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Monday, June 24, 2013



JUNE 23rd 2013, Sunday

Anchored at Morocco.

Never been on my previous sailing years did I experience the longest anchorage time yet, but here on this product tanker named Cape Tallin. Before several years earlier, my former vessels are always on the "berthing on arrival" status and Anchor watch is a very rare occurrence. Honestly up to now I'm not still used to the long anchorage time here.

So what has been happening on me since my last log on my journal. Well quiet a couple of things, especially on work

On work, I could tell there had been two incidence were I'm furious over the BOSUN. One incident was during lunch were they are talking about A.B. "Patrick" on his recent incursion with the third mate, I was only listening to their conversation and was minding my own business eating my own food. Then all of a sudden I was brought up on the issue and said that I forgot to relay the information, Upon hearing it I just smiled trying to brush off my mistake - then BOSUN AMICAN lashed out at the table and said that this is not matter to laughed at with, one person's mistake is the mistake of the whole group. I frowned and didn't like the words what came out on his mouth and said to myself. "Ok so its my mistake, What's your point ? Got a problem with it ? He's lecturing me on something he himself can't even follow , If I recall correct he left his own men in the airport , leaving me , Homer Mallorca and Ferdinand Penera Stranded on a couple of hours in Houston. I don't need lecture's

In the early morning of the anchor watch, went to A.B. "Patrick's" station and informed him that I'm no longer around hoisting flags as what 3rd mate Corales told me. A.B. Patrick said that It wont be a problem and said that he was of course also going to tell me the same thing. I said to "Patrick" 3rd Mate Corales approached me on the paint room and said about me hoisting Flags is not exactly my job and let A.B. "Patrick" talk care of the business in hoisting it, I replied that it wont be a problem if that would be the case, Either way whether Hoisting flags or not is on my job description doesn't really matter since I'm already used hoisting flags since I was a Deck Cadet - both in Bow Ophelia and Stolt Strength.

Aside from that, I asked A.B. Patrick about the allotment, on how it works out here in Career Shipping. From I was told allotment is not based on the total gross income but solely based on the base pay. In other words the Mom and my younger sister will be sharing the allotment of 445 USD and not the total 905 USD, I asked "Patrick" if this could be corrected , he says that the rate on the allotment could be corrected and said that I have to write a letter to career about it.

In other matters related work, Anchorage time here at morocco is already been dragging on nearly for a week. Not that I care though - but some function that I usually do clean have already been put to a halt because of it, anyway I don't really mind at all not cleaning since detergents have been in short supply lately on this ship - For the moment I stuck using Teepol and Beach, and I do hope I don't get the idea of using this in washing my clothes.

For the moment, My work now is painting all the nooks and cranny of the steam pipes , the small spaces in between those flanges - the hard to reach one's. From what I recall I was busy painting the "1 starboard side" steam pipe till , I was called by BOSUN to paint the whole steam pipe at the "3 Starboard side".

During the most recent anchorage watch I got so heavily dizzy from lack of sleep again , this time the main reason was that I had successfully transferred the movie "Resident Evil : Retribution " from CD to USB digital data and I could now watch this movie on the USB without the CD. Unfortunately this slashed my rest hours and sleep time to zero, after the Anchorage watch I immediately came to my cabin to sleep

Another thing that has been happening onboard (and not related to me at all) is the recent crew change that might be happening here at morocco, From what I heard at the crew mess, The crew change of ratings is postponed while the change of Ship Officer's (like Chief Mate and 2nd Engineer) is on the way. Most of the crew here are becoming frustrated over the said issue that they wont be going home for the moment and have to wait a bit longer, I heard from Pump Man "Nilo" that even if they contact the said DPA person (Designated Person Ashore) the answer that they will get is the part were they signed up on the contract that says Plus and Minus 9 months. In other words he says that they're stuck here until someone from CSM figures out a way to bust them out here.

Another news I heard is about the cash advance, 2nd Mate Olis announced to us on the crew mess while eating lunch that all cash advances are postponed according to him Captain Slabada hinted that the ship doesn't have enough cash to sustain the said payment for crew who will be making cash advances.

Woke up really late from all the fatigue I got from the anchor watch, actually the cause of my fatigue is not exactly the anchor watch at all and I admit I shouldn't have stayed all up late in the evening just to watch the movie "Resident Evil : Retribution" , with resulted me lacking of sleep.

Anchor watch came and went without any problems at all, I visited A.B. "Patrick" and see how he was doing at the forward part of the ship. He says he's fine and had a conversation on how I got recruited here in Career Shipping. It was about nearly 5:50 am when I had to pass to the bridge as it is the only entrance in and out to the accommodation during that time, To my surprise Chief Mate Tetrashvili Gocha gave me a look and looked on to the cell phone (probably to check the time). I just simply went ahead and ignored his look - pretending to be dumb. Anyway from now on to avoid those kind of issues id be ending my anchor watch by exactly 6 am.

It was about close to 11am when I woke up from fatigue, I obviously had no idea on what went on outside the cabin. When I went outside to eat lunch , I had found out from "Homer" that mooring ropes have already been brought out from the BOSUN'S store and soon the after our lunch the mooring ropes from the steering gear will be brought out as well. On what I learned from "Homer" is that berthing will be as soon as either Saturday or as late as Monday. At 1pm me along with "Homer" , "Ronald" and BOSUN brought out the mooring ropes , about 7 in total and we had to use the winches to pull them out since these ropes are stored below in the steering gear room (several meters below). It was tedious on some extent and had to bring along a small water bottle to drink just incase I get thirsty from the heat temperature (apparently the aft part of the ship and Steering gear room is quite a bit hot from the outside temperature).

This ships Chemical room
On the afternoon break, I was puzzled why I was requested by 4th engineer to assist him in cleaning the fresh water tank. Probably I could surmise that he saw pictures of me going inside and cleaning the fresh water tank on my hard drive (He borrowed my external hard drive several years ago). Immediately I went again to the steering gear room to assist him and my role there was simply get the bucket 4th engineer fills and flush it on the small hole just a few meters away from the Fresh water tank. The fresh water tank was filled with or badly stained with rust , everything was colored red and the rust sediments inside was so thick that I might even mistook it as "Mud" . 4th engineer had to mop the area using a chemical called "Environ Clean" ( I think this is the new name for Metal Brite A.K.A phosphoric acid) just to rid all the rust. Obviously the chemical "Environ Clean" is the rust remover around here, One thing that I find strange when 4th engineer was cleaning the said water tank is that I saw him tasted the water (with his lips) that was riddled with the environ clean residue.