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Monday, April 15, 2013


With the help of my sister , I was able to secure the endorsement in BPI bank to open an account there in Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall. Career gave me two endorsement forms one for my sister and one for my mom, As of the moment hopefully by next week I'd be able to finish this allottement issue.
Able also to finally take and finish the "Anti-Piracy" seminar from career at room 307. This seminar isn't that difficult and that it just basically describes what to do in the event of a pirate attack on a commercial ship. They also included information that 21st century pirates don’t come with eye patches and daggers in between their teeth with wooden large ships, nowadays they come on inflatable fast rafts with external motors and a ladder and wield some Ak-47's and a huge rocket propelled grenade  (R.P.G.). The lecture seminars described a safe room in the ship called a "Citadel" (also called a "Panic room" here in the land based) were in the advent of a pirate attack all crew should be gathered there and be locked up from the outside until help arrives.

During break time to take lunch, I made a mistake and overspend an order in the fast food store which eventually resulted in me walking from Cubao to Marikina after the class. Anyway it was my fault but walking from that distance wasn’t really that hard. Though I did suffer another heat fatigue - yet again.

Certificates that i took in career
While walking my way home , Career phoned in on my cell phone and informed me of my apparent scheduled interview in the consulate office in the U.S. Embassy at April 19 , 2013 Friday. The caller also added that I would report back in the office at April 18 Thursday for a brief on the instructions and what to do at the Visa Interview. I was also instructed to go back to the Career on a latter day and report to the "processing" counter to sign up for the contract and see my salary.

All of a sudden , career called back again on my home phone and informed me that the new vessel id be assigned on wasn't going to be "Dale" but instead will be "Cape Tallin" . The difference between the two is that "Cape Tallin" is three times larger than "Dale", but that’s not the worst part - to my dismay I wont be able to join Captain Nicholas Betts in "DALE" and without the him watching my back there's a very huge possibility than I'd be maltreated just like before on my previous ship ( a lesson I learned hard on STOLT Strength). Seriously I have trust issues with strangers and here in the maritime industry it difficult to put my trust  on people. Anyway in spite of the possible difficulty I might encounter ahead, it’s a good thing that I already knew how to deal with it and better come there well prepared with anti-personnel equipment (padlocks etc.)

Anyway for the general information , The specs of "Cape Tallin" that took my notice is this.

Vessel Type: Oil/Chem Tanker (Product Tanker)
Gross Tonnage: 42,010 Tons
Length: 228 Meters
Beam: 32 Meters
Draught: 8.5 Meters

Flag: Marshall Islands
MMSI: 538003422
Callsign: V7QQ9

Following Morning, I went back again at career to finish a few paper works. Notably going to the "Processing" counter and signing up the contract. I do understand the urgency on why I had to sigh up for the contract and that its needed for the Visa, for the moment I could say that the contract I signed up with is more like a dummy contract and I had to yet to signup again if ever I passed the and got the U.S. Visa. From what I saw on the contract that I signed up with , my salary is about 905.75 U.S. Dollars per month and here is the break down slip of my salary according to the processing counter.
The Salary Rate Slip that was given to me

Basic Salary : 445 USD
Overtime pay: 248 lump sum
In Excess 85 hours: 2.91 USD
Leave pay: 163 USD
Seniority Bonus: 5.25 USD
Retirement pay: 44.50 USD

Quite honestly I wasn’t happy when I saw the salary rate that was being offered to me , and that the salary rate was almost the same as a Philippine Flag (POEA) rate for an O.S. which I recall is 900 USD also. However in spite of the cheap salary offer that was being given I did consider signing up because of the "Benefits" of having a U.S. Visa around. Having a Visa gives me an edge as a rating if I do secure one.

Aside from signing up on the "dummy" contract. I took also the time of visiting the medical counter to pass my typhoid fever "yellow card" vaccination along with my Yellow fever "Yellow Card" vaccination. Once I already passed it it means I officially have cleared the medical counter.

Last part was that I had to visit was the TESDA / NAC counter and inform them that I already took the 3 seminars assigned which is VSTC, MST and Anti-piracy . The receptionist told me that there is still two remaining and that I have to see her back again and report back once its finished.

Finished the said task and went home in the afternoon.

During late night I was watching a some sort of talk show program. Wasn't very fond of watching those kind of programs since I was a kid but one part of the talk show caught my attention. A guy named Andrew Alcantara who is now a rising Filipino fashion designer and was a former Sailor (Specifically BSMT) , It caught my attention on the part on how he describes his life back then when he was still a sailor and what lead him to leave and settle for the land based. Based on his testimony the reason why he became a sailor was on the fact that he looked up to his dad as a role model as a sailor and that he was living a comfortable life because of it. When his dad died because of cancer , he took up being a sailor without any further knowledge on what is the general job description of it.

