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Thursday, October 25, 2018


August 15, 2018 Thursday
Enroute to Singapore

72 hours have now passed since my arrival on this ship., and I'm still adjusting life back at the Oil tanker.

For a start , I'm having motion sickness again but not as severe as during my early years as a sailor. Nevertheless its still unpleasant being sea sick again, probably because I got too comfortable on the LNG life were the ship rarely has a "rolling" movement.

Anyway despite the modern and complete equipment in the LNG , I'm still thankful being here in the liquid tanker than a gas tanker, UPL - Shell (My previous employer) . Is still far too brutal and too oppressive for a typical Filipino sailor. There is no force on earth that would make me go back on that god forsaken company.

Liquid tankers may not be as abundant or as well equip as UPL Shell gas tankers , but at least here THERE IS FREEDOM.

For the news on work.

Discharging operation in Perth Australia, went along fine and there is almost little to no problems for me handling my job. ISPS work here (guard duty on the gangway) is a piece of cake., no incidents whatsoever.

As for the discharging ops , I still have a few adjusting on some work here mostly related to piping systems throughout the entire deck area,. I don’t think those piping systems would be problem on me at all , I just need to be well acquainted on were its located.

For the moment , the first impression I had in working in Vanguard is generally positive. But I still have to be on my guard as usually positive things is just a tip of the ice berg and there's a huge possibility that the "dark side" is well hidden. For now I have to be always on guard .