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Tuesday, December 25, 2018


October 30, 2018 Tuesday
Anchorage at Perth, Australia

Not a very lively situation right now as this imposed water discipline really takes its toll on the laundry. Yesterday it was announced that laundry will be open till 12pm tomorrow, really good timing considering that my personal clothes are already piled up and need washing, I hurriedly went to the long line in the laundry just have my clothes washed. Since there was a long line at the washing machine I decided to leave my clothes there for a while since and attend to other matters first, I can't be there always and cant waste my time just waiting for the long queue and guarding my clothes  - I'd be back in the morning as there is long line on that hour and besides they said its still up to 12noon that they will close the laundry.

In the morning , at 3am I was surprise to see that the washing machine switched off., and not only that I was expecting that the laundry room is still open till 12 noon. Guess I'd be proceeding to washing my clothes again by hand (which I'm not very used to ) . Good thing I had plenty of clothes on my luggage.

In any case I should have known better that an "uwak's" words cannot be trusted in the first place., and it's always deviates from what they say, if there is an "Uwak" onboard , expect a lot that they're nothing but trouble and they will make a person's life miserable as humanly possible. As far as I'm concerned , "Uwaks" are an obnoxious people and very repulsive . Europeans don’t like them, Australians don’t like them , Heck even Filipino's even don’t want them as well.

Back then when I was still in CSM, water discipline was never a serious problem  and Europeans have better understanding on a person's necessity on work and laundry is always open even at anchorage. But anyway that was then and this is now , no matter how much I think about the good old days - I still have to deal with this problem and situation on what the "uwak's" have caused.

In other news….

Looks like that Ship officers here are totally hyped by the incoming Vetting's inspections and to my puzzlement they kept insisting to the crew that we should take a CBT lecture about "Cyber Security" (which is another worthless piece of ocean garbage, wait ! Practically all CBT's are ocean garbage to begin with). I found out later that the real reason why keep pestering us to take that filth CBT was apparently pressure coming from the TCC about a certain  "Shell Vetting Inspector" conducting vetting on a sister ship "Valiant" .

Turns out that the Shell inspector checked the CBT's of crew and insisted that they take CBT lecture called "Cyber Security". Now the question is why is this shell vetting inspector (of all trash CBT's out there, they singled out "Cyber Security" ) keep insisting that this CBT taken.

My assumption is that since this is a "Shell" vetting inspector tries to market the lecture because Shell ulterior motive was to promote this "Uwak made garbage" CBT called "Cyber Security" .

In any case I did took the CBT as what folks here told me , just to comply with the requirements for the upcoming vetting inspection. I never liked the "Cyber Security" CBT from the start. I couldn't help but be amazed on the level of patheticness they discuss the topic,. Certainly very low level and plain stupidly of people behind this CBT - very obvious that the persons (most likely uwaks) behind it didn’t even considered the opinions of experts working in the Information technology sector specifically folks from the Telecommunications and Financial Sector, it does not even fully explain or justify why "Cyber Security" should be implemented at all in ships.

True that merchant (civilian) ships nowadays have advance tremendously from their counterparts versions way back in the 80's or 90's but ships haven't reached to the level of sophistication to think that a hacker would commander a ship using only a single computer (or destroy a ship entirely) . This idea that this "Cyber Security" is telling is pure crap and science fiction, and has no basis whatsoever., from what I'm thinking as a normal and typical active Filipino seafarer right now is that the "uwak" author or authority behind this CBT has watched too much science fiction on T.V. and his / her imagination is a byproduct of paranoid delusions combined with science fiction fantasy. "Uwak's" are really good at lips service, they can fool almost everyone in the maritime sector but not me ! Save it to a person who would buy out this filthy idea of theirs.