Soon after he finished college, He immediately went to work onboard a ship and much to his surprise he was culturally shocked on what was going on. According to his story there were times, he was being waken up and bed as early as 5 am and being scolded by his superiors saying he was lazy and didn’t do anything. In the end was extremely dissatisfied and left his job - Now feeling burned out , he decided one day to venture out in the land based and see how he fares there. He landed as a fashion designer, On the talk show He was asked why he took up the job as a fashion designer, He simply answered two reasons, One is plain happiness, no matter how high paying the job is , it doesn’t necessary mean that you'd be happy on the job. Second is that he longed for the life of glamour and comfort , Something a life of a Filipino sailor will never be part of.

This is andrew alcantara's facebook page


My personal comment on this story is that indeed working onboard a ship Is full of hardship and sacrifices. And that people there are very primitive and short on good manners especially people who originated "down south" .

In working as a sailor the main concern that a person should pay attention is the people whom you are working alongside and not the job itself.  For the working environment all I could say is that the environment there is somewhat similar to a construction maintenance and the tools and equipment being used is very alike, In fact the equipment used here are a hard hat , coverall's , safety shoes with steel toe, cotton and leather gloves, and ear muffs for ear protection.

Contrary to what is generally perceived by the public. A Sailor will never ever get to wear the summer white uniform - as in ever through the course of their practice in their job ( the only exception is if the sailor worked in a passenger cruise line or Wearing it in a license ceremony). A sailor will only get to wear the gear I mentioned earlier, though its still open to modifications as what I did during my previous ship. Last part I could comment is the lifestyle, being a sailor the life style is very different and that the fashion clothes a person wears is very different , I had already posted it on my previous post on how a sailor dress like.

Typical standard school uniforms of a sailor in the philippines
Uniform Overalls used by a Sailor in actual work place

Actual Modified Coverall Uniforms i used during my previous Deck Cadet Years .this is not in anyway the standard company uniform and I only customized and modified the Uniform to suit my needs on the actual shipboard work

Thursday, April 11, 2013


A peek on inside Career shipping office

Was 10 am when I received a call from my home and at first I thought it was my sister just calling back again and that the she forgot something. When I picked it up it wasn’t my sister but it was some staff at career shipping office informing me on why the hell I haven't filled out the form yet for my U.S. Visa application and ordered me to report back in the office right away.

Well they don’t really have to rush me on that part since I'm going to the Shipping office anyway. During my walk to the jeep station, I received another SMS from career informing me to attend this so called "MST" (another jargon term in the office) training seminar on Wednesday . Ok duly noted and it’s a must that I attend "MST" since I accidentally screwed up on the "Anti-Piracy" seminar and overslept on my house.

At the visa counter booth
One golden rule I learned in career shipping is whenever it comes to reporting is NEVER COME IN EARLY, This has happened to me quite a number of times and I ended up waiting for more than 8 hours in career. So its best I spare myself from all that hardship and result to tactics. In career it wont make any difference if you came in as early as 8am or later than 2pm, the call time will still be the same (somewhere in between 4pm to 5pm).

Anyway going back , At 2pm I immediately proceeded to the Visa counter on career and asked for the form.  "Gilda" told me to fill out this form and afterwards pass it back to her with a 1 piece 1x1 ID picture, after a few minutes I passed the form back to her and the next was that she handed me out a piece of paper and told me to write my employment history there. After completing the said form , "Gilda" told me that id be receiving a notice coming from career shipping and be reporting back for further instructions since U.S. Visa application is by schedule and by personal appearance at the embassy. For extra information the Application form includes some questions like , have you ever visited (or entered) the USA and what dates are they. And countries that you have entered within the past 5 years. Some other questions included have you ever been denied in applying for a US visa before and what was the reason. 

Finished the agenda at 3pm and since there was more than enough time, I stopped by to my second objective in the medical counter and ask for the bank referral form that they will issue.  Unfortunately "Michelle" said that the bank referral forms aren't ready yet and I had to come back some other time, I replied that it wont be a problem and I'm not in a hurry to get it. Finished two objectives on a about an hour and a half and it isn't bad at all compared to waiting the whole day for nothing.

Now here's the big problem ,I took a second look on my wallet and found out that the cash I had is quite less than what I thought and I'd be short on cash on further visits to career. To conserve the remaining money, I decided to walk northward from Evangelista, Makati all the way to Cubao Aurora then head eastward to Marikina. For short walk my way home.I was ill prepared to walk but nevertheless I did accomplish it, Just had to keep in mind that I need at least 2 liters of water at my backpack to prevent dehydration since heat temperature in Metro Manila range somewhere from 36 degrees to 39 Degrees Celsius . Good thing thought that I had also a spare t-shirt on my back pack.

