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Friday, May 10, 2013


Quite recently I had a small chat with an acquaintance of mine during my early sailing years, The chat we had in Face book was the difference between his company (Blue Manila) and my current company (Career Ship management ). According to what we had discussed the salary offered to an ordinary seaman rank is 1250 USD - 300 US Dollars more than the salary rate here in Career, plus the overtime work pay is open compared to career's fixed overtime pay.  Overall the discussion lead me on the conclusion that the benefit's and pay of blue manila outmatch career's in some extent, the only difference that Career has is that the ships here are way larger than and comfortable compared to blue manila's. 6,000 GRT is no match for 42,000 GRT.

Aside from that,  me and Glemz Juanitas discussed on what happened on why both of us changed companies. Glemz told me he switched because Seacap has serious problem on the rotation schedules , while I on the other hand told Juanitas that I was kicked out. I guess both me and Juanitas was dissatisfied in Seacap in a variety of ways and what I can say on my end why I left , is on how the way I was treated there - not to mention how rude the kind of people and crew they have.

Overall I'm not saying seacap was a bad company - just a disappointing one.

In other news,

Still got a few remaining minor objectives to take care of and these are.

1.Go back to Maritime Medical and see if the Physical Examination form has been forwarded to Career Shipping.
2.Verifiy to Career shipping if the Physical Examination form has been forwarded and check if there is no problems.
3.Attend BSD seminar of Career shipping.
4.Signup for PDOS seminar.
5.Go to Taguig and get the CAV cert from TESDA.

Overall I only got 2 minor objective left and whether or not I finish this, The general outcome will still be the same and that I'd still will be boarding on Career's ship. Either  way , win or lose , I will still benefit from it.

First off before I proceeded on these objective's , I need financial aid in accomplishing this and for the moment I could say that I'm terribly suffering a lot of shortages in financial funding and that I could not relay alone on my sister for it since also her resources are stretched to the limit as well. I only stored enough supplies for two months and beyond that , It's obvious that I'm going to have some serious problems. I already drawn up two plans to get some fresh financial help and hopefully at least these plans will pump more juicy on my agenda, enough to finish the job.

Going back,

On Monday I had to drop off the idea of attending the BSD seminar , for numerous reasons , Overall the bottom line is that BSD seminar is not that strategically important compared to attending PDOS (Pre Departure Orientation Seminar). If I read it correctly PDOS is a MANDATORY seminar needed compared to BSD, Aside from that I recall correctly that a few weeks ago Captain Ledesma said that if ever that I will be deployed early and will not be able to finish the said seminar then I'd just simply inform him of the situation, indicating that this seminar is not that really much of an importance.

Old Street map of Manila i use for travelling and walking
Immediately when I arrived, I proceeded to the reporting counter to submit the photocopies of the BPI account numbers of my mom and sister. "Lucita" to wait a few minutes for my name to be called back, while she searched for my records. A few minutes later she asked for the photocopies and told me if I also submitted a copy of my NBI certificate other essential documents like Social Security, Tax Identification Number and other stuff. I replied back that everything is in order and I submitted it a month ago. Since everything is all cleared out , "Lucita" signed my checklist slip which meant I'm all cleared on that counter. Next stop on my agenda was paying a visit to the License counter , the reason was because I could not remember at all if I signed up for the physical examination form. Fortunately "NIDA" is friendly enough top search the medical records, It only took her a minute or two and said to me that I don’t have to worry about it and that indeed I had signed the Physical Medical Form.

Next counter I went is the accounting counter to inquire about a cash advance. The lady said that I need first to attend PDOS then be given a cash advance 2 to 3 days before leaving the country. Was really dismayed when I heard it and had to wait that long for the said money. For the moment that was my only agenda in visiting career shipping and I still have one more agenda left. Late at night I received a phone call coming "Gilda" from the visa counter of career, she informed me that I had to report back to career at 11am to be informed about my Dutch visa.

