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Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 Continuing on the work i left off on my last entry on this journal, I have already finishing updating some software apps on my Dell gaming computer and have already added a few games from the steam library.  So basically the only left work for me there is to do a few minor cosmetic clean up the dell laptop and it will be packed back to my luggage. 

(Due to budget constrictions ., I can only produce 2 MGP units , ("mobile gadgets platform") out of three intended for my electronic equipment. )

Another thing I had to update is my Nintendo Switch gaming console ., I added a couple more games that Nintendo offers for free . Unfortunately for me expanding my library games on Nintendo switch is limited due to two reasons , One is the cost of each Nintendo games purchased is expensive and can only buy a few games once in a while, Second reason is the limited memory I have on my gaming console which up to now I'm still having problems buying a bigger SD cards due to availability. Probably updating my Nintendo Switch will be finished sometime today.  

And another thing I had been up to, is to reuse again my old HP gaming laptop which I bought way back 2013. Strangely to my surprise this old laptop functions well for its age and still performs good. Although I still haven't tested this old computer yet for playing games on steam and if it still can perform like an old gaming laptop years back. I remember I stopped using this computer years back when its power systems started to fail for some reason and upon further checking I found out that the root of the problem was the battery , and to complicate the problem further is that this HP's computer battery was internal and not external . Meaning it cannot be removed without opening the casing of this computer and taking a look inside. I stopped using this computer sometime in 2016 and it was "on the box" for some years up until now when I finally figured out on how to remove the internal battery of the computer (or got an idea on how to exactly remove it). As soon the battery was removed ., I factory reset the computer back to its  windows 8 operating system state and started working there . 

Another thing that I had updated recently , is this journal and for the first time ever I might be entirely relaying on a cloud service (courtesy of Microsoft Onedrive ) to integrate and centralize my entries on this blog. Basically all my notes on all my devices ., no central or main hard drives to work with , just some storage up in the internet . Therefore , my entries here will be similar to all my numerous devices as long as it is connected and on sync in a Microsoft user account . All my notes and entries will be the same regardless of what kind of platform or device I will be using.  

Of course having an offline journal doesn’t mean its going to be obsolete , I'm still keeping an offline journal on my hard drives as a redundant form of journaling incase being online and sync  will be limited (as such on my case being a seafarer were internet connection would be scarce) . 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

MGP Project

In a couple of past few days i was busy on a lot of things ., mostly stuff related to my work . I'm not exactly on work right now but I'm mostly developing equipment that might be of use on my next ship assigned , which includes both software and hardware type of equipment.


One such project i had been working out is a "Mobile Gadgets Platform" ., which is more like a fancy name for a foldable laptop desk. Basically my idea is more like having my electronic gadgets be put up on a small portable (and foldable) desk for a laptop. Anyway for now i cant really give much detail about this since its in the "prototype" phase and will have to do some more refining and test . Its final trial (if this project ever makes it) will be the actual usage when i'm working onboard on a ship.


another thing i had been working on is upgrading of the vintage MacBook i got on an online buy and sell site. The MacBook i bought is apparently vintage and obsolete now in todays MacBook's standards and yet surprisingly it still works fine (software wise) despite being around for at least over a decade. I tried to upgrade this Mac on the software and at least put it on the nearest usable operating system it has to offer. "El Capitan" Operating System is the nearest i could upgrade without hacking the system ., I'm worried that if i hacked on the system and upgraded it to the latest O.S. (High Sierra or Catalina) , there would be some functions on its hardware that would be unusable like for example its "trackpad" or the "WIFI device". Apparently this was mentioned by the hacker i saw on YouTube when he showed it in his channel. He explained that it has something to do with the hardware and that Mac's have problems when it comes to backward compatibility issue when it comes to hardware unlike Microsoft windows.


In any case i didn't bother to upgrade the mac any further than "El Capitan" ., I figured that its too much of a hassle (and risk) in sacrificing a trackpad or the WIFI device - it will be better off when i buy a much more better Mac next year and that i only bought a MacBook for the reasons of being familiar with the in's and out of using apple software.  Speaking of software upgrades ., I did purchase an app in the apps store in Mac unfortunately when the time came to "activate" the app ., it simply ceased to function and a pop message keeps coming up telling me to "purchase" the app. hmpf ., i have already purchased the app and the only thing I'm wondering is why this app hasn't been activated yet ??? i already wrote a number of emails on the developer of the app and i didn't get a single reply. Really serves me a lesson on not to trust apps and hand out my credit card details because of this ., totally a waste of money.


In other news ...


I'm also into upgrading a few software's on my regular windows 10 device ., one of these upgrades that i had been doing is also expanding my steam games library by purchasing a few new games ., Thankfully steam platform always offers discounted games or promo sales which make buying of video games a lot less costly. Aside from that I had also upgrades some few games on my Nintendo switch , although to be frank games in Nintendo switch are expensive which results of me buying a few games on that console.


In other news ....


Aside from my task of a ton of upgrades and maintenance work on my electronic equipment ., I have also unpacked the stuff i have ordered from shopee online store months ago when i was still onboard. Materials and equipment related specifically for my work as a seafarer involved in maintenance. I unpacked a lot of equipment just stored on my closet,  There's a ton of set of tools i bought and even a whole gas mask set (3m 6800 gas mask) for use in work especially nowadays when there's a pandemic around which probably will last a year or two. I also included  to upgrade my the med kit i have and bought a whole new set for replacement.  

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


A lot has gone by this few months that passed by , and id have to write a separate journal entry on that …  but before I wrote that , I should be writing up first on my most recent progress now that I'm back in the Philippines


First off , as soon as I arrived on my house , I immediately came to work on my luggage and replaced equipment that is already deemed obsolete or unnecessary. I replaced some major equipment and checked everything . Fortunately enough for me , I had already prepared the equipment I would be needing for my later work which I had already ordered those equipment in advance and bought them online while I was still onboard . It didn’t took me long to unpack all the stuff I ordered online.


Within days , My luggage was ready and the all of the equipment I will be needing for the next ship assignment was in place. Probably on the next ship assignment., I'd be more equip and ready than ever before.


Aside from the preparations I had made .. I was also into upgrading and purchasing the recent Mac computer I just bought, ( Its not brand new and I think I wont be buying any brand new mac computers at all) . Basically the Mac computer I bought is around somewhere on the 2009 model ., so hardware wise , its already on the "obsolete" spectrum. Despite of this the mac I bought is not totally a useless junk and believe it or not ., the software inside (and probably hardware as well ) was still intact and in good shape. I spent days in upgrading its software capabilities and testing also its hardware , just to ensure that it can still do "offline" apps the way its supposed to do .


So far this mac computer would probably end up being my  "work" computer , since mac computers are more suitable in doing Office apps, Social media,  and light computing task than heavy duty work like based on reviews I just read online , Mac's are not by designed for gaming in the first place. So I guess I would be retiring my Acer tablet computer soon., (assuming that this mac trail will succeed)


I guess that’s it for now and will later update this journal about my progress in the days to come. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020


took in a couple of months break from writing anything .... hopefully id be back again and resume my updates on this blog ., For now i'm still busy doing some hardware upgrades and doing my best to migrate the old files i have to a new company ...

I'd be in touch as soon as i have finished on this work