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Monday, July 1, 2013



JUNE 26th and 28th 2013,

Morocco, Mohamedia

Position North 33 degrees 47 minutes, East 7 degrees 22.5 minutes

This ship has already been at anchor for more than a week now and finally from what I heard on the news is that the ship will be berthing soon by tomorrow at 1500 HRS (3pm), and of course I'm going to do again the dreaded mooring again, Seriously I don't mind doing the rope type of mooring and I had already mastered it way back in Bow Ophelia, Unfortunately Cable types are a bit heavy on my part and I cannot (or having difficulty) carry it single handedly. Aside from that of all the work here onboard a ship the thing I most dislike at is the mooring operations, I fare well in unmooring and all other things except that.

During the past few days I had been occupied in talking to A.B. "Patrick" during anchor watch, Nothing really significant but based on what I heard from him is that he's having terrible relationship problems. Aside from talking to his personal life, he describes about how the folks inside Cape Tallin have been treating him. He says that not everything I heard about him is correct.

On Tuesday, I had received word that the Pilot will arrived at Wednesday 0530 in the morning and berthing will be followed soon. Supposedly it was scheduled on Tuesday but was cancelled in the morning due to poor visibility related to fog. We immediately made preparations for berthing.

The mooring arrangement from what I heard was 4.2.4 which meant 4 headlines, 2 breast lines, and 4 spring lines and the spring line will be the wires. The spring lines were deployed without any problems and with smooth operation, However after that things made a wrong turn when. The problem started when the captain radioed in and asked what's taking 3rd mate German Corales, The third mate feeling pressured then shouted at us to hurry up and specifically shouted at me numerous times. This of course caused me to be furious as I didn't like being shouted at. I could have shouted back at the third mate but given the circumstance never got the chance to show them that I fight back. Anyway to make the story short, everybody saw me very furious over the shouting incident. BOSUN AMICAN, A.B. "Ronald", Oiler "Donald" , Pump man "Nilo" everyone at the mooring team "forward" saw me and cursing and slamming the equipment . Everyone knew my rage. My body was filled with extra energy from the adrenaline of fury , and I was just only waiting for 3rd mate to make a wrong move , so I have a justification to unleash my fury on him - never really liked people shouting at me.

When I went to the mid ship part of the ship to assist O.S. Hall , everybody saw that my eyes was filled with rage and fury over the incident. At that moment I couldn't feel fatigue or hunger , I could go on a long way without eating. The Moroccan's came in at the gangway in large numbers. From my estimate they arrive in more than 10 on the gangway and most of them carry some sort of bag (even plastic bags), probably meant to carry

I was very furious that I didn't notice that I was talking with A.B. "Patrick" publicly but hell I care, I was burning with rage. After that I realized on my watch that I only barely got an hour of rest then be back again for work, to immediately cool my body off I went with haste to take a shower and afterwards to counter the negative effects of stress from the immediate "Cooling" I took in a cocktail of meds like Centrum Vitamin, 2 tablets of Vitamin C, a Tablet of B complex, a tablet of Vitamin E. a tablet of mefenamic acid and a tablet of amoxicillin antibiotics.

At my duty station which is the gangway I was approached by one of the watchmen on the shore side and said if I like an internet connection, I said I do however I don't have any money yet as this ship hasn't given us yet any salary at all. He said if I got anything to trade at all like spare coverall's , winter Jackets or even safety shoes. Unfortunately I don't have it also as CSM (career ship management) only issues menial supplies to its crew . So anyway it means that I don't get to have an internet connection even if I wanted to and I declined the offer. By the way for the record, I had been here more than a month now and I haven't been supplied yet on any working equipment at all (cotton glove, leather gloves, chemical gloves) and most of the equipment I had been using are salvaged or repaired equipment that was left laying around. Some times I get to think that that CSM does this to the crew intentionally.

After my working shift I finally got to rest and get something decent to eat then slept for only 2 hours, Honestly I can't imagine myself working that straight from 1 am early morning till 11am near noon then going back to 12 noon till 6 pm . On dinner I was approached by Mess man Ferdinand Penera and said if he could borrow my PC so he can use it for internet, I said it wont be a problem. At 9Pm I gave him my PC, then resumed again in making preparations for my work shift which is 12 midnight to 6 in the morning.

