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Thursday, April 11, 2013


A peek on inside Career shipping office

Was 10 am when I received a call from my home and at first I thought it was my sister just calling back again and that the she forgot something. When I picked it up it wasn’t my sister but it was some staff at career shipping office informing me on why the hell I haven't filled out the form yet for my U.S. Visa application and ordered me to report back in the office right away.

Well they don’t really have to rush me on that part since I'm going to the Shipping office anyway. During my walk to the jeep station, I received another SMS from career informing me to attend this so called "MST" (another jargon term in the office) training seminar on Wednesday . Ok duly noted and it’s a must that I attend "MST" since I accidentally screwed up on the "Anti-Piracy" seminar and overslept on my house.

At the visa counter booth
One golden rule I learned in career shipping is whenever it comes to reporting is NEVER COME IN EARLY, This has happened to me quite a number of times and I ended up waiting for more than 8 hours in career. So its best I spare myself from all that hardship and result to tactics. In career it wont make any difference if you came in as early as 8am or later than 2pm, the call time will still be the same (somewhere in between 4pm to 5pm).

Anyway going back , At 2pm I immediately proceeded to the Visa counter on career and asked for the form.  "Gilda" told me to fill out this form and afterwards pass it back to her with a 1 piece 1x1 ID picture, after a few minutes I passed the form back to her and the next was that she handed me out a piece of paper and told me to write my employment history there. After completing the said form , "Gilda" told me that id be receiving a notice coming from career shipping and be reporting back for further instructions since U.S. Visa application is by schedule and by personal appearance at the embassy. For extra information the Application form includes some questions like , have you ever visited (or entered) the USA and what dates are they. And countries that you have entered within the past 5 years. Some other questions included have you ever been denied in applying for a US visa before and what was the reason. 

Finished the agenda at 3pm and since there was more than enough time, I stopped by to my second objective in the medical counter and ask for the bank referral form that they will issue.  Unfortunately "Michelle" said that the bank referral forms aren't ready yet and I had to come back some other time, I replied that it wont be a problem and I'm not in a hurry to get it. Finished two objectives on a about an hour and a half and it isn't bad at all compared to waiting the whole day for nothing.

Now here's the big problem ,I took a second look on my wallet and found out that the cash I had is quite less than what I thought and I'd be short on cash on further visits to career. To conserve the remaining money, I decided to walk northward from Evangelista, Makati all the way to Cubao Aurora then head eastward to Marikina. For short walk my way home.I was ill prepared to walk but nevertheless I did accomplish it, Just had to keep in mind that I need at least 2 liters of water at my backpack to prevent dehydration since heat temperature in Metro Manila range somewhere from 36 degrees to 39 Degrees Celsius . Good thing thought that I had also a spare t-shirt on my back pack.

By the time I reached the first part of my walk , (In Cubao, Farmers market) my shirt was soaking wet with sweat all the way to the upper part of my denim pants. I changed clothes just to keep myself dry and got some clean water in the drinking fountain and filled up my water container, afterwards resumed my walk eastward going to marikina. Walking my way there wasn’t a big problem at all and it was already dark, So I don’t have to worry about heat and dehydration. Reached my house after an hour and a half , took a rest for 15 to 30 minutes then took a bath to wash off all the dirt and dust that accumulated on my body and finally took a nap to rest.

One thing I should bear in mind whenever Incase I would be on the long distance walk, is that I should have at least 3 spare t-shirts and 2 liters of water against dehydration and heat, Plus it's ok to have a spare underwear and anti-oxidant meds just incase. But having only a T-shirt and a liter of water is enough for the trek.

Following day I spent recuperating from fatigue and heat stress, Thought I do admit that I don’t have the same endurance as I have back when I was 16 years old, Still I was able to finish the long tedious walk and age hasn't slowed me down a bit. Walking long distances isn't exactly new to me and I had been walking the far reaches of the city since I was 16 years old. The main problem I faced was not the distance walk itself but the heat and dehydration.

The next day, I made preparation incase that if ever I ran short of money and decided to make a trek again , I’d be fully prepared. I had with me on my back pack 3 spare t-shirt , 2 full liters of water and of course a compass and a road map so I wont get lost or at least look for a shorter route. I also drank anti-oxidants and a Centrum tablet to reduce heat exhausting and give me an extra energy boost if incase I would walk.

At around 2pm I checked again if I still have enough coins to avoid trekking again from Makati to Marikina , Fortunately I had enough coins to spare me on the long trek and was enough for a bus ride to Cubao. Walking from Cubao to marikina is the least of my worries.

Anyway after the said seminar I reported back to Captain Ledesma and informing him about my progress , he said everything is going fine and I could attend the upcoming "anti-piracy" seminar again on this Friday. He added also that I would report back by Monday and see if he could squeeze in another seminar for me and that for the moment my schedule is somewhat pinned down by deadlines. Afterwards I took in a bus headed for cubao

In cubao area walking my walk in the direction to Marikina was not a problem at all.