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Friday, August 28, 2015


July 17, 2015 

When this ship leaves port, it will have four new crew members. The thing here that concerns me is the new crew , Rumours have been going on that these new crew members are somewhat trouble makers and definitely not the kind of people whom can't get along easily. I don't know them personally but there are rumours saying that two of these new crew have serious attitude problems. Specifically the O.S. and the BOSUN.

Anyway in just a matter of a few hours after they arrived , immediately two I had mentioned got into the wrong foot with some of the crew. And caused a bit of bad impression during then recent bunkering operations (Immediately after we unmoored). Apparently BOSUN Serafin left the whole six hour long transit outside lake charles to only me and O.S. Joash, each of us has to spend three hours each on the forward part being on "guard" , when supposedly he should be the one leading and staying on watch , but it turns out that he was the first to step inside the cabin and slept. O.S. Joash said he wasn't happy on what happened that were still out there  while him (referring to BOSUN Serafin) is inside, in other words he ditched us out. From what I interpret this new bosun is somewhat a problem from what I heard on previous crew. 

A few days later…

We are still doing the old maintenance work of chipping, polishing and painting rusted area on this ship. As expected this so called routine maintenance will never end , like exercise during prison time and 24 hours before we arrived oj the next port we did the usual chore (I mean work) of washing the whole deck area.

In other news during those few days' time

The new salary rate scale of NSB just arrived, as expected the new salary scale was a bit lower compared to our current salary. Most of the affected that got a huge decrease in salary was for the higher rankers, as for the A.B.'s and lower ranks they got at least 30 U.S. dollars down from their current salary. The rank that was hugely affected was "messman" ( ship version of a "maid" ) which had a decrease of as much as 200 U.S. Dollars. On my current status , the reduction of salary was not that severe (in fact benign)  with only 13 U.S.D. something. Despite my rank was less affected , I still have thoughts of maybe going to another company - not because of the money but because I wanted to started over again , start fresh and maybe (and hoping) that this new start will be better from the previous one.

Honestly I'm facing a dilemma as a sailor, this so called "profession" is now very impractical and costly in maintaining, and I have serious doubts I will ever proceed further in this job. Seriously this job will cost me another 100 thousand pesos more in upgrading in the years to come and this doesn’t include the objective of securing a license. All this expense for a job that is related to similarly to a construction / maintenance job ,

Frankly I have serious thoughts of retiring early and shifting career and going into medicine, in fact to be honest I shouldn't be here in the first place at all - If it weren't for the financial difficulties that I had suffered during my teen years, I would have been very much a medical doctor by now.