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Sunday, May 31, 2015


5/11/2015 12:40 PM

Drills, more drills and even more drills. Damn ! Already had enough on this, Fire drill, Oil pollution , Drill, Abandon ship Drill, Man over Board drill , etc. there seems to be no end on this until at least after the U.S. Coast Guard inspections. "God"  Captain Sorin takes no chances at all in any lapses, - I'm not saying that drills aren't necessary,  Its just basically getting tiresome doing the same thing every day. If there is anything good about this drill , its only for the personal information about my what role will I do.

On the first drill, which is a fire drill I made a mistake of not reporting and finding chief mate Alexey Shaley first before preparing the fire hose. On  the second drill, which is an abandon ship drill , I later found out that I was among the four people who will unlash the life boat, (the other three were , BOSUN Diosana, Pumpman Sepulveda and A.B. Ryan Osiang) . Anyway I will later cleared this up after the drill.

On May 08, 2015, in the afternoon there was a video showing after coffee break which basically is a boring one. Soon after another discussion meeting followed and wasn't really interesting, Mostly just threats and more workload for us coming from our " GOD"  Captain. Bastard even cancelled out Saturdays and Sundays work off. Aside from the cancellation of rest days , he also mentioned that if ever this ship gets caught by the coast guard about garbage disposal issue and this ship gets fined , he will deduct the said fine on our salaries . What the hell !!

On work on the bond store, Third mate corales , has told me that I should never sell anything (or dispense) anything without his permission first. Its sort of like an unwritten rule. Anyway as for the bond store handling, I could say that I'm doing basically well. I just had to keep in mind of coordinating stuff frequently to third mate corales and that all items bought by the crew should be well accounted for - not an item more or an item less.

In other news

Lately I found out via gossip on the crew mess that some people here are getting envious about the gear I wore during work . Not that I mind at all but the problem here is that some people here just couldn't keep their mouth shut in bothering people and try as the best they could to "defunct"  the equipment I use, Honestly what could they possibly gain by just saying that my equipment is not suited on this kind of work ? . For their ignorant knowledge the equipment I use in working on the ship doesn’t compromise safety of any kind at all and I had been using (and improving) the designs on those equipment's for years.

Most likely the reason why this people are so intrigued is probably because of jealousy. This jealous pricks have nothing better to do but ruin and crap on other peoples work. This kind of sailors just can't take on the reality that some people are more better equip and had better stuff than them. Surprises me a lot that they have been on this job for decades and yet their brains haven't developed any tools or equipment that would helped them on their work - More mind blowing is that they never focused their brains on improving something (or showing any signs of ingenuity ).

Honestly I can't exactly tell whether which one is more envious over the other on my equipment. 3rd mates corales or captain sorin both exhibit "marker"  behaviors on that , and since I had been around here on this job long enough to observe (and learn) marker behaviors of people , it's not that hard for me to tell and figure out on what goes inside in their minds. In any case I should be careful.

In other news

Lately I heard that coast guards (or some sort of inspectors) conduct also a random cabin to cabin search and check crews computers if anything unusual is stored on it like prohibited type of porn etc. Well bringing porn is ok if a ship is staying in European countries permanently and Europeans don’t mind having all sorts of porn on a sailors computer however  but if a ship is doing trade in the united states then it would be prudent wise for a sailor not to be storing in any kind of porn in their computers whatsoever, it would be difficult to take any chances that authorities will find something out on those files.

If it's totally unavoidable like for example in my case, that I never foresaw that this ship will be going in to United States (this ship is permanently based in Europe but once in a while it goes in the U.S.A.). Then it's best to remove them on the computer and store them on removable data like a secret hard drive or an SD card  then hid it on somewhere where people can't find it. Another thing aside from that is that if a sailor have some of sophisticated file encryption and total file destruction program ( anti- cyber forensic programs) available, then its best to use them afterwards to avoid any sensitive data from being seen. To simply put it , remove all porn from the computer and store it on an SD card or hard drive then, sanitize the computer using anti cyber forensic programs. Most sailors do not know this kind of procedure and probably a lot of them don’t have access to anti cyber forensic programs.

Fortunately on my case I do have these kind of programs and will be moving all my sensitive files and porn on a much safer location then sanitize my computer using those programs. My programs aren't updated yet I think they're sufficient enough to at the very least deter any sensitive data from being uncovered, if in case a random computer search will be conducted. Port authorities may or may not conduct these kind of searches given that this is random. I would like to discuss more on this blog the general specifics and details of how an anti-cyber forensic programs work in general, and even discuss programs that encrypt sensitive files altogether with file recovery programs, however given with the complexity of discussion and terminology - most sailors on this blog will never probably understand what I'm talking about, and even younger generations of sailors will not even fully understood it. But despite this I'm going to share my knowledge for the public and for the sake of the maritime community here in the Philippines and will be also uploading the programs to wipe my hard drive on my public storage (courtesy of Microsoft's One drive cloud storage).

We live on the 21st century and communication and sharing knowledge is now readily available thru the use of social media and public cloud storage - unlike 20 years ago were it wasn’t even thought possible - you just simply relay on bogus tales coming from other veteran sailor and listen to them on "good fate" alone. Now Sailors have now access to internet and communication , and now you see sailors like me maintaining a blog, face book and twitter account to document everything from scratch. 

Hopefully I might finish my work in surveying life in a boat before I retire from this job and I have one hell of a story to tell. I guess that will be my contribution to the maritime community here in the Philippines, AN ACTUAL (and documented) SURVEY OF LIFE ONBOARD AND LIFE AS A SAILOR.

5/12/2015 6:43 AM

After a few days of rough seas, finally the seas is getting much calmer now and much to my relief my sea sickness has subsided for now. Apparently from what I heard from A.B. Ryan Osiang is that this ship will now be stationed here in the America's PERMANENTLY , much to my dismay - it looks like that this will be the situation from that and on after the transatlantic transit and it won't be anytime soon that this ship will be back in Europe at least not until my contract expires.

Anyway in today's work. I'm kept myself pressed on grinding and compressing all the trash from the garbage compartment, and since NSB ships don’t have a "grinding machine"  for plastic related trash - I'm stuck cutting each of it manually using either a pair of scissors or a cardboard box cutter. (good thing my cutters, have sharp blades).

After the no brainer work, O.S. Bantic rang in on my phone and invited me for a drink on his cabin along with Pumpman Sepulveda, A.B. Osiang and Bosun Diosana. Well there's no issue on being social, after all folks here are more friendlier compared to the folks in Cape tallin , So I decided to went ahead. Well folks on

Folks on O.S. bantic's cabin are very nosy when it comes to other people's lives and kept asking about personal details including love life. Obviously I'm not very good at talking and made it a rule to myself to never ever talk about my personal details especially to strangers.