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Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Within a few months time 2020 will be gone on the calendar  and a brand new year will be going  on the calendar again.


After thinking for some time , I have decided that i will be establishing a YouTube Channel quite similar on format on how the way "Templin Institute" does in delivering videos on their "YouTube" channel. Its not exactly a "Copy" in terms of delivering video's but i would call it more like "Heavily Inspired" on their art style. I even named my Youtube Channel "The Marquina Institute" as paying homage for inspiring me on the art style.


Reasons that i decided to start up a channel is maybe that i could share all the collected knowledge i gathered thru the years to help out (at least) in general people or ordinary folks who would start up working in the maritime., Sharing and giving information on the practical side of things - which i think basically matters most . There's already a ton of videos out there in YouTube about topics in the maritime , both local Philippines and foreign made but i guess none of them created a video that serves more to be practical and useful , Most videos i saw in YouTube are usually viewed on officer's point of view rather than a ratings point of perspective. Which i think is too convoluted to follow and basically nothing really important happens.


For now this has been my interest lately and i have been occupied on the most of the days thinking and planning on what videos id come up next., and video editing. By the way I'm not a professional video editor when it comes to videos and my editing as of the moment is too amateur at the moment ., Currently I'm having problems and issues about the editing software i had at my disposal and had to work with the only limited resources available . oh and I found out lately that professional video editing software cost a fortune and that I'm stuck working with mostly trial and open source video editing programs , although however I'm relived to hear that there are a number (as in a lot) of video editing software's out there in the market and that the only issue i have for the moment is the price on purchasing. Currently I'm still trying to acquire a good video editing software and probably an audio editor as well to create a female voice ., which will probably serve as a "female anchor" ., of course its still an intendent plan and will solely depend on when i will acquire those equipment later on.


So for now here's the introduction video i made using the video editing software

Friday, December 11, 2020


Two months have already went by since i came here from work and it went very fast and now as of yesterday i received an SMS message to my "overlord employer" asking about my readiness in being deployed on work to a ship by January and they also asked the status of my PSCRB certificate.


I havent made a reply yet and i still have to tell them that I'm not considering to back to the "Hartree" principal ., however i will tell them later on and id be direct and frank about it. 


I had already made up my mind a long time ago that i will not sail with that company over issues of unfair treatment and MLC violations ., aside from that i dont want to sail on a company that pays their sailors cheaply. Above the main reason i cant risk encountering my enemies again on that principal - As long as I'm working on that principal , a safety working environment cannot be 100 percent guaranteed



MY REPLY......



I said what i had to say to the company , its up to them on how they will accept or come to it. On the afternoon of my last entry , i said to the crewing manager via sms, if there's a possibility that i could go back to my previous principal. To my astonishment a few hours later he replied that its not possible anymore. Irregardless of the case , i still told him that i will still pursue to change principals...


after that, no reply was given which made me think that i might be in for the worse and immediately i sprang up with the plan that if no solution offers itself via january or february next year , then id be forced to act to abandon OSM altogether, should it be the worse case scenario.


 Now the question is , what will i do if ever i boils on that kind of option. The most likely scenario for me is find another company that doesn't make "age limit" a big deal ., I already come out with two prospects ., PTC and Knutzen ., but of course this is only leads no concrete proof nor assuarance that things will go out fine for me there.


For the moment before i think about that , i have first to fix all the needed agenda's i have to do , and first of it is fix my teeth then followed with the law enforcement clearance and than the renewal of PSCRB . Frankly i could have finished this in less than a month , if it weren't my sister borrowing 80k from me which severly depleted my money. but even that , i still have enough money to at least finish at least the important parts. The crippling blow came when i made a poor choice on my sexcapades which had me spent thousands of pesos without any good results  on a single person. Moral lesson i learned on that is never spent a single cent on a person no matter how much they beg and want something from you , I have to be ruthless next time and make sure that before they demand something , there should be a fair exchange first ., No exchange simply means no money to get (in fact there should be zero money to be involve) . Overall that mistake costed my almost 5k Php which i think personally i very costly and the costliest mistake i made on my sexcapades.


For now Im back again on the drawing board and looking on to it on how to resolve my current situation.


In other news ....


For now I'm still continuing my research about my "Next Evolution" project ., which is basically transitioning from maritime transportation to air transportation ., or to simply put it its the transition from being a seafarer to a commercial airline pilot , or to the least be a flight instructor.


I already got the information i needed to start up and the only limiting factor that i haven't started yet is because of the amount of money it takes to get things started and finish the said course. Thankfully being in the aviation industry is not that hard as it is in the maritime ., and if i played my cards right , its not a slow agonizing soul sucking job.


For now I'm trying to reach Philippine state college of aeronautics and inquire about the cost of their pilot programs (PPL , CPL ,) but unfortunately their contact numbers seems to be unreachable . I'd try to contact them using other mediums or social media to inquire about this. Overall this investigation of mine will probably take years before it actually materializes and the main candidate and cost efficient option i have is to study at the PSCA. After all as what my old friend told me that this is only education and training , There is still no guarantee that employment will come soon after this is complete and probably could take a few more years before any actual employment will  ever took place - If any at all . The fact is that there is still a doubt that after spending tremendous amounts of money , on training and education - there is still a possibility that it will fall to the same mistakes i did in the maritime and that they might go to the same category of falling to the "age limit" loop hole.


From a typical seafarers point of view the cost of training of one aviation pilots is still on the astronomical scale. Averaging from somewhere in the 2 Mil PHP scale - all the way up to as far as 10 Mil PHP. Probably the same cost as going to the medical doctor thing in a short amount of time.