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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Third day of training, by the start of it we were given our very own password ID logins for our computers so we could access the company Intranet , aside from it we were also given  access on the computer software tools we will be using during our actual work (assuming that if ever we get past beyond training phase).

We were also given explanations on the scope of support of a customer service and the general idea of the parameters that we would do during a call. Some of this that I had found out is that all transfers calls to be made are "Warm Transfers" which meant that I'd have to formally introduce myself to the *other* telephone operator and say the details first before giving him the customer.  Based also on what we were told , we will be using 7 different software tools for the customer service job alone plus a few more software tools as a Technical service rep - In other words our computer screens will be absolutely littered with those Tools while during a call.  Another thing that was discussed was a "Decision tree" which is basically a sums up as decision options made available during a call. In addition from what was told from us , "TalkTalk" account doesn’t have an *Exact* opening script when a conversation begins meaning that I have to think of my very own introduction to introduce myself to the customer

Example's of a script are like this  " Welcome to big pond , my name is <operator name> to assist with your technical inquiry , can I have your telephone number including the area code please ?"

Aside from that , we were also given an actual a hands on demonstration on one of the software tools called "TRIO" , which from what I understood is a software tool that will be used to pull out the account subscription details of a customer.

In other news,

Midway during the training shift. One Account official came in to the room and saw some of us trainees are a bit worn-out and sleepy , Upon seeing this the fat lady immediately transformed and immediately became a quasi- Drill sergeant complete with the shouts and aggressive behavior  even had us do jumping jacks. Frankly I never liked this kind of militaristic behavior, for me people like that are totally crack pots and have serious attitude issues , they should be reminded that this is a call center not a military installation.  

Afterwards a few hours later the HR Staff came in and gave us an orientation about the rules and regulations of this company , Assuming that a trainee gets past training phase.

Its just been the third day of training  and Working relations in TRANSCOM company have been turning sour on my wave mates and some officials of this account. Apparently from what I witness on the training room , The QA (Quality assurance personnel) is a bit arrogant about his job status and even makes threats about firing us or anyone whom he see's falling asleep or shows signs of it. He made that statement and announced it an hour before the training class ends .

Personally I think making threats and intimidating trainee's , is not a good idea on the fact that it is sending a bad image not only to the QA personnel but the management of TRANSCOM also. Chances are  people will think that this  person is arrogant and abusive his job position , (as if he wasn't an agent and trainee several years before ). He's just a QA and yet he acts like some sort of bastard guy with a suit , I think this QA shouldn't give us that kind of lecture ,as if he himself didn’t when through that kind of hurdle before. Doesn’t mean he's QA means also that he's high and mighty

I feel sympathetic on our trainer who feels helpless and couldn't do anything about  these guys who  act high and mighty in the office.

These people will have to clean up their act or else they get a conclusion that TRANSCOM is just another one of those call center companies out here that are very cruel and oppressive on their employees.


Fourth day of training and were taught on how to use the "Soft Phone" software which basically replaces the use of an actual phone, with these it meant that we are just clicking  a few icons in the computer monitor instead of pressing buttons , were taught on which icons to press during an actual call operation.

Aside from the use of the soft phone we were also given an idea of the call structure of how we will do things when we received a call, the general idea of it was what are the usual steps a telephone operator would take when receiving a call. Normal a telephone operator would make an introduction first , then rest follows in.

A few hour later Payroll orientation was discussed in our classroom. According to the payroll staff that discussed the topic , Only Meal allowance and Transportation Allowance was not taxable and THE REST OF THE THINGS I'D BE EARNING IS TAXABLE. Meaning to say they have a cut on everything except the meal and transportation thing.

Aside from the bad news that came to the payroll department , now comes the worse news.

Trainer informed us that after the two week training of Customer service training , we will be immediately proceed in taking in actual calls on our third week and then back again in the class room for the Technical Rep training for the fourth week. I think this jobs keeps getting worse as we go along this training phase, I mean ONLY A WEEK OF TRAINING FOR THE TECH REPRESENTATIVE ? , some companies spend as much time as a month of training for the technical service representative alone and yet this company is giving us only a week of training for their bullshit.


Arrived at TRANSCOM earlier for my usual routine before training. Usually I head off to the showers directly after my arrival to clean myself , It's just a policy I keep to myself that whenever I go to work I should be tidy. Though this is my policy whenever I'm in the call center this is usually contradictory when I'm a sailor and rarely take a bath there.

Anyway after the long shower, I went to the TV lounge area of TRANSCOM to kill some excess time and perhaps watch a movie in HBO channel. The movie that was playing is Titled "Batman Begins" , Shame though that I never got to finish the movie and it was already time for me to go to the training room.

By the time I got to the room , I noticed that some of my Wave mates were still not inside and was just waiting at the front door. Few minutes later our trainer arrived and told us that we won't go into the classroom for an hour and that we had to go to the production floor to see first hand on how customer service agents handle calls.

