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Sunday, May 31, 2015


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Out of nowhere and without warning , I heard on the ship P.A. system "ALL FORWARD MOORING CREW PLEASE SECURE THE TUGBOAT LINE" . Immediately I went in such a haste from my cabin and dressing up on the locker room that I was the first to arrive on the scene in the forward area to help BOSUN Diosana in securing the tugboat line, most of other people arrived at least 5 minutes later. Never really comfortable to hear announcements on the last minute as what happened , but of course I just had to ride along on the show on the management says despite they have a nasty habit. Mooring schedule was unsurprising and expected, no thanks to the information I got on the crew mess 3 hours earlier.

For the details regarding what happened on the mooring, it was relatively smooth with only a few minor complications dealt with such as insect bites and half an hour unexpected rain. The first complication was preventable if I just only wore my face mask, but unfortunately our dip shit captain said some smart ass rule that nobody on this ship can wear these kind of outfit saying an excuse that’s it's an ISPS matter. The jealous prick is just making that up to hid his jealousy that I had better equipment.  Anyway it’s the reality as a sailor that some people will just say anything about almost anything in order just to prevent some people on doing (or using) good things , an old saying in tagalog " Ingittero, kung ano lang ang masabi na dadahilan para di magamit ng tao yung magandang gamit" . One thing I hate on a person , is the one who  meddles on what gear and equipment I use on work.

Aside from banning the use of face mask, Captain apparently bans also the use of my tools I wore on Port , WHAT THE FUCK !!!! Seriously my patience is starting to becoming really thin on this endless rules and regulations. Problem around here is that the captain always wants to be the center of attention, by the means on stepping on other peoples foot ( and business) pestering them with bogus regulations like he some sort of Mr.-KNOW-IT-ALL , fuck !! For I all know this captain doesn’t know the real shit and deal on the situation !

Lucky for me, I have was to counter this harassing and restricting set of rules, and it’s the simplest of all solutions. Ever wonder why I have sewn extra pockets on my coveralls ? Well it's there for a purpose, not because they look great on appearance but on the fact that’s its primary purpose is to hide my tools - simple solution and yet very effective. Reminds me of an old scientific saying called " auckhums razor"  - The most complex of problems can only b solve on the most simplest of solutions.

Anyway going back, as a result my head area gets bitten off by insects every now and then - and it’s a blessing that it rained and cleared off those insects during mooring, despite being wet at the very least I don’t have to worry about the annoying bites (and a blessing too that there's no malaria or any mosquito borne diseases here in north America , new York area).

For the moment the terminal where this ship is berthed at in new York is pretty boring and is in the middle of an industrial area. Honestly being in the U.S.A. isn't alluring as what is told on television, Internet connection is very slow and limited, can't watch local television (T.V's can't pick up the signal), cant wonder of and go sightseeing or shopping, the port terminal is in dilapidated condition and in some ways look very backward -  for short the place definitely sucks compared to European ports. We can't go ashore and do shopping because of tight and exaggerated security measures by homeland security and port authorities, thinking were either attempting to become illegal aliens or terrorist. Really frustrating that this ship has to do business on a militaristic xenophobic country like America and sailors such as myself are basically stuck and trapped here on this floating tin can, not exactly a warm hospitality as what American television always portrays .

In other matters revolving on this ship.

The replacement crew for the four disembarking personnel here has arrived and probably I'd be seeing new faces soon at work. The replacement crew that arrived are mostly veterans and have been sailors for NSB for some time now and  beyond doubt that they know exactly what to do on their work in NSB. What I can say is that they're friendly and no sign yet of any aggressive behavior, which is a relief. Anyway Filipino crew from NSB principal are more mentally stable compared to Filipino Crew coming from CSM principal , ( probably because of the short six months contract ) , so I guess I won't have any problems getting along with them on my remaining 5 months stay in CONTI Agulhas.

By the way, a few days ago I wrote about Captain Sorin "Cobra"  brags about his newly acquired sim and even taunts Filipino crew that we can't afford a 40 dollar unlimited internet sim service. Now things have made a different turn and turns out that the shipping agents offer was really a rip off ( no such thing as unlimited data usage service) and the outcome was that Captain Sorin was only able to use the internet sim on a very short time eventually just wasting his 40 U.S. dollar internet service. Serves him right !! And now guess what who has the last laugh :D

In other news …

Ship recently passed another vetting inspection with zero deficiencies in new york , apparently from what I heard there is some sort of "bonus pay"  that the crew will receive for their efforts - but for the money to be given away by the NSB managements is questionable on the fact that NSB itself is stiff when it comes to crew amenities and perks , If ever NSB principal will ever give one it is not certain that it will not just end up in the private pockets of the Captain , especially to Mr. Sorin Salvadore Sageta. Either way the crew shouldn't expect much in it and its plausible that the crew will not benefit on such claims and will lead eventually to poor performance and bad motivation.

After clearing off the work in new york , this ship will be heading south to charleston ,  South Carolina within the next day and a half. After that it will be another big guess on what area this ship will be loading cargo.