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Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Its been a while again since my last entry and i was pretty much busy establishing and making youtube content on my channel ., and it took me a lot of time to finally had it establish . It was no joke building a youtube channel from the ground up. For now theres still no audience on my youtube channel which suits me fine on the fact that i get conscious if people would see my work . I'm much more confident that nobody see's my work until i guess its the "right time" for it to be shown and , I'd have much more confidence in expressing myself on the video's knowing that its just me doing all the recording. 

Lately as well , i had been making up a list on what i items i would have to buy for my next shipboard work . I know that its too early for now and that my current shipboard work hasn't even started yet officially. But you known the old saying , better be prepared now than later - and besides that a seafarers life is just an endless cycle , until the industry gets fed up with me or i get fed up with industry , either way.  As early as now i have already prepared plans on my equipment schedule , which one's will be improved , which one's to be retired and which one's will be new on my next shipboard work. 

Aside from that i had also been making plans on leaving my current company i had been working at , due to contract disputes, lately the contract they gave me was unfair. As of the moment the only thing i could say for now is that this is my last contract with them. I'm already making surveys and thinking which company i would hang out after this and hopefully id be fully prepared to make the transition. 

For now i guess this is the only thing i can write off for the moment and i had been terribly busy in making you tube content until now . I'm also thinking that i maybe transitioning this blog to a video blog later on., Im not abandoning this traditional blog infavour of the video blogs in youtube - heck infact I'm making this blog strengthen even more as im planning that some of my works should be published here . Infact id probably be at least posting links on my video blogs here .

I guess this is all i  have to write for now.. Peace out