeps on going for the decades to come ., there might be a possibility that one day the cost of education on both professions will be almost exactly the same.


I'm still currently doing a lot of "surveying" and gathering information , and for now the source of information I'm getting is from YouTube , apparently there's some Filipino people here who are chronicling their exploits in becoming a commercial airline pilot.,