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Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Just to have a change of pace from my monotonous routine., I will be continuing my online blog for the Maritime community in the Philippines and will continually publish it on Filipino seaman groups using an anonymous account for protection. normally I would had stopped writing altogether and move on with life, after all the worst is already behind me from my recent entanglement with CF Sharp, there is no danger anymore for me.  I would have normally just walked away and turned my back over it but thinking about it , My problems were not exactly solved . The person who is responsible and the one who betrayed my identity to the CF is still around and is still up to his old tricks - Certainly I shouldn’t shrug this off knowing Nelson Ramirez is still around and still victimizing fellow Filipino sailors with all his lies and extortion activities. Most Filipino sailors are still unaware on how vile and vicious he is on the maritime community in the Philippines. Only his elimination and total destruction will make the maritime community in the Philippines a safer place.

Personally I guess ., it's just my personal vendetta on why I'm still continuing my blog. My very own personal Cyber Guerilla warfare against the UFS and Nelson Ramirez. So why did I choose to use a blog instead of other social media channel like Facebook ? ., first off having a blog has much more freedom than Facebook ., nowadays even Facebook suffers a lot of censorship when it comes to freedom of speech and commentary., from what I'm seeing personally Facebook nowadays is contradictory on what it was originally intended for ., it has now become a dangerous site in cyber space were personal information should not be given in any way possible as it can be used against me. To add also ., posting personal commentaries always end up getting contradicted and not only that but the FB account I use as well ended up being blocked  (plus all the previous post I had made on that account will be deleted too). So as an anti-blocking measure social media sites outside Facebook is my main choice ,as most Filipino's don’t exactly know how to suspend or block this plus the severity of removing the publish is lenient.   

Anyway aside from reviving that blog , my first phase of the plan is that my dummy FB account would infiltrate some seaman Facebook groups and remain a "sleeper cell" until such time (and situation arises) that it would be awaken and publish the location of my blog. Naturally once my dummy FB account published the location of my blog ., UFS fanatics will feverishly try as much as they can to disable and destroy the FB DUMMY account ., and will succeed . However the main purpose of that DUMMY account is that it's just a relay and the main content is still in the blog., Even if the DUMMY FB account is destroyed - it doesn't mean that the blog is destroyed as well .,

Obviously UFS and its minions will try also to destroy the blog., but from my perspective in social media - it will take them sometime before they actually disable the blog and fortunately Google reviews complaints very well on blogs compared to Facebook and as a plus Google has quick blog recovery features that only takes literary seconds.  It will take them a will to fully shut down,

As a passive protection as well ., dummy accounts will be used and there is no possible way that they could connect me to that blog and my identity. Besides in real life there is no rule on what a person can or cannot do to harm another ., Nelson Ramirez should know better. Sooner or later vengeance will come for him and it's going to crash hard.

Anyway with or without my blog .,Nelson Ramirez will still make a lot of enemies on his hostility towards Netizens. It's only a matter of time on how fast the public will realize on how evil he is.