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Sunday, April 18, 2021



Im currently starting out a youtube channel, its function is to catalogue all the acquired knowledge i made during my seafarering years and maybe perhaps...... my knowledge will help on the next generation of sailors that would be entering the maritime industry  ., I do hope that the knowledge that i will provide would serve useful to them .

Second function of my youtube channel will also act as a form to catalogue my progress in the aviation industry as an aviation student  

Third function of  establishing a youtube channel will serve as a form of "cloud" storage for all the knowledge and data that i will be accumulating later on . \

After the recently Hard ware malfunction of my 4tb hard drive (which destroyed it), its becoming difficult for me to store data given that i have limited capacity for the moment until i find a replacement for the damaged 4tb hard drive.

Fourth and optional function of my youtube channel , is if it will qualify for monetization - I will utilize that function to serve as a fund raiser for my flight school  

for the moment this is my youtube address 

Pilot Terence - YouTube