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Sunday, June 16, 2013



JUNE 15th, 2013, SATURDAY

Anchor at Morocco.

So far so good. From what I heard this ship will be going to Holland after Morocco and next to the dreaded pirate infested region of west Africa (Nigeria, probably) afterwards it's a rumor that this ship will be dry docking soon in either Portugal or in most likely in China since this is a Chinese built ship anyway.

For the work , could say that laundry is getting a bit of a problem and that there powder detergents just ran out. For the moment the measure I took up in washing my working coveralls is just plain old hot water, Not effective but it will do for now in washing my clothes.

Washing machine I used to wash my clothes with

Our laundry area onboard Cape Tallin

For the latest news around here.

A.B. Malorca keep's hovering around me and ask what's my connection between Captain Betts, I said to him that Captain Betts is my backer here in Career and he's the one responsible who got me into this job (and back again to becoming a sailor). Honestly I don't really mind "Homer" asking all those question, But the thing here is that I don't really talk much about people and my private life, and I hate people hovering around me and ask all sorts of questions about my background and connection to other people - I don't know maybe I guess I'm not a good talker at all and much prefer being quiet and minding my own business. Anyway my connection issue was brought up on the subject that "Homer" has an acquaintance of his who is working in the ship "DALE" (Captain Betts is current captain of it for now) and apparently he received an email on this acquaintance of his asking if he knew an O.S. (Ordinary Seaman) who goes by the name of me, "Homer" confirmed that indeed I'm the O.S. and replied via email saying what's the reason. The reply he got says that the Captain Here gives he's regards to me and says to email him, and said something about Captain Nick getting drunk and touching guys crouches, stuff like that.

Now since A.B. Homer Malorca has a good sense of imagination (and probably a wild one) and since that would be the case - all hell broke loose, and He's now hovering to me like a helicopter asking all sorts of question of what's my apparent connection with Captain Betts. I told him the truth that he's my backer - and that's the truth , its up to him if he believes it or not , after all this is a free world and he can believe on what he wants to believe.

In relation to work…

Cape Tallin has just arrived at Morocco and anchored itself nearby. During the anchoring operations, while operating the starboard winch paying out the anchor, the chains were all badly rusted up, so rusted that I had to put my goggles from my helmet to shield my eyes from all the "rust smoke" coming out, eventually my face was all covered with rust. I notice seconds later that there was a some sort of "knot" on the anchor chain then a few seconds later when the "knot" reached near the gypsy wheel the shackle slipped causing a loud "BANG" sound on the forecastle deck . BOSUN AMICAN obviously saw it and so does O.S. Hall, BOSUN AMICAN order that I should pay out the anchor very slowly as not to damage the anchor chain nor any anchoring equipment. After the anchoring operation BOSUN AMICAN said to us that the main reason why this "knot" eventually happens is because the anchor chains (and machinery) haven't been used for a long time.

Currently while writing this entry to my PC, I'm going to be on pirate watch after a few hours based on what O.S. Hall told me my watch is going to be at 1am in the morning till 6 am. Honestly I'm not exactly sure why we had to do this at all in morocco and last time I've been here the place has no problems at all, just only a few merchants who want to trade shoes and coveralls for counterfeit digital watches , few crabs and fishes. The usual greedy customs officials asking for bribes and nothing more, it was all peaceful here. Anyway it's the ship terminals rules to put the security level alert to level 2 and where just abiding on their house rules.

I better lock my cabin and hid my computer when this ship comes to berth though,