By the time I reached the first part of my walk , (In Cubao, Farmers market) my shirt was soaking wet with sweat all the way to the upper part of my denim pants. I changed clothes just to keep myself dry and got some clean water in the drinking fountain and filled up my water container, afterwards resumed my walk eastward going to marikina. Walking my way there wasn’t a big problem at all and it was already dark, So I don’t have to worry about heat and dehydration. Reached my house after an hour and a half , took a rest for 15 to 30 minutes then took a bath to wash off all the dirt and dust that accumulated on my body and finally took a nap to rest.

One thing I should bear in mind whenever Incase I would be on the long distance walk, is that I should have at least 3 spare t-shirts and 2 liters of water against dehydration and heat, Plus it's ok to have a spare underwear and anti-oxidant meds just incase. But having only a T-shirt and a liter of water is enough for the trek.

Following day I spent recuperating from fatigue and heat stress, Thought I do admit that I don’t have the same endurance as I have back when I was 16 years old, Still I was able to finish the long tedious walk and age hasn't slowed me down a bit. Walking long distances isn't exactly new to me and I had been walking the far reaches of the city since I was 16 years old. The main problem I faced was not the distance walk itself but the heat and dehydration.

The next day, I made preparation incase that if ever I ran short of money and decided to make a trek again , I’d be fully prepared. I had with me on my back pack 3 spare t-shirt , 2 full liters of water and of course a compass and a road map so I wont get lost or at least look for a shorter route. I also drank anti-oxidants and a Centrum tablet to reduce heat exhausting and give me an extra energy boost if incase I would walk.

At around 2pm I checked again if I still have enough coins to avoid trekking again from Makati to Marikina , Fortunately I had enough coins to spare me on the long trek and was enough for a bus ride to Cubao. Walking from Cubao to marikina is the least of my worries.

Anyway after the said seminar I reported back to Captain Ledesma and informing him about my progress , he said everything is going fine and I could attend the upcoming "anti-piracy" seminar again on this Friday. He added also that I would report back by Monday and see if he could squeeze in another seminar for me and that for the moment my schedule is somewhat pinned down by deadlines. Afterwards I took in a bus headed for cubao

In cubao area walking my walk in the direction to Marikina was not a problem at all.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Took advantage of the said holiday break to reinforce my finances and ask for help, four days of waiting is a long time especially if I'm expecting Financial help in order to proceed on my objective's. Good thing that Financial help arrived as scheduled and now I'm back again on my feet to settle some score in the medical clinic and career shipping. This time I'm very eager to solve this situation on a very quick basis.

For now the financial help that arrived is adequate enough to solve my primary problems, though sufficient it is very limited and I should keep in mind that I should use it wisely.

On Tuesday April 02, 2013 was busy as expected and had again hurdle my way towards the medical clinic for two objectives. One is to recover my chest X-ray plate I submitted on the X-ray department and the second objective is find out what happened to the results of my recent medical diagnostics and if there are any troubles, eliminate it as quick as possible. Third objective is go back to career office and take this so called seminar course from 2pm to 5pm called "VSTC" ( hell I don't know what it means ).
Medical bills that blew off 2200 PHP in a poof 
By the time I arrived I immediately went to the registration area and inquired the status of my medical screening. I was entertained by a male receptionist and he gave me the medical form, He said that the only thing that was incomplete was the dental part and that I have to go to that department. I replied "sure thing"

Before I went to their dental clinic , I took a detour on their X-ray department to recover  my chest x-ray plate I left behind previously. Had no problems recovering it and just dropped my name on the desk and they told me to wait a few minutes and presto they gave me the plate.

Finally I went to the dentist and passed my medical form, she said to wait for a few minutes since my purpose is to repair my dental fillings.  After a few minutes or so , my name was called and she told me to sit on the dentist chair . The dental repair I got wasn’t really that hard (or painful) I just a small replacement on the dental filling in my front tooth and that’s about it , A simple "cleaning" and patch up work and viola. Unfortunately the problem with the repair was that the cost of it as too high and it exceed my cost estimate. The bill went up to about 1200 PHP for a dental repair on a single tooth. Anyway the end justifies the means right ?! 1200 PHP is just trivial compared to the overall benefits id gain in the end, I think it’s reasonable enough.

