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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Again there's another shortage of provisions and had been sick and tired ever now and then that this is always been a problem for CSM / Career Ship management that i have to deal with often. Free mineral water here is near depletion and it may not be long that all of the crew might be starting to drink again on the rust riddled water fountain. Furthermore is that the goods in the bond store are already depleted , as in ZERO - there are no more soft drinks to drink with , the beer and wine are gone as well and heck even the chocolates are no more. The only thing that's left is toiletries supply and a lot of boxes of cigarettes. I don't want to have an idea that this ship is near starvation but that is the current picture I am viewing on a CSM / Career Ship management Company is that they're so stiff that they're starving their crew on the most basic of all needs and supplies.

December 03, 2013

On the afternoon of December 3rd, 2013 Byron knocked thru my door informing me about some matters in the bond store regarding some expired items. Mainly on the Pop Corn and the Centrum Tablets.

On other matters regarding to work .... Due to poor weather conditions normal deck maintenance work was set aside to do some indoor related work. For now instead of putting the final coat of paint on some areas in the deck , I was put on to another job of  wash paint in the forecastle area entrance (entrance area leading to the bosun store) for the time being until the weather improves. Unfortunately It rained the whole day so I'm pretty much stuck doing the same job for the whole day.

Another thing is that I'm very much relieved that I received a confirmation email coming from Career Ship Management that my Special allotment request has been granted, I was worried sick lately that my request might have not reached the shipping and even suspected that my captain haven't sent the request at all - I'm glad I was wrong on that suspicion. 

In other news ......

Playing "Far Cry" is getting tedious now and again 4th engineer is grumbling about him accusing us of cheating the game. I have no idea why he accuses us of "cheating" , in fact the multiplayer LAN mode has no cheats at all, Its bullshit that he complains every now. This time the gaming session was annoying, 4th engineer has gone to far and even accuses all of us in cheating in the game. Honestly it would be better that we play the game without him around. WHAT A SORE LOSER !!!!

Honestly he shouldn't have came back in playing this game again and we have no plans at all in inviting him back in playing this game. As a matter of fact the only reason why he played this game was Chief mate invited him go tag along, but if we were to choose , it would be better for him not to join us - its better that way.

December 04, 2013 Wednesday Starbuck's Philippines 16th Anniversary

Due to another persistent bad weather, work on the deck area is hindered so i ended up just plucking out nails from a wooden crate and just bringing trash to the engineer room (for them to incinerate) for most of the day, Aside from that i was also assigned in crushing and grinding some bottles and glass. Wasn't that difficult but i find it weird that this ship has to crush and process glass and bottles trash rather than directly throwing them at sea, I think its much more convenient if glass was to be disposed on that kind of manner - It would be very convenient for me if that would be the case.

Late afternoon i went again to playing "Far Cry" videogame with Messman Ferdi, O.S. Del Monte and Chief Cook Olan. For obvious reason we didn't invite 4th engineer and frankly it was much fun playing that game without him around, No more grumbles and Unnecessary rule's that would hinder fun in playing video games .

While we were busy playing video games , 3rd Mate "Byron" came in and asked if i had already disposed of the Centrum Vitamin's cause Chief Engineer wants them . I relied to him that its already been disposed of and it's now in the bottom of the sea. Byron says that its no problem on it

At night, since i haven't made preparations yet of my departure and don't know exactly were to put my stuff yet. I decided to prepare one cardboard box and paint it, (which of course i took from the bond store ), i went to the paint room and asked A.B. Jay to lend me the keys to the paint room for a few minutes. When i entered i painted the cardboard box with colour blue, afterwards i returned the key to jay and put the cardboard box in the engine casing to dry off.

December 05, 2013 Thursday

Most of the crew were astonished to find out that they're number of hours in overtime work pay was reduced from 120 hours to 85.5 hours. Its not a good news on their part knowing that the reduced overtime pay would be less than before. Some of them were even on an uproar and didn't even bothered to know why it was reduced, Instead they immediately blamed 3rd mate "byron" without knowing the full story and was spreading rumours that he was a greedy asshole that sabotages other people's pay. Worst part is that they even ridicule him. Oiler Donald Rogel said at the crew mess that ever since he became 3rd mate, all paper related matter's have gone "bonkers" . Even Engine Fitter Sano said some nasty remarks like "Byron is getting cocky now that he's third mate"

Personally I'm on "byron's" side and i don't think they should have said inappropriate remarks without knowing the full story, Its very unfair that "Byron" was being judged like that.  Problem with us Filipino's is that we let our mouths do the thinking instead of using our rational brain - Damn fucking Compatriots , mouth is used for talking and the brain is used for thinking.

Late at night, it was found out via Microsoft email client that the reduction of overtime working hours came from Career / CSM ship management (see previous journal entry titled "THE DETAILS" ) and Byron has got nothing to do with it.

In other related matters.......

Haven't noticed until recently that i had only at least one and a half months of stay here at Cape Tallin, Couldn't imagine that I had been writing for so long now , as in 7 months - Maybe I haven't noticed the time that passed because i was so busy and caught up going toe to toe against them and it was really an arduous task. I can't imagine that i had been thru a blabber mouth O.S. And chief cook  (O.S. Xerxes Hall and Chief Cook Roberto Peneranda) , a lordliness 3rd mate, 2nd mate and Bosun ( 3rd mate corales , 2nd officer Renan Olis , Bosun Zacarias Amican ) , a cocky A.B. ( A.B. Ronald Caldona) , and an ill mannered rude Pump man ( Pump man Nilo Pastrana ). Handling those bastards was really a good time killer and it certainly feels like just yesterday that i got here Onboard - guess i really got my hands full with them. Anyway its over now and most of this sons of a bitches crew mates have already been disposed of , Now its only a small time of waiting and I'd be home soon again seeing mom and dad , along with sis and my pet cats - I'm very anxious to get home and see how are they doing.