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Friday, October 26, 2018


August 21, 2018 Tuesday
Enroute to Singapore

"Vanguard --> The position of greatest advancement or importance, leading position on any position or field"

"Vanguard" is definitely a Japanese made ship , even at first look I could easily tell. The architectural Japanese concept of minimalism and space conservation is evident amongst the structures of this ship. Almost everything here is miniaturized. Cabins, Laundry rooms, toilets, working spaces even at the bridge etc.

This maybe a cool concept back in land, however if you're a Filipino this concept is not ideal as Filipinos need a much bigger space to move around with. Everything here in view as a Filipino is cramped and not enough leg room. Even the pipings here have a lower vertical clearance which I might think that the Japanese who built this doesn’t have a human height of more than 5 and a half feet tall . For me I'm almost close to 6 feet and every time I had to go over on the other side of the ship (left to right , vice versa) I had to literary crouch down and bend my spine every now and then just to get on the other side. Really punishing for my knees.

Anyway "Vanguard" is the newest ship , I had sailed with so far and from the time writing this, the ship is just barely 2 years old (launched at October 2016). Almost absolutely rare to find rust in the deck area , and if there is rust its almost very small and not noticeable, Practically almost low maintenance. Most of the time the only maintenance job I could think of as of the moment which we had been doing for weeks is mostly painting.

In other news ….

I just found out a few moments ago that every week here has a drill, and same goes also on cabin inspection. So basically I had to deal with this complication for now for the next 8 months till my contract finishes.  Anyhow it's no surprise for me since the senior officers here are "uwak's" , usually when this people are around - they prefer more in meddling other people's business than doing their work and what are they being paid for. They spell and bring trouble for Filipino sailors.

"Uwak's" are so obnoxious that a majority of Filipino sailors population dislike them (I myself included) and these folks keep getting offensive that its even reported that most Filipino crew refuse to join a ship when they find out that ship officers are "Uwak's" . Even on recruitment in companies, some Filipino applicants , turn down job offers when the interviewer tells them that the principal has an "Uwak" presence. (and eventually some companies lie and hid the fact to job applicants that there are "uwak's" in their principals).

( Now I understand clearly why my fellow Filipino co-workers in "Eagle Boston" acted so harshly when they found out that there were "Uwak" officers rather than Myanmar ones. )

In the afternoon we had a drill and for a long time , I haven't worn a fire fighting suit (except on the training center) and not even shell's harsh and punishing policies were enough to make me even wear one. But this time around, I wore it and there is no pressure coming from my co-workers this time, I just did it voluntarily and I'm happy that no one here is saying any bad comments on me donning a fireman's outfit, and I'm glad no one did - if anyone does , then I don’t give a fuck and I'm old and experience enough to handle myself.