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Saturday, January 4, 2020


Believe it or not New year's Eve here was spent on work and being on "standby" ., because of vetting inspections. A few hours later then came the discharge operations. It’s a good thing that discharge operations of this ship for now in South Korea is via SBM., So basically there's not much to prepare on mooring wires (In fact none at all) . When we were preparing for the pilot ladder and gangway accommodation ladder , A.B. "Noel" Approached me and said to me that my cabin should be vacated immediately for the incoming visitors of this ship (referring to the Korean mooring team , and surveyors). I told "noel" that as soon as I'm finished on work, I'd get my stuff out of my cabin, in addition I asked "noel" were will I stay for the time being ? , A.B. paused for a few minutes and didn’t know how to reply to my question and radioed back to bridge. A minute later a reply was given that I would be put to stay on the ships hospital for the time being, until the discharge operation of the ship is over.

As soon as I was finished I immediately went to my cabin in haste and grabbed everything I could carry from my belongs and put them on the nearby Ship hospital room. It didn’t took me long to pack all my stuff and transfer it. As soon as I was finished I went out again for the mooring operations

During Mooring operations in the forward area, O.S. Dalida and O.S. "Alvin" had a heated conversation about the winch operation. I just stayed out of their way and played Switzerland in their argument, I don’t want to get dragged down on other people's business especially heated arguments. They were having such a heated argument that even the Korean mooring master got their attention and had to yell to O.S. Dalida to focus in operating the winch rather than chatting with O.S. Alvin.

After mooring in the forward section is finished , I was ordered by Chief Mate "Merk" , to be the watchman on the bouy at the forward section. After my few hour long watch I was relieved by O.S. Dalida on noon time in the forward area. When I was on the starboard side section in the accommodation block. I saw A.B. "jun" , O.S. "Alvin" and A.B. "chris" talking to each other apparently from what I notcied they were still brooding over the mooring incident. As I passed by they said to me and told that I should be careful in hanging out with O.S. Dalida as he has a tendency for betrayal and has an attitude in backstabbing people around him. I was puzzled on what they said and just proceeded to my routine after work to rest and have a hot shower to warm myself from the freezing weather of south Korea.

Inside the ship hospital (where I temporarily stay), I immediately sorted out my belongings and compacted them on my luggage. So I could easily be more mobile in moving my stuff, when I go back to my cabin after this operation. After the hot shower , I just dried myself and slept to the hospital bed since it was the only bed around the room. As I lay I looked more like a sick patient rather than just simply taking a nap , but thankfully the hospital bed seemed to be more comfortable.  
My whole stuff just got transferred to the hospital room on the last minute