On my midnight to morning shift, I was surprised to see that my co-worker on the deck watch wasn't A.B. Homer Mallorca but A.B. Ronald Caldona. Apparently there was a change of work shift when I recalled and for the 12 midnight till 4 am work shift , "Ronald" will be my the one whom I'm going to work along side and the remaining 2 hours of my shift will be A.B. "Patrick" . Quiet honestly I didn't like what "Ronald" said on his comments about what happened during the mooring operation , Hell fuck he's saying that "It was for the better that third mate shouted on me, and it was my own good" he added also that its about time third shouted at me and he couldn't see any initiative on my work" , initiative !??? Well who the fuck he is to say that being shouted at was for my own good ? I don't need lectures and I'm old enough to decide what's best for me - besides what make's him think third mate's bad mouthing is right ? If third mate Corales wants' to teach me a few facts in work - then he can start by not shouting at me, otherwise I would only think that this bastard is taking advantage on his rank by pushing people around - and Its not going happened that I'd be maltreated again ,not now not ever ! and NOT ON MY WATCH ! . Aside from that I'm not even asking for his own opinion about it, problem with "Ronald" is that just because he has a lot more of an experience on work and has a position of an A.B. he thinks he's high and mighty and self righteous . What ever "Ronald" says doesn't change my mind (and the fact) that Third mate Corales has a bitchy attitude, "Ronald" can say what he wants to say - I don't give a fuck about it, As a result on my dislike in "Ronald" I gave him a nasty look and ignored him. On my remaining two hours on my shift I had a chat with "Patrick" and said told him my advice, that on his next ship he should set his mind and be mentally prepared on the rigors of working on a ship.

After my working shift I finally got a chance to get my hands on to the internet and verify a few things, I immediately went to mess man "Ferdinand's" cabin to get my hands on my PC and to log on to face book. I left a message there to anyone who would contact me via email, and at the same time check out if my entries here goes thru my blog. On what I found out my FB status updates aren't going thru on the email , but for the blog thing - I'm sure as hell happy that all my blog entries are being publish.

On 8am I was already finished in checking my online agenda's and decided to give the USB modem to BOSUN AMICAN, I went to my cabin and took a good nap until 11am. The next work duty I had on 12 noon till 6pm, As usual I was with A.B. "Ronald" , me guarding the gangway and him checking the mooring ropes and see if they are all well secured from the swell. BOSUN AMICAN informed me that A.B. "Ronald" will be extending his watch duties as O.S. Hall and A.B. "Patrick" went to the hospital. Apparently O.S. Hall had some sort of stomach trouble while "Patrick" is going to see the dentist to have a tooth extraction. Personally I'm not in the mood to talk to "Ronald" over his comments yesterday and I try to ignore him and stay away as much as possible, At around late 5pm O.S. Hall and A.B. "Patrick" went onboard from the hospital. A few minutes later a small boat came in on the port side of the side to bring provisions , Immediately almost all the crew went to the Port side accommodation area to help out and bring in the provisions needed. It was about 6pm when I came there to help out.

When I woke up on the midnight go back to work , I saw O.S. Hall with A.B. Mallorca opening a few pipes , I approached them and found out it was the marpol cargo line and they were stripping the cargo hold. O.S. Hall said to me that a few hours from now were going to depart from Morocco and head off to Holland so I better secure all the equipment which includes fire extinguishers , fire hoses , SOPEP equipment and put them all in the SOPEP storage room located in starboard side mid ship area . He also informed me also that we now have a new chief mate and 2nd engineer onboard and that Mr. Ards (2nd Engineer) and Mr. Gocha (Chief mate) has disembarked.

During the disconnection of the cargo hose, Pump man "Nilo" ordered me to grab the tiger rope and free it from the rest of the wire. I did untangle the said tiger rope but unfortunately I didn't realize that it was not tied at all and it all went down to the bottom of the sea. Pump Man's face was obviously furious about what happened.

A few minutes later during the departure part Pump Man was again furious at me and even shouted "Hey ! What captain is saying to you on the radio is that if there is still anyone left inside the ship , not the ID's !!! " , As what I said earlier I didn't like the tone of his voice and never like being shouted at but for now I don't have the time to deal with him as am pre occupied on other matters, given the situation that I could not confirm if one watchman logged out , the New Chief Mate immediately ordered to conduct a stowaway search.

To add more to my annoyance not only was Pump man "NILO" was bitchy but , so is A.B. "Ronald" saying that I should have woke up the rest of the crew members in preparation for the departure. Well if I heard from the radio correct it was "Ronald" who was ordered to wake everyone up and I'm a bit busy securing all the equipment , BASTARDS !!! I'm glad these two will be disposed soon when this ship arrives in Rotterdam , Netherlands.

Unmooring operations went along fine and without any problems, it was obvious that I'm still ignoring 3rd Mate, I don't give a fuck about him whether he shout's at me or not.