Pet cat seems to be doing fine despite the hot humid temp

After the repair I went to the reception desk again and passed the medical form, I was told that everything is in order and the medical results will be passed on to my respective company ( namely career shipping). It was still early at that time I decided to stop by to another clinic that was also mentioned by the medical booth of career shipping (Jacobs ladder immunization clinic), It was just only a street away from the medical diagnostic clinic and I have the spare time , I went there and got my Typhoid fever vaccine shot. The doctor told me that the cost of the shot was 900 PHP and the vaccine shot on my body is active for three years times. The detour visit only lasted for a short 15 minutes, Still more than enough time for me to do something. Took the Old LRTA Train afterward and dropped off to edsa station and walked my way north just like I did before, when I reached the career vicinity I went immediately to Jollibee fast food store and took a quick lunch and hanged out there for more than an hour or so.

It was 2pm when I went to career office and went to room 309 for the said "VSTC" seminar.  The name of out instructor was Captain Gorge Patagnan , He was a warm and friendly guy . He gave us the whole meaning of "VSTC" which meant vessel security training course, and so brief info about ISPS lecture. The Seminar was simple and was over too quick. After that I immediately went home,

My Closet wardrobe as of 2013

After 2 days , I went back again for this so called "MST" seminar unfortunately our instructor Captain Gorge Patagnan has a badly swollen foot and was unable to attend his class , as a result Captain Ledesma went to our room and informed us that "MST" will be rescheduled by Wednesday and He dismissed that class.

The following day I was unable to attend the "Anti-Piracy" seminar because of a simple case of oversleeping , Woke up 7 am in the morning and an hour before the scheduled seminar. It was the best of my decision that I skip that seminar for next week, Anyway I did try to catch up on paper works by Saturday and manage to accomplish at least the allottement slip and will be on the latter soon opening up a BPI (bank of the Philippines islands) bank account for the remittance money. Speaking of which based on the information, Career can support two allottee per sailor and that remittance money should be no lower than 80 percent of the overall salary. In other words I put my sister and my mom as an allotee on the form and that each of them will get 40 percent of my salary and the remaining 20 percent will be on my pay onboard.

Sample of an BPI ATM card id be using if ever
For now my next move will be reporting back to Captain Galang and informing him that I have already been declared medically fit and await further instructions on how to apply for a US visa, Aside from that I would also be getting the bank refferal form from the medical booth to open up an account in BPI.

In other none relevant news

Temperatures are soaring quite high and for the record the temperature averages around 35 degrees Celsius in noontime and its making life a bit more difficult this summer season. During noontime my travel clothes are always soaking wet with sweat and I'm experiencing "heat stress" ,due to my clothes are not suitable for warm dry weather.

Other news that I would like to make note of it, was that recently there was an issue were some of the clothes that would be washed got apparently lost on the laundry shop, I went to the laundry shop to clear things up and from what I found out, the clothes were just simply not finished yet and that they're still being dried up on the drier. I was told to simply wait another day. Anyway glad the missing clothes issue was sorted out

Despite oversupply of "Ratings" , i could see on career that they do need actual crew and that they are just throwing the bulk of their applicants, (tsk what a waste of man power). Surprisingly they do hire even Ordinary Seaman positions. From the picture i took the requirements is a U.S. Visa. Big question , How many OS here that have an actual working U.S. Visa eh ??? However from what im seeing here O.S. personnel are not required to have one on their bulk ships 

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Waiting my dental check up and lab in the clinic

Career Ship management doesn’t really want to waste time eh ?! , Cant imagine I am now being rushed by career to complete the necessary requirements as soon as possible and that they said according from what I heard on the medical department that I will be deployed soon.  Well I hope not that soon cause I still have a lot of administrative things to do.

Anyway when I arrived , I immediately arrived to the medical booth to check and see what's the deal with the medical slip. I was informed to photocopy a few documents and go back and report to the reporting booth. Went outside since there's no photocopy machine inside career ship management . Photocopied my 1st and 2nd page of my Seaman's book along with the 1st page of my passport and SRC card (Seafarer's Registration Card). After the Photo copy I went and proceeded to the reporting booth and was told to go back in the medical booth.

When I went I gave her my Yellow Fever Card and there I was given the medical slip and a sets of forms namely its called an "allotment" form, which basically tells who's is going to received my salary assuming that I get work  onboard a ship. She said that when passed The medical (If I passed) . I had to pass these forms back along with the  with another Typhoid fever yellow card.  She added also that my Medical Pre employment exam will be on the 27th of march 2013, and the results will be given by April 1st, 2013. I was order to call them back on the number she wrote on my medical slip.
The clinic site 

Immediately after I was finished with the medical , I Immediately sent an SMS to my sister informing her that I might need her help in regards to this since there are some parts in the medical that might have some cost like for example the Typhoid Fever Yellow Card which cost around 900 PHP . Overall my general assumption is that the medical bill might go beyond the 1,000 PHP, That's why I needed my sisters help on it. 

