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Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Mr. Ho's office from afar, Boy id love to piss on his office and take a dump on his chair while I'm at it . 
First off NBI was a bit difficult to get by and had to wake up 1am in the morning just to get it. Second Mini quest is getting my Seaman's book renewed on Marina , thankfully I didn’t have to wake up early , just have to wait a week before it got released. Tsk !

Few hours before I would go to Career , I took a recap and checked all the equipment (and stuff) that id had to bring, checked the Polo shirt , charged the Spy Pen Camera and triple checked the documents and such. I even had with me the motion sickness plastic bag in my backpack just incase.

From this angle, Career isn't crowded as it was
Also I had even had a haircut, Unfortunately to my dismay I look way better having a long hair than the standard 3x4 short hair imposed by Career Shipping. Had to deliberately make myself ugly on this hair cut just to get in and avoid attention from psychopath sailors. (Honestly I envy the land based jobs like the call center on this kind of freedom, In there it’s a must that I looked fashionable like a commercial model or something close to it)

By the time I got there my agenda was derailed unexpectedly on unfortunate circumstances and had to come back the next day due to unforeseen personal issues. I was not exactly sure whether or not my name was called in the queue because of the distraction I had on the phone, by the time I knew it, the clock was already close to 6pm.

Favorite Hiding place before going to career , McDonalds
So I went home empty handed yet again, I don’t exactly mind that kind of situation and got used to it in the maritime industry (this happens a lot) .Main Problem is that I get stressed out on the transportation and that Career shipping is far flung from my home, I had to endure the rigors on travelling via bus (which motion sickness ,kicks in) and

Unfortunately just to add more of the stress, buses in EDSA felt like I'm riding world war 2 C-47 planes. They're obviously clunky, vibrate a lot ! and when your "dropping off" on the assigned bus station , passengers literary had to line up - single file and one by one drop off while the bus slows down (TAKE NOTE !!! SLOWS DOWN NOT STOPPING), Probably the fucking bus driver might think were paratroopers from world war 2.

Glass View of Kata repaire center Booth in SM Marikina, I hope they fix my Mini Tab soon 

My MiniTablet going into endlessly reformatting itself over and over again in an endless limbo,