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Friday, January 10, 2014


January 03, 2013 Friday

Moment finally came that this ship had to transit it's way on from turkey Istanbul to Varna Bulgaria. As usual we heaved up anchor early in the morning and waited for the pilot to board the vessel . It was a very short transit lasting only for at least 3 hours and then the pilot disembarked, As for me my work on the whole day was only securing a couple of stuff , mostly stuff inside the deck store locker on the port side.

This is the pictures i took during our transit,

This is me overlooking on the nearby city

a few small boats passing thru

A lot of people might think that being a sailor is a very cool job and that i do get to see places where no typical filipino might ever even see for a life time, But i do remember that i only get to "See it" not touch it or step on this foreign soil and live on it.  Indeed this is a good and wonderful place however being there and living there are two different things. Most tales from the previous sailors i heard when i was a kid couldn't differentiate the story they told about ""being there" from " Seeing it"