Few minutes ago while writing this part on my journal, I was briefly interrupted by a phone call from my cell phone coming from career. To my dismay on the phone call conversation , I was informed that there is a possible that I might leave the country in a rush basis be deployed by next month (April) in Dale which is the name of the joining port.  They told me to report to the office by tomorrow - right after my medical exam and proceed the visa booth for my endorsement on the Visa application.
Example of a "Yello Card" Vaccine, My Card by the way

 Unfortunately for me I haven't even started yet on the medical exam , and Its not even sure if I would pass the medical, I  told them that I'm still in the medical phase yet. They said that its urgent and I can proceed immediately after the medical. Personally I really hate this all-rush-of-a-sudden- method and it doesn’t work out for me that well , Why the fuck would they rush me ? I hate being rushed like this !. I haven’t even settled yet on the allottement form yet. Really frustrates me on this method, worse nobody in career even bothered to tell me about my deployment date which was April , they just one day said I'm going to be in dale by April. BOOM !! As simple as that. Got already too much things to attend with here and too little available resources and money to attend them all.

I remember an old Chinese proverb incidentally , it says "Rashness brings fortune to some , but misfortune to many" . 

The following day….

Set everything needed on my bad and even bought the extra cash needed for my medical exam at Maritime Medical and Laboratory Clinic, Inc . As usual I woke up early and got dress and took a public jeepney to the train station going to the main manila.

Minor Rain brought a huge puddle in the office
Came in very early n the clinic at about 6.30Am and basically it was still closed at that time, had to wait an hour, before it opens. We lined in a single file and I almost got lost to the "follow up" department instead going to the "new applicants" department. Nearly also got rejected from getting the medical exam because I don’t have any government issued I.D.'s , Good thing I was able to remember that I got an NBI certificate with me which I managed to get by a month ago.

My Medical Form in the clinic 
Alright everybody DropZone is 300 meters , line up single file :D
Went through 5 stages of medical screen in the clinic, First was of course the Laboratory which they had to extract blood from my arm. The med tech wasn't that good in extracting my blood and she had been drawing my blood for more than 3 minutes, It was excruciatingly painful having a needle stuck on my arm.  After that I proceeded to other stages, there was no problem as far I recall on the other stages of the medical examination. Just walked it by like without any problems. For the medical the only problem I could see is the dental which I might require repairing a small hole on the font of my teeth and the Typhoid fever vaccine which I haven't took yet..

So what I can say about Maritime Medical and laboratory clinic ? Well its not that sophisticated as the one I had in Physicians, but I guess this is enough to screen out sailors for their medical. One thing I had about Maritime Medical is their receptionist staff which I find very rude for my taste ( not the nurses of med techs).After finishing the medical ,l received an SMS message from career informing me about reporting back to the office and give my certificates to the NAC TESDA booth on career to have it scanned. Since I decided that I had plenty of time and its just noon. I decided to stop by pay career a little visit, Unfortunately I regretted the decision later on as it brought me more expenses and another set of objectives.

Went to the UN LRTA train station and got a train then dropped off to Edsa station , then afterwards walked northward a kilometer or two , all the way till I reached Evangelista Makati, As usual I stayed in McDonalds for about 30 minutes to cool off from the air con and change my shirt. After that I entered the Career Ship management office

When I arrived I was told to photo copy all my documents yet again (training certificates to be specific) and give the copies to the TESDA NAC booth, after going to the trouble of bring the photo copies. My documents was reviewed and said that three of my certificates have expired already and these are SHIP SECURITY AWARENESS, PADAMS, and INTERNATIONAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT CODE.  Aside from that I was given another 3 sets of minor objectives , apparently the TESDA NAC boot said I should accomplish some sort of CAV certificate from  TESDA office which is unfortunately far off in Taguig area in Manila (farther south). Another object she said was this so called Office seminars which I could accomplish within a few days , there are four and I think I can handle it. The third object is that I had to take 3 computer exams today and pass them, the receptionist on the TESDA NAC Booth said I should go to the fourth floor and see Captain Ledesma.

Medical slip that came from career
After seeing Captain Ledesma which informed me about my upcoming office training seminars, He told me that I should go down to the third floor to take the computer exam. In the room I just gave my 3 index cards given by Captain Ledesma and the staff there assisted me on the room, I took the CES 4.1 computer exam along with another computer exam called MARLINS and the last is Marine English. Funny thing though that my scores in English proficiency exams was 89 percent and based on the breakdown the English reading is perfect 100 percent while my listening skills was 90 percent accuracy. I guess all that call center trainings years ago really paid off. I did pass the CES deck support exam though it was only border limits. I went back to Captain ledesma and said that my next objective will be attended classes on April 2 and 3 and then again on April 5. He said call it a day and be back on the said date.