The Following day, I went back to career to find out the real score on why "Gilda" called, As expected when I reached the VISA counter. "GILDA" mentioned that I had to get my SCHENGEN Visa (Dutch) to the Netherlands Embassy in Paseo Roxas Street, Makati and while I'm at it -I'd try also to retrieve 12 other passports that have a SCHENGEN VISA.

Since I lack the money to get to that place I decided to walk from Evangelista Makati all the way to Paseo De Roxas Makati. Good thing though that I had already anticipated this scenario yesterday and had already prepared 3 spare t-shirts and 2 litres of water on my bag along with a Street map of Metro Manila, so walking wont be a problem. I headed north until I reached Dusit Hotel inside makati and headed northward again till I reach Makati Shangrila hotel and Manila Peninsula Hotel, It was a landmark and it indicated I was walking on the right direction on the map I had. Unfortunately the underpass has no direct walkway going to Paseo De Roxas Street, So I had to turn left (Westward) to ayala avenue and walk my way there till I reach the west end of Paseo de Roxas Street. Good thing that Ayala avenue underpass has a direct walkway there, When I reached Paseo De Roxas Street I asked the security guard on McDonalds for directions, I stopped there for a few minutes and changed some dry clothes in the comfort room and took a quick snack. Afterwards I headed north east of the street till I reached (or saw ) equiptable PCI tower were the Dutch embassy was located on its 26th floor. Once there I gave the claim letter "Glida" gave me earlier to the security guard and the guard told me to wait.

During my wait, I could describe that the Dutch embassy isn't "Flashy" and large as that of the US embassy. It was just simply a small office on the 26th floor of a building with a few people working in it. After two hours , My name was called by the receptionist and was asked if I had any other I'D with me. I replied I only had my old Seaman's Book and my passport is part of the batch that I'm going to retrieve. She said if that was the case then that wont be a problem. Minutes later she put all the 13 passports on the security box and it opened for me to get it. Didn't knew that the 13 passports aren't exactly 13 at all and I was surprised to see that this was a ton of document passports I had to carry back. I put them all in my backpack bag and took the elevator headed for the ground floor then got outside and headed back to Career Shipping Office. Didn’t had any problems walking my way back and it was no longer time pressure, just re traced my step earlier and at 3pm I was already the shipping office.  There I changed clothes again to something dry, and the went ahead to the VISA counter. I gave "GILDA" the passports and see said if I knew the details about my SCHENGEN, I replied that I didn't paid any attention to it. She took a look on my passport and said that the VISA I got from SCHENGEN is good for 5 years this time and it's a multiple entry visa which meant that my Visa is not only limited to Netherlands entry but can be used also to other countries in the European union, She said that if I'm going to join or disembark anywhere on European Union Member countries like France, Italy , Spain , Portugal etc. SCHENGEN visa is valid and recognized.

My actual U.S. Transit Visa CD-1  

In other words "Gilda" said that my visa is upgraded and can be used (European)  Continent Wide.  Deep inside I was relieved and happy that Career Shipping gave me this opportunity.

Before I left Career office and call it a day, "Gilda" said to me that I should be on stand by and that next time career will call back , They will gave me a direct order to pack up and get ready to work onboard.

My newly upgraded Multiple entry schengen Visa (dutch / european union visa) courtesy of career shipping office . Good for 5 years 


Career has been very generous and kind on me, Not only did they promoted me from Deck Cadet to Ordinary Seaman but they did a lot of tinkering and upgrading on my documents. I had a lot to thank for them for giving me a US Visa and upgrading my SCHENGEN Visa as well, In addition they gave me also a Marshal Islands Seaman's Book and on top of that they put me into a lot of benefits by signing me up into AMOSUP TCCC rate. I only asked for career to take me in, but they gave me so much more.

Looking back I can't help but sometimes compare my Old life in Seacap and My new life in Career.

To be honest despite Seacap telling me that they treat their employee's like a family, I was never once treated like one, I originally came from seacap however due tp unfortunate events that I wrote . Funny right ?! Which family will I consider the one who  turned me down or the one who took me in.