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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Apparently from what i heard, This ship is going to be in Lebanon for a little while longer. There are rumours circulating onboard that this ship might go berth here on two different places. Obvious the first one is Zouk, lebanon and the other is still undetermined yet, the first discharge from what i heard on the rumour will be just discharging the first four cargo tanks , then go at anchorage again then go berth to a nearby buoy like the first one and discharge the remaining cargo. After Lebanon , this ship might be probably be heading off to Piraeus, Greece to do some Tank cleaning scenario (and might as well clean the remaining ballast tanks) after that i guess its headed for the dry docks then that big plane home - Of course this is just the rumours circulating around here and these so called plans are subjected to change at moments notice, no concrete plans at all.

For work.....

Currently the deck crew are doing deck maintenance as usual, Chipping off rust with a jet chisel then brushing it with a pneumatic steel brush before painting it with a primer epoxy paint coat first , etc.

O.S. Del Monte operates the jet chisel and chips off rust while the other AB's paints them. As for me , I'm currently hanging out with pump man liscano about some work regarding the Non-return Valves on the manifold area common line. What we had to do was basically pull them out , check and see if there's anything wrong with them , makes some repairs like replacing their rubber (or plastic) gaskets and put them back on. Simple and straight forward, yet it took us two whole days to accomplish, it took me and pump man a whole lot of time to remove all those nuts and bolts which unfortunately had already been badly corroded and fused to the metals near it.

In other news not related to work....

As of the moment (while writing this) 4th engineer Nino Lamsen, refused to join us in playing Far Cry 2 on the PC for suspicion that he chief cook was using a cheat code while in a Multiplayer LAN game, As of the moment he is still in "protest" over it. Apparently 4th engineers accusations are seriously bogus and absurd , and just hates other people winning on this first person shooter game.

This all started when Mess man Ferdinand keeps making joke comments about Chief Cook pressing some buttons, unfortunately 4th engineer started having idea's about it and that's when it all started

He says a lot of unnecessary things whenever he gets killed in the game, He says "how that happened???", "How come you didn't die yet ? I shot you in point blank range ??? " etc .  Bottom line , he has issues accepting the fact that there are other video game players out there that play better than him - 4th engineer is more serious in winning rather than having fun in playing video games. Speaking of which, there was also one incident were he was so furious in always losing (being shot , killed, burned to death, ran over by a car, being hack to pieces etc.)  that he smashed his computer mouse and the batteries just flew out of it (poor equipment). Obviously the computer mouse was totally broken because of it, Anyway 4th engineer has serious issues with anger management.

In other news...

Thanks to the free internet connection given a few days ago , I was now able to register my windows 8 laptop computer, Therefore since its now registered I don't have to worry being interrupted every now and then on some pesky message that says I'd have to register my Laptop. Aside from the registration , I can now fully customize this laptop in appearance and have integrated it (connected it) on online accounts and email (from my Microsoft live email account). So what can i say about my new windows 8 laptop now that its fully integrated and registered ? Well just one thing its looks and feels like a tablet rather than a PC device.

In other news again....

Received lately a news on my email from my sister informing me that my mom recently got sick due to complications of diabetes. Apparently her creatinine levels (something with the kidneys) was very high recently , according to my sister , our mom is in pretty bad shape and vomits every now and then, another thing is that my mom is taking some medications for her liver which i haven't found out what's the reason for. If my mom's creatinine level goes too high, then there's the possibility that she might be put on to dialysis , just like Aunt Milen

My sister says in the email that Mom is on painkiller's for now, i do know very well that pain killers pills are just only a remedy and doesn't get us anywhere in making mom better. My sister and I haven't disclosed to my mom about the medication she's taking , for now she only knows that its just something for her "stomach ulcer".

I do understand my sisters situation and I'm very thankful that she takes care of our mom while I'm away on this god forsaken job (feels more like I'm in prison really). I had already sent a request on career ship management informing them a special allottement money of 500 U.S.D. Be given to my sister immediately, problem is I'm not exactly sure if my ship captain here did sent my request at all to career shipping office. Sad to say Captain Valeriy Kraskov (Ukrainian) has a nasty habit of not sending request papers to the shipping office - which is of course definitely bad on emergencies especially on my case. This has already happened on the case of my friend here A.B. Patrick Dondonilla months before , were Captain Valeriy Kraskov didn't sent the allotement letter on the office. I do hope that this bloody captain will not repeat to me on what he did to A.B. Patrick , Cause if he does I'm going to make sure everyone in the world will know how bad and terrible people are here - especially to Valeriy Kraskov.

Just to add. It was really difficult for me get the paper work for the "Special allotment" here onboard, probably on the fact is that most people here a bunch of asshole's like for example 2nd officer Renan A. Olis , where of course i had to ask information about the "Special allotment" earlier before I went to the captain and its part of his job description to assist any crew about financial matters, he did part of his job however he didn't do it in the right way as i got from him a nasty snarl and totally unhelpful information. Bastard didn't even assisted me on the paper work and just simply said i should go to the captain about this, Asshole just simply dodged his work , anyway i don't expect much from him though.

That's the problem with Filipino's here, even though they're my compatriots - they'd never help their own country men. They're just going to leave you there to rot, basically you have to relay on yourself and look out only for yourself . They preach and lecture that no man is an island kind of bull shit and yet look at them on how the way they practice it - totally opposite on what comes out of their mouths.

Here onboard Cape Tallin (and probably any ship that has a Filipino out there) , its basically just one rule : "Everybody fights for himself and by himself, that is the Filipino way" (translation in Tagalog: Kanya - Kanya")