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Monday, December 8, 2014


Gas freeing the entire compartment, SO that workers wont drop dead in the middle of their work

Given that the five new Romanian crew members arrived without any luggage, The whole crew here on-board the ship is left nothing but to provide extra working gear (and clothes) on these new crew members. Immediately a few hour after they arrived we were left scouring for anything useful for them. Coveralls, boots, rain coats etc.

This ship could provide the equipment they want but problem is that previous soviet ship officer always omit ship supply orders in the past and as a result of their haggling no sufficient equipment was provide for the five new crewmembers who will work on the fuel oil tank below. Soviet style of work environment  isn't really that enjoyable given that they never provide (bother to buy) any equipment needed and just leave crew members to "Buy" Their very own gear out of their own pockets.

Anyway despite this affair being an all "Engine department" matter, it turned out to be very different from the original goal and turns out that the crew department got involved (or dumped at) in engine departments problems. Deck department ended up being as a "Support" crew to the Romanian's.

On late night I was doing a relief watch over A.B. Marlon who apparently got badly drunk and run around butt naked at the crew mess during chief cook's birthday (he fell asleep and missed work). During the watch keeping on the bridge , Me and third mate Democrito Eslit was surprised to see the red light flash went on at the mast and wonder what kind of alarm went on. After a few minutes of figuring it out , he went to a conclusion that it was a bilge alarm, We weren't exactly sure on what triggered the alarm but the point there was someone is going to have to go to the fore castle and get inside and see what's going on exactly. First idea was A.B. Marlon but wasn't exactly a good choice since he's still asleep and badly drunk from chief cooks birthday party (same goes as well as other crew members who at that time was still drinking on the crew mess) , Plan B was Me, Bosun Payopay and O.S. Tan would to go in there. Third mate eslit went for plan B and within minutes after waking up BOSUN Payopay and O.S. Tan . The three of us were already geared up to go in the forecastle in the middle of the night and Third Mate gave us a green light to go ahead even if this ship was experiencing rough weather at that time.

We brought with us a small wilden pump and few hoses like air hose and immediately got inside the forecastle, even on rough weather were sea waves were bashing their way on the forward part of the ship. Inside we took a look on the bilge alarm and as expected it was flooded, We hurriedly set up the hoses and pumped away the water after clearing the alarm of water we looked the source on what triggered it. We saw that some pipes on the portside had a few leaks , the pipes was badly corroded that small amounts of waters was gushing out. The only remedy we did for now was closed the anchor wash valve until it gets patched up by epoxy the following morning.

On the next few days Mess man Montoya was a bit tense and agitated, reason ? Well apparently there hasn’t been a clear detail yet on when will we disembark and CSM / Career has met it with silence. We were scheduled to disembark when we get to Rotterdam but apparently there is not flight details yet, and he's starting to get worried about it, me on the other hand is starting to get idea's that there won't be any crew change at all .

On December 5th, It was finally confirmed that there won't be any crew changes at all and that our local company here Career has finally confirmed that won't be anyone replacing me and Mess man montoya when this ship arrives at Rotterdam. The thing that puzzles me and up to now makes my head scratch is why ? Netherlands is certainly the most convenient port in the world and we did everything on the book (and by the book) to notify our respective companies of a crew change way ahead of time. I could only suspect two major reasons why this happened.

First was our beloved Soviet Captain-from-hell Mr. Kolev, I had no evidence to support my accusation but It’s an intuition that he's behind it and suspects he blocks every move we do in getting home. Mess man Montoya suspects this as well, given that this has been cancelled twice, one is in Gibraltar transit and Here in Rotterdam. Gibraltar is questionable and forgivable but in Netherlands, it's pretty obvious that he's behind it (or has something to do with it) assuming that Rotterdam is one of the most convenient ports for sailors in the world, and any crew changes happening there on any company is always carried out. The thing that supports my theory here is the fact that one time Bosun Payopay accidentally mentioned to me about the crew change plan captain kolev has in mind when he himself passed his request for "crew change", He narrates that captain kolev confirmed there is a crew change but it was not scheduled till way out on January 2015 - in other words it meant that any people who plan to go home earlier in December 2014 WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED AT ALL.

So basically this means clearly that Captain Kolev, is not interested at all for any crew to be home before Christmas and new year and will not make any "green light" to any crew who plans to go home. Bastard is probably a very depriving son of a bitch if you ask me, he maybe a captain but makes very poor decisions.

Going on the second assumption is on our Career Ship Management / Columbia Ship Management Part. I had been mentioning almost forever that Career / CSM isn't exactly one of the best companies out there and has serious issues on management - AS IN SERIOUS ISSUES, especially when it comes to crew changes. Though it's not as worst as any Philippine shipping company out there that has a Greek principal , still Soviet principal is terribly bad and no exemptions. As what I had been describing crew changes takes a very long time and always / almost of the time crew here are still working months after their working contract has expired (takes note , months only ! In a Greek principal its YEARS before going back home). So basically It meant for me and Mess man Montoya to be stuck out here in this floating rust bucket in the middle of Europe for another month because of company orders and company contracts.

Going back Career Ship Management has a "provision" sentence on their contracts specifically implying plus and minus a month, and they offer tediously  long contracts. Currently my working contract here on this ship is 6 months which technically meant in reality is seven months. To simply put it Career Ship management has always had problems returning their crew back to the Philippines , crew change is always delayed and never on time. If you're not really planning to stay long working on board a ship try to avoid working for Career Ship Management Company.

In other matters

Recently I'm not exactly feeling well emotionally , just received news from the ships email that the cat I had been caring for a very long time now is very ill. My sister says that "bhut bhut" (also known as batman) has a bloated abdomen and she suspects that my cat has cancer and is dying. I made a reply to my sister to take my cat to the vet and see what's exactly happening,

My sister mentions that she sent a picture of my cat on the email , but apparently there's no Jpeg or any pictures received. I suspect that my emails are being censored by the fucking Bulgarian captain , before pictures normally come thru on the email - now even this simple amenities are being revoked. This fucking Bulgarian captain is one of the worst I've seen so far, and each day he's around here on this ship make's everyday life a hell lot worse than yesterday. What if it was a picture of a family member huh ? This is just only a picture of a family pet and yet censorship is applied on emails - WHAT THE FUCK !!!! There is no other alternate explanation to this other than "censorship" on emails. When Captain Gorge pornitiche was running things around, pictures on emails were normally received. Now totally no pictures are coming thru , plus I even suspect that emails here are being read - no fucking sense of privacy.

The only thing why censorship is allowed is , one if you're in the military and second is that a country is at war. On my situation I'm neither of both, Definitely I'm not a military and I'm working as a civilian maintenance worker here on a civilian ship, working on a civilian company !!! I don’t see any reason why censorship has to be applied at all on emails. I'm terribly outrage on what is happening around and how this fucking soviet Bulgarian captain runs things, I don’t mind on his poor decisions on work, or how repressive his system is but censoring pictures and personal emails coming from my relatives !!! - this is definitely gets personal ! I already lost a beloved pet cat this year , "Niggy" is already dead and a victim of road kill. I simply find it unbearable to lost another dear one on the same year much more on the fact that I'm trapped here and in imprisoned while all the things I value slowly die away.