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Friday, July 28, 2017


Given with the situation that I'm already months without work, I had decided to go ahead and reapply again back to Career Ship Management - just to be sure. However despite my efforts and credentials (plus work experience that I'm their former employee). My application was turned down and they just simply said "they'd call back" which meant in general that they're simply not interested ., and they just simply had me write my number in their "census" survey form.

It bothers me that my reapply was rejected given that chances of former crew members being rehired is much higher compared to new applicants - especially on my job position being on the "experienced" category. I am thinking something must have went wrong ., What I did witness was that the new guy ., looked into my seaman's book and after looking on it thoroughly he went to Mr. "nidoy's" office and remained there for a couple of minutes. Its likely that they searched on the records and something must have been written on it on my records there ., after a few minutes the called me back and said that they'd just call me back . Which I do know clearly what it meant.

Nevertheless given the results on what happened., it only showed that employment for seaman in the Philippines is notoriously difficult even for sailors (O.S. Rank) who already have 5 years of experience. Almost everyone in this job is considered expendable.

Overall I'm not bitter that Career Ship Management rejected me on my reapply to them., I do know very well that the consequences in leaving Career from the start would mean being not able to rejoin that company ever again and I blame CF Sharp for luring me out on that safe hole which greatly meant my job posting would utterly be destroyed.  It was a poor decision I had made a year back.

Anyway I wont be returning back to Career ever again ., probably because i guess its time to move on and start something fresh.


Saturday, July 15, 2017


There has been so much time I had on plotting against Nelson Ramirez and his Mafia organization "United Filipino Seafarers" that I had been writing tirelessly now for days. Most  bunch of my time is spent write on how to defunct the misleading propaganda that the UFS organization is feeding the public. Obviously I'm trying as much as I can to vilify him on my blog., For now I haven't publicly released my write ups until such proper time - I'm still thinking ironing out some scenario's 

For the moment , I am writing an article about Nelson Ramirez Academic credibility - on how questionable it is, plus if I have the time , I will write on how UFS was founded and the Bias propaganda surrounding it. Once I had finished it ., I will immediately publish it. Honestly there is so much information about this that I had to write about UFS that I could make an entire life work out of it. Anyway its very demanding task because obviously I'm the only one (as far as I know) working on it,  and working as lone wolf means that I had to carefully plan everything including small details.

Now if I do finished those write-ups and article ., my next problem task is how to passively pass this information to the public., obviously facebook is a big no - no., on me to pass the information because Facebook is very unreliable. ( Blocking accounts that are not violators., and refusing to block accounts that are clearly violators ) . In any case even if the "dummy" Facebook account is reported and destroyed , the blog will still be online and if by some chance be taken down , there is another back up on that blog - so pretty much its very secure.

As for me I don’t have to worry about my personal safety on the fact that I'm using a dummy account and no personal information is put on that Fake FB account . Social Media encourages people to put in their real names as much as possible but ignores the fact(or being ignorant) on how dangerous it is nowadays in cyber space.

Whether I continue my works in vilifying Nelson Ramirez or not, I'm pretty much satisfied that he's already been seen in a negative way in the philippine maritime community on the social media ever since the December 2016 incident. As a matter of fact He himself is unwittingly contributing on his negative image by being hostile to netizen. Those blocking and kicking out of FB Users on his Facebook group adds more to the existing numbers who hate him. Anyway as long as he does that then it’s a slow but sure victory for me as many more people get persuaded by agenda's

In other news

Up to now I'm still thinking whether or not buying a "Nintendo Switch" gaming console is a good investing at all for my entertainment idea. Honestly I'm having doubts on why the hell I did buy this thing anyway and not opted to the PS VITA instead.

Its already been almost near four months since I bought this device and yet ., they haven't offered yet any new exclusive games - the only one's they're offering right now are not exactly "new" games at all but old games that are ported on different gaming consoles a few years back. Frankly buying a Nintendo switch for now is more like buying a brand new gaming system to play old / ancient games.

Another thing that's hurting this gaming system (aside from the high price) ., is the lack of third party support - because of the lack of graphics power., as most new games now require a higher graphics to play it. End result is limited games on its library.

Seriously I'm starting to think now that maybe buying an obsolete PS Vita would have been better as it is more cheaper and has lots more third party support ., even though its already reached Sony's limited support.

Speaking of gaming devices….

Looks like my gaming laptop is already near it lifespan. Honestly the gaming laptop I have at the moment (HP envy 6) is having multiple hardware failures - and the latest problems now is that the battery has become so unstable enough that it's difficult to play even a simple movie without it suddenly switching off. From my observation., replacing the gaming laptop would be much more easier than sending it to a repair shop.

Plus it's too risky in the Philippines to put gadgets or electronics at any repair center as there is a possibility that electronic would be cannibalized for parts .,

So basically my "HP envy 6" gaming laptop will be finally put to rest on the house permanently. It's already unfit to be carried for travel and even unfit in being maintained for home use. Now having a replacement for my gaming laptop is one of my top priorities for me as soon as I get the opportunity to work again overseas.

Aside from the news on my gaming equipment., lately I had been experimenting a method that might get some of my precious media files back. Method is doesn’t guarantee anything but its worth trying out as options in repairing my 4TB Seagate hard drive back are not going to be available anytime soon and there's a possibility that the whole Hard drive was totally destroyed from the previous ant infestation that occurred a month ago. It’s possible that the whole data inside my 4TB hard drive is totally lost ., and years of collecting media files just went down the drain because of it. 

The method I had in mind involves the previous 2TB hard drive I use and im going to use a recovery program to get all the video files back ., since the 2TB Hard drive was the previous storage medium I use before in bought the 4Tb ., there's a slight possibility that "residue" files are still there and can be recovered (despite the fact that almost all of its contents has been deleted ) using the program.

For now the process is still ongoing and took more than a whole day for it to scan the whole memory of the 2TB hard drive.

I will update the results of my experimental method on my next journal entry.

In other news …

Being trapped in the house for so long has become tedious and stressing for me., tedious in the sense that I have to check , recheck and redesign the equipment's that I had to bring over and over again. The task seems to be endless in refining all the equipment I had to bring, and it’s a looping work . I had to plan and re-plan and do it all over again like NASA does on its astronauts on its space program.

I guess there's no solution on that situation given that being a sailor is a work that heavily bases on what equipment is at the disposal and not on the knowledge a person has.

For the moment (and for months), I had been trying to solve the luggage weight problem. My main goal on solving it is packing as much as equipment I can cram without stressing the 20 Kilogram limit. It's very tricky to do especially I had already selected the equipment I would be bringing along.

I had finally decided to look for work again., I had already been trapped here on my house for quite some time now and things are starting to strain for me. My supplies have been fully exhausted along with the rest of my remaining money., I am now just depending on my sister for financial help and beyond that there is nothing else. So basically one way or the other ., I have to look for work now given on my situation.

For the moment I'm making preparations in finding work and had been washing my clothes for a few days now. Along with that I'm constant checks on my equipment as I usually do - making sure that I'd be prepared when I leave the Philippines again for one more time.