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Monday, December 8, 2014


As the name of my entry says , I had literary one month to go before my contract gets finish and possibly go back in home. I had already given a though on what will I do back home and most likely I'd be spending a lot of my time (and money) on taking another sets of seminar trainings to replace the soon to be obsolete ones (damn STCW Manila Convention 2010). It’s a shame that I didn't bagged a lot of money on this trip given about my predicament back home, but nevertheless I don’t regret my actions and in fact it was necessary.

Given a thought, I'd be making a few changes on my luggage arrangement specifically on my back pack. I had to make changes given on the rumours I heard going about lost luggage in airports on joining crew and that Career Ship management doesn’t even bother returning or sending it back to the crew on-board the ship.

Basically the changes will be the my back pack luggage will now include 4 pcs of T-Shirt, 4pcs of underwear, 1 pc of shorts, 2 pairs of socks, 1 sewing kit, 2 pcs empty cardboard box cutter case, 1 pc facemask, 1 pcs goggles and 1 set of headlight equipment. Aside from all the electronic equipment , documents and other miscellaneous items. Overall my hand carried luggage on the plane will be a bit heavier.

Main reason I considered why I had to distribute the luggage is in the event of an emergency that my two check-in luggage gets lost on the airport, I can still continue to function normally on work even with the most minimum of supplies.

On other news

On the night of November 13, 2014. 3rd mate Vergel Abalos formally gave the keys of the bond store to me and said that I am now the one to be in charge of the bond store after O.S. Ronnie Macalawa disembarks. He told me the basic rules and the ins and outs of the bond store handling, basic stuff really.

I was feeling lax that I could handle myself in the bond store, Unfortunately a day later things turned out for the worst and I was so confused on which of the two should I take (bond store or promotion) and ended up being an O.S. - O.T. (promotion for short). Honestly I'm not happy on how things turned out and It's my fault that I got myself on this situation and I should have damn turned down that fucking promotion - now I'm scared shitless on the consequences of my mistake, I should have insisted about being on the bond store rather than being an A.B. . Now I had put myself in harm's way and I'm now responsible in driving the ship and doing more work on cargo operations than ever before. I should have been a simple O.S. doing nothing more than guard the gangway - least there my life is simple and carefree, as long as no one escapes my watch on the gangway , I won't have any problems.

Seriously , I could kick myself on why I had to accept that promotion. Now looks like that I'm in very deep trouble. Why oh why this had to happen ?!!! I'm in totally in crisis mode :((

In other matters…

Messman Montoya approached me during lunchtime regarding about giving an early notice to the company about our soon to be finished contract. He said that  we have to give the notice to the company mid-week on November and would request that our relievers arrive at 2nd week of December, The part that I didn’t like about messman montoya's idea  was that we had to omit BOSUN Payopay, which basically means leaving him behind. Honestly I don’t see any good reason why we should leave him behind or even omit his name on the request besides I don’t have any quarrel with the BOSUN to do such a thing. BOSUN Payopay is an ok guy compared to my previous BOSUN in Cape Tallin,( I had observed BOSUN Payopay for Three months and come to the conclusion that he's an ok guy)

Messman Montoya reasoned that it's necessary that he should be omitted given that our Bulgarian captain wants BOSUN Payopay to hang around a little bit longer (at least till January until captain disembarks). In any case I'm not going to stop Messman Montoya about his idea though I admit not agreeing on about leaving BOSUN around - I just find it in some ways disrespectful. If the situation was different and if the BOSUN was the infamous Zacarias Amican , then I'd let Montoya do as what he damn pleases and even be the first one to urge to leave the BOSUN behind - it will definitely be "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF" for sure.