Cant really imagine that I'd be doing this ever in my life and in career, Imagine I took the whole medical screening enchilada in the morning and walked at noon ,then took a few paper works and even took a computer exam in the afternoon. Career really knows how to push the Filipino potential into limits,  I'm dead tired from the medical and still went to career and not only to finished it but pass the exam.

Finished the objective at about 5:30 and went home and took a bus. Unfortunately traffic got very heavy and it took me two hours to reach cubao area. For now I'd take advantage of the holiday to reassemble the needed finances for my agenda for the whole week. Looks like I'm going to be in a hell of a ride this coming April, Hope that my finances are stable enough to take the punishment.

For now I should not pay attention on this company lecture seminars and such , what I need to stay focus is on how to get the U.S. Visa. That objective is crucial in determining my place and the overall course of this campaign in career and this is the only thing I should care about until I have that Visa stamped to my passport. Should take note that I'm pressured in both time and resources, If I don’t secure this then my adventures in career wont be worth a set of thermal underwear in Kalaw street at high noon. I'd be dead fired from the job and even pay career for the expenses. I don’t want that to happen , and I have to go to it.

Walking my way in marikina riverside , clean fresh air and temp is much cooler than manila

Friday, March 22, 2013


The newly replaced MiniTablet

Feeling so much better now that I got a new Kata Mini tablet. Now I can refit it again on all the data that got lost on my previous Kata Mini Tablet, Anyway the main purpose of this equipment acts as like a "rugged" tablet , for the get go.

Inexpensive and could be used on harsh environment, The specs of this tablet I got isn't much to look at with only android 2.3 as an operating system and the graphics lacks the features compared to tablets that have Android 4.0. However what I do like about this device is that it’s more of cross between a PDA and a "PMP"  (portable media player) and its sheer portability and size which is very small. I get to use this device when I'm simply just browsing for my Face book account and twitter, checking emails, upcoming schedules, things to do and stuff, or watching a favourite movie while on the go. Mostly business related stuff, not the flashy bombastic graphics kind of thing.

Anyway , After suffering from numerous delays of reporting back to career. I am going back again to find some answers , after all my application form on this company is on their desk last November 2012 and up to now is still pending. I need to find some answers and face MR. Ho yet again and see what is the actual status of my job application there. As what I said its doesn't matter if I get accepted or not , just only need to find out if there interested in me , if not then I could look for a job somewhere else and tell Captain Nick Betts that I was turned down.

Already suffered two delays and cant afford to make another one, First delay was when I was already in the career office building when some smart ass friend of mine distracted me on the phone, therefore missing out the queue. Second Delay was due to health reasons where I suffered a muscle spasm in the neck (stiff neck ) a few hours before leaving my home.

Walking from Ayala to Evangelista, Fucking bus drivers
Beautiful fountain underneath the highway
I went on with the same tactics as I did before, I rode the bus doing to Evangelista area in Makati, Unfortunately I never seemed to get it right when it comes to riding buses as I rode the bus going only to Ayala area. In other words the bus dropped me off a kilometer short of my intended area. Honestly I have no idea why bus drivers and conductors avoid or even refuse to drop me off in Evangelista area, It’s a good thing though that there was enough time for me, by the time I reached the McDonalds' fast-food store just besides the career office and still have a spare hour to rest and change my clothes.

2pm went by and Career office was open, I  Passed the queue slip , waited for about an hour or so then my name was called. To my surprise Mr. Ho wasn't around and Captain Nidoy was at the desk of Mr. HO .There were the two other people aside from me on that room. The two others were simply screened out and turned down by Captain Nidoy saying that there not the kind of people career is looking for.

By the time he mentioned my name I was puzzled when he said that career is looking for me, he added that I should follow him to the next room. So I went and he spoke to this person, The person said to Captain Nidoy that he needs my application form and Captain Betts has already sent an email to him informing about this.

My only black shoes, badly worn out .
Personally this person is an enigma to me, He seems to be a much more higher position and that both Captain Nidoy and Mr. Ho are only his subordinates. His persona on my first impression is quite menacing and is somewhat similar to Captain Peralta in Sea cap shipping.

Anyway going back , we went to Mr. Ho's office again and I was instructed by captain Nidoy to get my application form in the piles of papers on the other desk. By the time I got it and presented it to Captain Nidoy, He asked me simple questions about PPE (personal protective equipment) , ISPS , ISM . Few non important things. Then after wards we went back again on this person office and presented my application, Captain Nidoy told me to wait a few minutes until my name will be called. Incidentally when i looked on my profile , to my horror i saw my records there in Sea cap Shipping. Most probably they had a a background check.

