First day
of 2014 was very much quiet, and i took that opportunity to repair and do
maintenance work of my equipment (my personal working equipment). After all i
needed a good rest since Saturdays and Sundays have already been cancelled off
no thanks to our beloved captain. I think there won't be any Saturdays and
Sundays off until the captain gets replaced on the "dry docks" and
even so the superintendents are there so expect that there wont be any weekends
for a long time and probably until i disembark. For now the only remedy is to
adjust on this harsh policy. Good thing
for me that i just have roughly a month and a half or two months before I
disembark on this ship.
Since it
was Wednesday and a holiday , almost everyone has free time. As a past time
some of us played "Far Cry 2" video game on the multiplayer, there
were seven of us playing the game at the same time. Byron, O.S. Del Monte ,
Mess man Ferdinand , Chief Cook Olan, me
, Fitter Sano and fourth engineer Lamsen. Everything was going fine - that
until 4th engineer lamsen screwed up and showed his sore Loser attitude. Mr
"anger management" evidently is going bonkers again during the play
session and keeps cursing us and taking the game too personally (and
seriously). For him , he wants to be always want to be a top scorer even though
he's skills do not say so. Totally an arrogant sassy bastard.
halfway on the game. Byron got motion sickness from the playing and had to quit
early (or maybe got fed up when 4th Engineer Lamsen said an offensive word
saying "Fuck you" ). Us on the other hand remained, and for me in
particular remained for the sake of not having a bad "Public
Relations" . As the game session progress , 4th engineer became even more
aggressive in his attitude towards us, apparently he's losing on the game and
he hates that the most. He got so fed up that he made a "dirty
finger" hand sign on me right in front of my computer screen when i
apparently shot him in the back in the video game.
the other people on the room went on an uproar on my defense, fitter sano
obviously didn't like on what he say, same goes to chief cook and messman
ferdinand as well. O.S. Del Monte uttered a word saying "Ei 4th don't take
it too personally, its just a game !".
January 02, 2013 Thursday
So much for
the holiday break and back again to the reality, We heaved anchor at around 5am
and went channelling somewhere in turkey. The pilot didn't stayed that long -
just only a few hours and then he disembarked at around late in the morning.
piloting , I was off shovelling crude oil sludge from the slop tank starboard
together with A.B. Bryan and A.B. Homer. Didn't have any problems going in and
round corners teetering with sludge as i was wearing a rain coat. ( Rain coats
can in some ways be an improved chemical suit. Believe me from experience),
sludge didn't went thru to my coveralls thanks to it. Actually I just found out on the latter the
usefulness of a raincoat no thanks to A.B. Jay, he gave me somewhat an idea and
upon seeing him going down the cargo tank and using the rain coat pants.
before going down on the cargo tank and donning the "improvised"
chemical suit, BOSUN Amican saw me wearing it and said a criticise remark that
"I wont be able to move properly wearing that thing on" . Didn't paid
any attention to it as it's very obvious that he's just jealous over it. Next
few hours i saw him wearing a rain coat as well hmmm sassy bastard !!!