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Monday, July 13, 2020


New rumors are flying again that a crew change (for most filipino crew) will happen somewhere around 2nd of august in Reunion Islands , a French territory island somewhere near Madagascar. "Merk" just gave us the details on what might be a possible crew change ., Of course it’s a "WHAT MIGHT" part - may come true or may not come thru based on the news coming from the office . If this rumor is true then I'd be more than relieved to be getting rid of this principal , GOOD RIDDANCE. !!!

I had been already requesting that I'd be out on this ship as far as back in January and so far nothing is done yet on this and my contract has already went beyond that and going longer than expected because of this COVID pandemic lockdown ., (which in turn left me stranded on this ship). I'd be a dream come thru to be disposing this principal once and for all ., Besides who would want to stay on a company that doesn’t pay crew salaries for the whole 9 months ?? Absolutely no seafarer on their right mind would be willing enough to stay on that kind of treatment .,  Not anyone I know of.

Maybe for now., I just consider this as a rumor and I don’t want to get my hopes up.

In other news .…

As expected "Merk" being fully in charge on deck affairs, has tighten up some work policies. Aside from that being a Filipino with an unpredictable nature., he is also shown us his arrogance and mood swings . There was one instance during the discharge operations that he yelled over the two way radio ,without any reason or warning. It was loud enough to be heard all over the channel 2 frequency and probably any nearby ships who are using that channel. I myself am surprise on that sudden outburst .

Anyway I expected no less , on this kind of behavior when it comes to Filipino ship officers - its predictable that they have a nasty rude manners when it comes to radio conversations . Obviously a toxic and poisonous person in a working environment and anyone caught in the middle of his tantrum will certainly suffer. Another instance of his tantrum , was when someone used a mop on the SOPEP Equipment. He immediately called everyone on the crew to attend his "urgent meeting" and gave everyone a scolding over a trivial matter. Aside from that , he is also seen hovering around like a helicopter and keeping an eye on the deck work area like a jail guard , probably monitoring people.

From what it looks ., "Merk" will be problematic in the long term as a ships official ., but I guess thats another story to be told and a different crew will be a witness to that ., As far as I know "merk's" reign here will be short lived and will only a few months , maybe a two months or three before disembarkation.

After this ships finishes its discharging operations in Rotterdam Netherlands, it will be headed for brazil for a loading operations..  

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Earlier thinking that this will be a long and arduous campaign., Miraculous news has reached me that Pump Man Carnaje will be going home on grounds of medical leave. Based on the rumors I had been hearing , It’s a case of abdominal hernia which will need surgery for him. Making him leave this ship.

I was over joyed to hear the hear the news that such a misfortune happened to him and this threat to me has ended for the foreseeable future . As long as he is out of the way , rest assured that existence here on this ship will be smooth and probably tolerable.

Oh and I do wish that his intestines would drop and get mixed up like a spaghetti thing when he boards a plane home. Good bye and I hope I will not ever get to  see a monster like him again EVER

In any case during the unloading operation in Netherlands , a new A.B. arrived to replace A.B. jun which is now promoted to pump man (replacing Pump man Carnaje). The new A.B. is a Romanian and is about roughly at least 50 plus years old, So basically he's an oldie. From the looks of it he's not that much of a trouble in the work place so I guess he won't be a problem at all.

Aside from the crew movement ., apparently "Merk" will also be promoted to full chief mate after our Russian chief mate "Smolev" will leave as well here on Netherlands (finish contract). For now I don’t think "Merk" will be a big threat or problem on the deck but there are signs that he's not to be taken lightly ., and based as far as I know when it comes to this kind of work , usually filipino chief mates are disagreeable to work with over numerous reasons.

In any case as long as he is out of my way ., I don’t think he will pose a threat or a problem for the long term.

This is currently what i'm feeling right now , after months without being paid a single cent on my onboard salary ., I have no idea why this company hasnt paid me at all . To duke out my frustration and anger., I simply vandalized a ships equipment 

Crew changes and repatriation are allowed (and even encourage in passenger ships) , although since im not in a passenger ship and working an oil tanker ., I am essential stuck and trapped on this boat until further notice . Sometimes i feel jealous over passenger crews because they workers rights are more monitored compared to any cargo ships around 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020