While i was waiting , I saw Mr.Ho passed by and he noticed . Somehow his look on me is , quite menacing as if he wants to strangle me to death,You can obviously see in his eyes the looks that he really hates me , Well the feeling is mutual and i don't like him either. 

After a few minutes I was called by this person and was interviewed , he only asked me a couple of question. Basically I didn't  paid any attention to it but the part that caught my ear was something about the U.S. Visa Part and the medical part.

Apparently from what I heard is that its *IMPERATIVE* that I secured a U.S. Visa and that failure to get one will result in me being charged on the said Application fee from the US embassy plus an additional payment for the medical fee and something about a "Contract fee" and the worst part is being permanently kicked out of career since he said that all their principals (ship owners) require their crew to have one (well don’t they all??). It was clear that this person said to me that the risk is very huge, and if I have already made up my mind about it,

Blindly I said "yes" , without even thinking for a second and added that "every situation has its own risk", I know this was a stupid answer and could have wisely said "I'd think about it " but it hit my mind that Captain Betts would look very bad if I said that. The person said "Well if that’s what you want then lets proceed" , He told me extra details about my situation that I have to pass first the medical screening and after that he said that I should come back and see him again and we will discuss about my endorsement to apply for a U.S. Visa. He said that my next step now is to get a pre employment medical slip to the medical booth, wait there till my name got called.

It was already at about 6pm and my name wasn’t called yet, I told the staff that id come back for my medical slip on a latter date since I'm not in a hurry at all.

Took the bus going to cubao at about 6:20pm and then went I reached cubao, I took the jeepney and headed home.

Clothes and style of typical filipino sailors, they usually have the same outfit. stereotypical right ????
Usual clothes worn by typical filipino sailors, not much of a variety when it comes to fashion compared to call center agents 
My outfit in the call center :) big difference right ???

In this video is the actual recording of the what happened , good thing i was wearing a Spy pen camera

Overall i have now two new objectives , One is pass the medical and the second is secure a U.S. Visa. It is IMPERATIVE  that i accomplish this and Failure to do so will result in not only in being kicked out in career but also the whiplash of paying everything that they will sponsor on me


Frankly this isn’t the first time that this situation has happened to me, during my years in Sea Cap this has been also a big issue. The only difference is that a U.S. Visa is involved and that If I screwed up with this , then immediately disaster is next to follow plus the extra worry of being kicked out.

I find it a big burden to be getting a U.S. Visa at all and I don’t see any point why I should get one at all. It's definitely just a waste of money and effort and that I could still work as a sailor without having one. Plus if ever I could get one this could only mean that whenever I would join ship on any U.S. ports , customs will ultimately search my belongings (including files on my computer), looking for any contraband material.

Having a U.S. Visa if more of a curse rather than a gift for me

On the bright side of having a U.S. Visa, Since I'm a "rating" on my current status , it will serve as an Unofficial working license on my behalf and will definitely be easier for me to be able to "jump" from one company to another having one, and to add more companies will think twice refusing my application if I have a U.S. Visa around and it’s a big upgrade from my career and my sailing career will be ultimately stabilized. 

From what Career has described to me , it seems that I don’t have any other choice but to get one. Yeah I'd get one though I'm reluctant to have a U.S. Visa around. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Mr. Ho's office from afar, Boy id love to piss on his office and take a dump on his chair while I'm at it . 
First off NBI was a bit difficult to get by and had to wake up 1am in the morning just to get it. Second Mini quest is getting my Seaman's book renewed on Marina , thankfully I didn’t have to wake up early , just have to wait a week before it got released. Tsk !

Few hours before I would go to Career , I took a recap and checked all the equipment (and stuff) that id had to bring, checked the Polo shirt , charged the Spy Pen Camera and triple checked the documents and such. I even had with me the motion sickness plastic bag in my backpack just incase.

From this angle, Career isn't crowded as it was
Also I had even had a haircut, Unfortunately to my dismay I look way better having a long hair than the standard 3x4 short hair imposed by Career Shipping. Had to deliberately make myself ugly on this hair cut just to get in and avoid attention from psychopath sailors. (Honestly I envy the land based jobs like the call center on this kind of freedom, In there it’s a must that I looked fashionable like a commercial model or something close to it)

By the time I got there my agenda was derailed unexpectedly on unfortunate circumstances and had to come back the next day due to unforeseen personal issues. I was not exactly sure whether or not my name was called in the queue because of the distraction I had on the phone, by the time I knew it, the clock was already close to 6pm.

