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Friday, March 1, 2013


Things have been awfully quiet these past few days, Perhaps awfully quiet . In anyway I kept myself busy on catching up on a few things that I haven't attend to a long while, Mostly I just watched the shows that I haven't seen with for quite a while like Spartacus Season 3 and Walking Dead TV series just to kill time, I even read a few articles in Encarta encyclopedia for entertainment . To be honest I miss the situation where I just sit on the couch and watch the DVD or just sitting around and reading something, I had been so preoccupied that I never stopped by and "Smelled the Roses", guess I had a lot of time now

2:45 Am…..the following day
Ahh the morning in the lane

God ! I hate waking up early on the morning , but I had no choice - I had to haul off my ass and get it right. Honestly I don’t see the point why I had to wake up early in the morning just to get a queue number for the NBI clearance, in fact I find it ridiculous to be waking up in this hour and then walking all the way to the Robinsons Mall just for it when the actual opening time is still way up 8am in the morning. I abhor the recent quota system that NBI implemented this past few years. I think its unfair that they only serve up to only 1000 applicants a day, Its pathetic…. ,

Used to remember a few years ago that getting an NBI clearance certificate was easy - as in way easy. I remember the time where I had to go that so called satellite office at 4:45pm and still get the NBI certificate with 8 minutes to spare, Enough time to take a piss and even eat a small snack before the clock hits 5pm. Now every thing is god awful in NBI and they provide shitty service , It’s a good thing that us Filipino's have a good deal of patience towards this or else they would have razed NBI to the  ground. Unfortunately kindness and patience of "Us" Filipinos are always taken advantage of - even to us fellow Filipino's, and in this case "Kindness and patience" is being combined with abuse.

See what i mean ?? this one is using the guitar
 Surprisingly this so called "Quota" system of NBI has been going on for years now and nobody hasn’t even complained yet on this system, I'm wondering why someone hasn’t complained about this yet.

Going back on my situation ,I need to get an NBI clearance first before actually proceeding  to renew my Seaman's Book and unfortunately I had to ride along NBI's poor service just to get one.

By 3am I already arrived at the said site , not a bad time to start with since there only a few guys yet , to be specific I was about the 41st person to arrive on the line.

Waiting for me I guess was the hardest part , I had to wait for another a 4 hours on the overpass and another 3 hours inside the parking area of Robinsons East Metro Mall. It’s a good thing that I had with me my mini tablet and that I had already installed a Game Boy Advance emulator with it and I didn’t get bored over the next 4 hours. The game I played was Pokemon Fire Red Version on my mini Tablet. Some other folks had a guitar with them and sang just to kill time.

Its was about around 7am when some guard called us to line up outside the parking area of the said mall , There we waited another hour sitting on the bench until the guards would let us in. There was also a brief commotion when two ladies suddenly appeared to and squeeze in on the long lane , one guy to my right was annoyed and even complained to the guards about this, unfortunately it just fell on deaf ears. He even shouted "hey ladies back of the line please , there's a lot of people waiting here !! " . Unfortunately The ladies also ignored him. The guy has point anyway and I think its unfair for us here that we have waited for nearly 5 hours now and those cocksucking ladies just barge in out of nowhere and gets right in front of the lane.  Hmmm …. Fellow Filipino's have no sense of courtesy or fairness to each other alright, always trying to get advantage to their Filipino countrymen.
My NBI ticket number

After an hour the guards told us to go upstairs and go to the 4th floor of the building , nearly go lost on that part and couldn’t tell on which floor I was , good thing some of the people behind me pointed to the right direction.  In the parking lot there we waited for another hour , the wait was tremendously boring and I fell asleep on the wait, By the time I woke up the security guard was giving out a queue tickets and I got number 43 on the ticket. I looked on my watch and it was already about 10:15 am.

Immediately we went inside and was given an NBI application form to fill out , a few minutes later I finally got my NBI clearance. Hmm the NBI satellite office has a weird kind of sense of humor and they had to put a person on wait for more than 7 hours on a simple task of just getting it with only less than 15 minutes, yeah right !!! - all that trouble for a paper which I can get for about 15 minutes only.