On the production floor area , I was assigned to one agent , and "barge" (another known term for this is "side by side")  on her call . Mostly the calls she handles is related on the billing inquiries and such , and compared to being a technical service rep which is basically straightforward job, being a customer service rep is more on explanations of a certain kind of inquiry.  Basically customer service rep and technical rep are two different things in the call center , they simply don’t mix and if they do then expect that they wont work well

To make it more worst - most of the call that I'd be handling in the future (assuming that I passed later on product training) is not to be escalated , and I feel more like some sort  of whacked down "Judge Dredd" telephone operator - a Judge , jury and executioner , all pack in one. A "Universal" telephone operator as one might point out.

An hour later after the demo , our trainer told us to go back to the training room.

Usual stuff being in the training room and more lectures , this time though the lecture was more on billing. We were shown an actual telephone bill of  "TalkTalk" on our computer screen showing  the breakdown charges and such. Our trainer gave us a through explanation on what are those billing charges are for. To my dismay , I also found out that our job description also includes handling payments  and not just only answering billing enquiries .

Despite a lot of dismaying job parameters that we discover each day here, My seatmate is somewhat hopeful that everything will work out fine and that somehow , someway, we may perhaps outlast the Product training phase. Well glad to hear someone is still optimistic around, Seriously  I think it’s lucky that someone still has a positive outlook despite this god awful regulations imposed on us by TRANSCOM and that almost all of us here is still upset on the "job weight".

Thank god that after this training , I'd have 2 days of rest for the whole days of Saturday and Sunday ..

In other news

Time really flies  fast and its been a week since I started out and I had already made an expected salary of 4000 PHP. I'm not exactly expecting that I may make it on the production floor at all , given the difficult circumstances I'm dealing at but at least ,it has never bother me not one bit ,it eases my mind that if I stay in for another week and I'd get another 4000 PHP which counts to at least 8000 PHP salary at September 28 payout - After all I'm just here for the money and for as long as I still can hold on , I'd make the most of the "Economic Value" staying in TRANSCOM. Maybe who knows I could get more than 16000 PHP in exchange for a little of my time , But then again 16000 PHP it's fine with me if things don’t work out.


Had an issue with laundry for this day and I had only 2 sets of clothes left, as a result I had to hire some laundry service to do all the washing for me, good for me it only cost at around 150 PHP - Bad in the sense that there's a possibility that some of my clothes will get lost, but I had no other choice and the necessity is great . Hopefully I get to pick up my clothes at the laundry service by Wednesday.

In other matters …

At the start of our training shift , we went again on the production floor area to "barge" in a few calls and hear other call center agents in action. Most of the calls that I heard was related in billing issues. After two hours we went back again to our training room and proceed to the boring lecture.


Out of my surprise , I did not expect to see "E.Chavez" at TRANSCOM Pantry area. Last time I saw "E.CHAVEZ" was way back several years ago (I think 4 to 5 years ago) at ICT Call Centre, At that time I was looking for a job at ICT while "E.CHAVEZ" was resigning from the job. A funny twist of fate that our paths crossed again after several years and this time it is in TRANSCOM company. Based on what I saw "E.CHAVEZ" is already in the production area and taking in calls on the fact that one of the T.L'S   (Short term for "TEAM LEADER" or "TEAM MANAGER" in the call center) approached and told that "after break time immediately switch to AUX 3" , probably I could surmise that "E.CHAVEZ" is existing for more than a month because of that.

One of my co-worker's were offended when "Mico" drew "N.Estrada" (Our trainer) in the glass board, well not that they mind at all about the drawing - but the problem is that "Mico" made a drawing of our trainer NAKED and said after drawing it , that "It's been a while since I (Mico) draw a naked caricature of a man" . Though "Gwen" was terribly offended , she could just laugh on how the way Mico draws our trainer naked and just said that "Mico" is one horny little girl. After the drawing was complete , it only brought more laughter from my other co-worker's.

Some of my co-workers find "Mico" to be one bizarre girl, One example is that she tells a lot of joke's that has a sexual tone and even made claims that she has an "imaginary love live with an imaginary lover , which she uses her fingers to express it " . All of us could just laugh on her claims saying that she is just one bonafide horny girl, I think she is just plainly liberated and doesn't really care what goes inside in *between her legs*

In other matters

There's a rumor spreading that maybe "TalkTalk" account would be transferred later on in Edsa site and that currently we are just finishing the product training phase before being put there, of course these is just a rumor said by our trainer inside and there is still no confirmation yet. I think there's a possibility that it might happen given the fact that the TRANSCOM Edsa site is still not yet fully operational and is still under construction, and that only Samsung Australia is the only one residing in that site - hinting that maybe some other accounts will be occupying it when the rest of the floors on that building.

Anyway it doesn’t matter if this account will be transferred or not , and before we get ahead of ourselves we should first figure out on how to live past product training phase ( since this is the part were people still get fired even though they have already signed a job contract)  ,after that they could think whatever they want and what they please .


                                                   (INSIDE TRAINING ROOM)

                                                       (LOCKER ROOM)

                                                         (TRANSCOM PHARMACY)

                                                    (COMPUTER /INTERNET STATIONS)

                                                              (TV LOUNGE AREA)

                                                                      ( CR ROOMS)