Favorite Hiding place before going to career , McDonalds
So I went home empty handed yet again, I don’t exactly mind that kind of situation and got used to it in the maritime industry (this happens a lot) .Main Problem is that I get stressed out on the transportation and that Career shipping is far flung from my home, I had to endure the rigors on travelling via bus (which motion sickness ,kicks in) and

Unfortunately just to add more of the stress, buses in EDSA felt like I'm riding world war 2 C-47 planes. They're obviously clunky, vibrate a lot ! and when your "dropping off" on the assigned bus station , passengers literary had to line up - single file and one by one drop off while the bus slows down (TAKE NOTE !!! SLOWS DOWN NOT STOPPING), Probably the fucking bus driver might think were paratroopers from world war 2.

Glass View of Kata repaire center Booth in SM Marikina, I hope they fix my Mini Tab soon 

My MiniTablet going into endlessly reformatting itself over and over again in an endless limbo,

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Another Busy day for MARINA office in releasing SIRB'S

As what was included on the receipt of my order for my seaman's book , I had to go back to marina office and claim it there on March 11th.

As usual I prepared my usual things again for the visit in the old manila, quite frankly I'm always reluctant to go there given that the city is heavily polluted and had quite a number of times ended up going home having allergic fever by just visiting the place. Manila for me is a dusty old smelly city, with a lot of thugs and thieves . I only go there for business reasons - no more, no less. Living in Marikina is way better than manila.

Anyway going back , I'm in not in rush this time to get my Seaman's book. Took the LRTA-2 train going to Recto manila and rode a jeep heading to Kalaw Street in Manila, and got off there. As usual Kalaw Street is still filled with hundreds of unemployed sailors hanging out in that area, doing the same usual stuff they always do.

checking if all the details are correct
Getting the Seaman's book wasn't that hard at all, I just dropped the receipt on the small carton box located in front on the booth and wait a few minutes and My name was called in the queue , afterwards the person on the booth advised me to check all the details if it was correct or not then return it to him afterwards. I took the new Seaman's book along with the green application form and checked every detail if there's something wrong.  Everything checked out fine and I returned it, a few minutes came by and my name is called back again and this time my Seaman's is definitely mine now.

There is some subtle changes on the 2013 Philippine Seaman's Book ,as I noticed it’s a bit shinier and less bulky compared to my previous one. The letter imprints are more sharper and the front cover lettering is a bit larger now. Overall its still looks like a passport with only subtle changes.

The Comparison , left side is the new seaman's book of 2013, middle is the passport and right side is the previous Seaman's book circa 2009

The inside pages of the new Seaman's Book , Left is the previous one (2009) and right side is the New one (2013) 
As viewed the front page is a Bit slimmer and Shinier, left is the new one and right side is the previous one, on the upper left side of the new one you can see the color blue stick , Honestly i think its a chip of some sort like the ones inside the a Philippine passport, the blue sticker has a registration code were you can verify on the online website of marina

Hurriedly went out in MARINA office and went to KALAW street to check a few stuff and see how life is going there, well as usual I found nothing interesting and decided that I should try SM Manila Mall for a change. By the time I got there I didn’t realized that SM Manila was a busy place , more busier than any other SM Malls that I had visited. There were hordes of people going in and out of the area , and its so busy that I could probably drop off the entire volume of SM Marikina folks there and nobody would have ever noticed.

Went to the top most level of the mall and saw three particular things , One is an OFW Center (more like an OFW Café) , a Department of Foreign Affairs Office ( for folks who want to get a Philippine Passport) and a Seafarer's Center (Supposedly backed by "ANGKLA" Political Party) . Obviously the thing that caught my attention was the latter,

Well I was greeted by a receptionist when I came in to take a look and said that there was an ongoing "JOB FAIR" for sailors but when I turned my head around a few inches I saw nothing but a dead place, I told the receptionist that I'm not interested in looking for a job and I'm only here to take a look. The receptionist let me in.

Logo reminds me of a "Cherry Mobile" phone , Funny XD
As I said the place has no life and only less than 30 people are inside of it, I saw a few booths but the it only says that the job openings are only for Ship officers (Licensed Sailor's) and not for ratings. Well I'm not interested in looking for a job as a sailor anyway, and there's nothing much to look at on the place and Kalaw Street is a much livelier place compared to this one.  The only difference is that this so called "Seafarers Center" is much more comfy given it has air conditioning.  Truly though Kalaw is an inferior version of a hangout place , it is still iconic and definitely a place of our own sailors.

I took a few pictures and left the place.

Decided to go home and took the LRTA-2 and rode a public jeepney to my house.

Click this and take a closer look on the job openings on the screen , It definitely says that they ONLY NEED OFFICERS NOT RATINGS, if your rating then don't bother wasting time, effort and you piece of application form
See what i mean ?!!! the place is as dead as a ghost town, be better off in Kalaw street , Though this place is a bit classy and comfortable rather than in Kalaw