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Monday, April 24, 2017


"A retraction is a public statement made about an earlier statement that withdraws, cancels, refutes, or reverses the original statement or ceases and desists from publishing the original statement"

After days of careful thinking on the possibility of getting my leave pay or not from CF Sharp. Out of my sister's request , I went ahead reluctantly in going to CF Sharp to get my leave pay. Upon much thinking I decided to plan it very carefully as I do not know the full extent of CF Sharps wrath and persecution against it's rogue employee's like me, and the result was that I had chosen to go to Friday at about after noon break timing for the fact that most high executives are still "resting" and are lazy enough to return back for work - Friday because it turns out that Saturday was a Philippine non-working holiday, perfect timing for me.
On my way to Cf Sharp - I had a lot of thoughts that maybe this was a bad idea to even go and show up my face to Cf Sharp at all, and that getting my leave pay is a low priority to begin with.
When I arrived , I tried to go directly to the accounting department thinking that somehow they will not recognize me and that I can get my money Scott-free. Unfortunately the whole process of getting the leave pay requires me to show my face up to the admin. At first I thought it was unsuspecting given that I was told to proceed on a different building to report and that the person whom I would be reporting was different from the person I met when I was departing.
Everything was going find and I was unsuspecting - until a few moments later when "lizel" phone in something over and somehow I got a feeling that CF Sharp management mention to her that I'm the person they were looking for.
Just came in like a bomb when "lizel" mentioned and asked what was my ulterior motive in "posting" against CF Sharp in a face book groups (Tinig ng Marino). Quickly I jumped into my reflexes and remembered what my old friend "palomas" mentioned that I should tell.
To escape scrutiny, I just excused myself that I was not on my "right mind" at that time and I was too grief stricken at that time when I posted that, I even added for effect that pressures on work plus the death of my parents was enough for me to be "mentally unstable" at that time. Fortunately for me that excuse of "Post traumatic stress" and "grief stricken" was well received and they did actually bought that excuse. According to "lizel" , there is no longer for me to be bought in front of the CF management to face judgement and that the only thing I have to do is write down a "retraction statement" , that all the things I posted on face book was pure lies and was malicious in nature (even though it was a fact) and appeal to the mercy and kindness of the CF management , so that blacklisting will be avoided.
To simply put even if my reasons were a fact, I was being coerced by the CF Sharp management. Honestly it was very depriving to retract all my statements knowing on what I was saying was true but for the sake of saving my own skin, I had to do it, I was a total fool to be even writing that in the first place and that there is no guarantee that they will even hold on their end of not "blacklisting" .
Anyway If I did not wrote a retraction statement and plea for mercy, surely I would face judgement right infront of the higher command of CF sharp and have already known that it will not end well for me plus they will not give me my leave pay at all. So I was in a tight spot at that time.
When I got home , I told my sister (who was a law student) about my predicament and what had happened. Turns out that what CF Sharp did to me was actually illegal in labour law. (aside from being morally and ethically illegal as well) , the writing and signing of a "retraction letter" , the coercion , even the judgement right in front of CF Sharp Management and Higher command - all of it, was an illegal and unethical conduct against an employee. My sister added that it was very wrong of them to do such a thing and that they are fortunate that I don’t have a lawyer with me at that time or else they will be having more trouble for their coercion and unethical conduct. As far as she knows this so called retraction letter is illegal especially if you're under coercion.
Obviously most filipino sailors are ignorant about this , and if not only a little few knew about this. In fact I myself do not know that it was illegal that for an employer (CF Sharp in my case) to be doing and forcing people to write and sign a retraction letter, along with coercion, if CHR (commission on human rights) would even know about this then they're in for a big trouble. Anyway like I said , ignorance and suppression of free though plagues this Philippine maritime community, and that as a fact even Filipino labour unions like united Filipino seafarers lead by the mafia leader nelson p. ramirez, patronizes this kind of corrupt and repressive system, instead of protecting - the workers union here in the Philippines is the one who punishes any seafarer that would go "rogue" against his employer .  It already been a culture here in this so called maritime industry to have a draconian practice., to the point that nobody even notices that there is something wrong and that shipping agencies are too power drunk