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Sunday, November 22, 2020


Things are looking well for me on my usual routines , and my preparations for my next ship assignment have been ok (at least on the equipment i had to bring ) with a few notable exceptions.


I'm quite worried that some supplies needed wont be bought in time , like for my work clothes and medicines , not to mention some other equipment's that are being "on pending" status yearly because of budget concerns., to add more this includes long term projects.


To be direct the primary cause why I'm having this budget issues is because of my sister. Apparently she has been borrowing  much money from me and this year alone and she's borrowing too much. As in around 80k Php this year alone, which is horrifying on my wallet and budget and , 100 percent straining on my financial capabilities. To make matters worse there is no absolute guarantee that this large amount will be brought back , and I'm only relaying on the part "In good faith" which isn't exactly reliable to begin with . Gambling with 80k to begin with is a very risky and if something goes wrong my whole stay (and vacation here) would be disastrous ., there's a possibility that i might be stuck here for a long time because that


In any case , it is very foolish of me to be even trusting that huge amount in the first place - even on logical reasoning, hopefully i could walk out of this mess again like any other mess i went thru before. If this happens again by next year , I'd definitely protest and will not cooperate. This cannot continue and I don't want anymore wastefulness when it comes to money. 


Since mostly I'm just around the house - i mostly just go thru on the work testing my equipment or in someway improve or refine my equipment. Lately i had been fiddling around with my mac computer , and see how far can this old computer can go after being around for at least ten years., I had been also searching online for replaceable parts of this computer such as batteries ., Fortunately parts on this old mac are not that hard to find and i easily found possible battery replacements in a click of a button


Friday, November 6, 2020


For now my career as a seafarer , is pretty stable and at now its height - Now the big question remains on how long will I be at the height of my career. Surely from my logical thinking the universal law of atrophy applies to all and that it's possible that one day my career as a seafarer will end ., On what date and time will it end is still up to be seen.

For now , like I said I'm pretty much stable on the job position and possibly I could still be around a couple of more years , but then after that will be a big problem for me . Sadly "Ratings" category on being a seafarer has an age limit meaning that the inevitable that I became too old for them (and probably out lived my usefulness) , I will be discarded just like any other seaman that got too old to work., and this is the reason why now I'm writing - what will be my next step after being a seafarer., 

One plan that I had been coming up ( out of the many possible plans ) lately is to start all over on another career. Probably jump to the aeronautical profession ., I have done a preliminary investigation (and more will be done ) on "how to be become an airline pilot" and found out recently that , it's not that difficult to be a pilot compared to being a seafarer in the Philippines. With the rising cost of education and training on seafarer's plus the limited employment opportunities offered where almost more than half of the class will not be employed anytime soon ., a student would start to think that being a airline pilot would be more than pragmatic.

Now being an airline pilot has its own share of problems ., first and foremost (and the biggest blockade) the number one reason why there aren't so many airline (Filipino) pilots to begin with is the cost of the education and training fee which is a staggering 2.6 Million Pesos to somewhere around 4.1 Million ., ( or in between that which depends on the school ) . Definitely the price tag of the training and education is NOT FOR A COMMONAIRE ., any student being educated on this type of programs should have a large pool of money to back up there education . To make it worst , the education in becoming an Airline Pilot is not on installment basis payment ., meaning a student has to pay in full the fee's for training and education. So the student should be prepared to basically drill a huge hole on they're wallets. 

The good side in being an airline pilot, is that basically anybody can be an airline pilot given that he / she completes the training education and licenses., the pre requisites are not that strict (at least on the Philippines) and rules are not that dogmatic., and to top it off , the employment opportunities are not that bleak as compared to being a seafarer.. 

My early inquires on aeronautical schools reveal that airline pilots education and training are in four stages ., two are compulsory and the other two are optional.  First is PPL (private pilot license) which is equivalent like a "student license" in driving a car., Second is CPL ( Commercial Pilot license) which is equivalent to "professional driver's license" ., These two are compulsory and imperative to be taken ., 

The other two license are optional and these are ATPL (airline transport pilot license) , basically I have no information about this yet but I do know it’s a "hardcore" mode of sorts . Flight instructor license , which practically means you're a teacher in a aeronautical school and building up flight hours experience. 

Anyway on my case….. 

Probably I should have started preparing on this project years ago., in fact I should have started on this year's back and possibly a decade back when I was still a rookie seafarer and should have been one of the "Back up" professions incase my career as a seafarer would not materialize (or materialize) or met some disastrous event. Targeting 4.1 Million pesos is a tall order and therefore will take time to accomplish, even my rough current estimates would take me at least half a decade to accomplish ., let alone the time it takes for the implementation of the training.