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Thursday, July 2, 2015


June 28th 2015

Ship has a new captain before it transited to panama canal, some say that this so called "romanyov guy" is a much better compared than this "Sorin" guy , others say he's equally ruthless and that this ship is in no better environment with him around. Specifically electrician felix rodriguez and a few other say we should be careful with this new captain and that as much as possible try to avoid greeting him with a smile on our face and try the serious look.

Anyway it won't make any difference anyhow - after all I'm just now on my third month here and another three months more and I'd be going home back in the Philippines.

By Saturday, I was surprise that the work put on us by chief mate was "mopping" . I mean mopping on a product tanker ? (mopping means taking the water out of the cargo hold), typical this work is done on a chemical tanker and I haven't heard of such a thing being done in a product tanker, but irregardless work is work.  The work on Saturday had us going back and forth on each cargo tank and we were doing work even until midnight - worst part of it , were not being paid here on the overtime work or extra efforts. I mean not on career nor NSB principal. They say it's only a normal cargo operation.  Going back apparently from what I heard this ship is going to Venezuela (yet again) to load some jet fuel and specifically this cargo is very sensitive and the charterer doesn’t want any water mixed in on the cargo.

On Sunday June 28 this ship left at the panama anchorage after almost a week and headed off on the next destination


In other news…

As soon as we left the anchorage, we received note from CSM, saying about that 25th of June is apparently "seafarers day" and says that up to now there is still a shortage of qualified sailors worldwide and that they are employing 150 new cadets this year.

The bottom line of the note says "everybody has to learn - everybody has to train"  and the stuff that says to congratulate us on our lovely hard work onboard their manage fleet.,

End of note.

Never really mind on what the note says , but upon reading it I cannot help but feel resentful on the situation on the maritime community of the Philippines for numerous reasons. Honestly the note is just full of plain old crap, and certainly hiring 150 cadets this year is not going to help the tens of thousands of stranded maritime students , trapped with little resources and no hope of employment. What good will it bring and certainly the 150 slots for new cadets will apparently fall and be monopolized by few elite people who have high associations - definitely not basically for the good of a common aspiring college student .

The funny thing about the maritime community here is that they always kept jabbering on the need of ship officers, and at the same time ridicule aspiring college student sailors. They never realized the value and importance of these college students that before you become a ship officer - you have to be a rating and deck cadet first. I'm not going to enumerate anymore the reasons why a person should avoid being a sailor - and frankly I'm already getting sick and tired of convincing people (and kids) to avoid this job like the plague, and in some way it breaks my heart seeing kids being deceived by propaganda and latter finding out years after that all the hard work wanting to be sailor was just a scam.

Maritime community in the Philippines begs for attention and respect, and yet they only get a lot of ridicule from the public because of their questionable conduct. They demand sailors, and yet they scorn and literary threw out college students (deck cadets) out of their shipping offices (talk about rude!!!) . The maritime community got what it should deserve - a lot of disrespects from the public.

My advice to the newly graduated high school students and current maritime college students ? Take my word ! Don’t let yourself be fooled by honey coated words and false propaganda, that of a life of a sailor is glorious and lucrative - you're better than that ! Avoid this college course and if you're already enrolled , try to shift as much as possible.