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Friday, August 10, 2012


Time flies so fast , and I haven't noticed that it's been 11 months that
I've been marooned (though it took me 4 months after arriving to
actually realize that). Again as what I had been blabbering from time to
time, there is no exact proof or assurance that this so called "Scanmar"
will ever call and sign me up , or it ever going to happen at all.

It's been 7 months and I don't want to give up hope but I have to move
on , It would be more worst hanging on something that will never arrive.

I had drawn up a couple of plans , maybe I should get a job first on the
land base - just to cover the cost of my further agenda's that will be
going in the coming later months. Perhaps I'm thoroughly deciding if
returning to TELETECH company for the third time will be an option,
after all most people who knew me there could have gone (or went away to
another company) . I'd already made up my mind about this and I'm
already proceeding on this as early last week of August to the first
week of September. Hopefully of all goes well , Then I'd be starting to
apply for a Sea based job by December.

Though initially I was aiming on an overseas kind of sea based job ,
this time though it's slated to be a Domestic / Coastwise job. Given
that my scheduled plans will be on December, it will bring me enough
time to buy the necessary supplies and equipment I'd be needing . It
would be the best of my interest that I should be well prepared and well
stocked before venturing , knowing that working in the domestic shipping
is a highly dangerous job.

If all goes well according to my plans drawn up , I could expect an
answer by at least early quarter 2013 or mid 2013 depending on "traffic
employment" on the company I'd be joining at. And by that time my best
estimate's is that I'm fully stock and well prepared.

For now I could tell is that I best enjoy my remaining days free and
doing nothing. By next month I'd be doing a couple of drastic changes.