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Thursday, July 2, 2015


" i know it's bad to be taking videos on the deck in a tanker , but the end justifies the means. I'm not greedy when it comes to knowledge and i share it to the world , Compared to other filipino sailors who withheld knowledge  in the pretence of "safety" as an excuse"

Never occurred to me that my little rag tag group will outlast the other group on the internet, given that the group I assembled for the internet wasn't met with much enthusiasm at first. Anyway so far business is doing good and hopefully it will be that way till our rental on the internet expires soon.

For the moment I had been taking pictures and video on deck , but having a regular camera for recording video's is way too exposed and noticeable for prying eyes especially if the rules on work says "No electronics of any kind on the deck area" . Despite the risk - I'm trying to record on video and capture on photos as much as data as possible on this entire journey. I feel that surveying and recording every detail on how we sailors work is an utmost priority for me and sharing the knowledge to the public ,

Of course most people and my own kind out there wouldn't agree of what I'm doing and often times they would think that its "unsafe" working practices but I do not care of such petty excuses on attaining results - what I want is to provide knowledge to my own brethren and available not to a limited few people but to everyone out there, even if it puts me on the risk . Most Filipino's seaman aren't capable of doing than, nor have the balls to risk themselves for the sake of others.  just plain greedy hypocrites who withheld knowledge in the pretence of "safety" as an excuse. What a pathetic example . Anyway I should not be bothered on the bad side of Filipino culture in writing.

In relation to this , I had been thinking of how to get records of video's on the deck without being noticed. I was thinking of two ways , One is to buy a specialized recording camera like "action camera" , which is nothing more than a regular video camera that can be mounted on a helmet. This method is good in the sense that I can capture the video in good clarity and continuous recording, the bad part of this plan is that since it’s a full standard action camera its very obvious and expose, meaning that sooner or later some dip shit sailor here will yell at me for saying no electronics on-board.

Another part on my plan is to buy spying equipment - like the ones used for surveillance during the cold war  , this is effective and doesn’t draw attention plus you can now easily but this equipment on any electronic and surveillance store anywhere in the Philippines  but the problem with this ultra-small recording device is the battery limitation , from my personal use it is only estimated that’s only last for about 20 minutes on full charge or maybe less.  Power supply is a big limitation.

Anyway in the mean time I'd still going to decide on which of the two will I choose to record knowledge.

In other matters …..

The discussion and settlement of our internet bill for Ecuador has been settled , and to the best of the situation he (surveyors name is dick Prado) only charged us about 150 U.S. Dollars all in all on the 9 days it was used. Fair is fair , that’s what the business deal was all about. Now most of the people from the other group who had internet envy us because we settled and got the best deals on internet in Ecuador.,

Midway on this ships stay , O.S. Bantic and Chief cook Regidor Pineda disembarked and was replaced with two new guys.

On Friday afternoon , this ship departed and will be going to panama back again after two days, after that there will be a crew change and our lovely dipshit captain will be replaced by an equally ruthless bastard captain. I still have at least four months more to get out on this hell ship but I had a feeling that everything will be fine. I just had to sit tight and finish the contract.