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Saturday, October 18, 2014


Few days after this ship left Senegal, the next location it was headed was in las palmas islands (territory of Spain just west of morocco)to do some bunkering. By the time this ship arrived , the sea was a bit rough and had postponed bunkering operations and waited until early morning when the sea calmed down. the bunkering ship was also having difficulty and was "Shakey" going up and down, to the point that we ask ourselves if bunkering at this time was a bad idea.

I was at the monkey island at that time doing maintenance work in painting the tower with white coloured paint (Along with O.S. Macalawa and Bosun Payopay). At that height I was able to see it very clearly on what is happening on that bunker ship and saw as crystal the rolling and heaving motion. Hopefully bunkering was Finished at noon without any incident even if the sea was rough. This ship resumed going northward to Gibraltar to wait further announcements from the shipping office on when will be the next loading port.

On the next few days that this ship was going northward, we went on the usual deck maintenance work in the "monkey island" area of the ship. Painting white paint all over the area and doing a "full coat" on anything we could see. After that we went busy on the aft part changing the paint of the deck level from orange to red.

On the night of October 14, 2014, Ship got a nasty rolling motion , it was so bad that most of my stuff on my cabin fell off from cabinets and rackets and had to put them on a much safer area around my cabin, I haven't experienced this kind of terrible roll in years (since my time in Bow Ophelia) . Apparently from what I heard on the following morning , it turns out that captain Ivaylo Kolev fiddled with the steering controls which in resulted to make the ship roll badly - the rolling motion was so bad , that I might think that this ship is going to make a "Barrel roll". Anyway the moral lesson to be learned on that is that never fiddle with the Auto-pilot steering when in transit on bay of Biscay - OR ELSE !!! . Well don’t really mind if the captain wants to fiddle the controls once in a while but of all the time and place on this planet he had to pick, why does he had to manipulate the controls while in Biscay huh ?! , He could meddle with the controls inside the Mediterranean - heck I don’t even give a shit if he messes it even if were in the north or south pole , but never interfere with the auto pilot steering on the north of France, the sea area there is fucking terrible and hellishly rough - enough to make everyone sea sick, or sink the ship.  What a total dumb ass !!!

At October 14, 2014. We received word that this ship will be heading northward all the way back to Netherlands Rotterdam which is one of the busiest port in the world and well known popular among the sailing community worldwide. Anyway honestly the only thing that comes up on my mind on Netherlands is "Sunny Euro" store and "Botlek" , and I had come up with the list of items I would buy if this ship would possibly berth in that port ,unfortunately latter in the afternoon plans for going to Rotterdam were cancelled and was replaced instead of going to St. Petersburg Russia by the NSB management , maybe there's a possibility that this ill go to rotterdam on the way back (meaning discharge operation)