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Saturday, October 25, 2014


European EMSA audit is causing a lot of stir lately on the Philippine sailing community and some huge changes on how things are run. Apparently from what I heard in the news is that EMSA is really determine to wipe out every Filipino off the face of any European flag (or owned) ship, but come to think of it lets say that indeed Filipino's get kicked out by EMSA ( all the 80,000 plus Filipino sailor  which equals to one third of the entire active Filipino sailor population - TAKE NOTE ACTIVE , DOESN’T INCLUDE THE INACTIVE SAILORS) . Now who do you think will replace the vacuum that we will be leaving behind when that time comes eh ? Europeans ? Hmpf ! For all I know Europeans have a much a higher salary value that putting them on the workforce thread mill bracket would be 21 flavours of stupidity for any "European" shipping company who are budget conscious, plus European sailor's don’t like the idea that their salaries will be haggled by any shipping company and doing manual labour - only us Filipino's are stupid enough to accept those kinds of terms .

Alright so how about other "Asian's" , like say Indian's , Indonesian's or better yet the Chinese were they have a much lower salary bracket and they come on bigger pool of numbers than Filipino's ??? (just check the statistics on their population) hmm well I don't think so. Well there was an incident that happened eons ago were I was still in grade school learning how to write , that Filipino's were actually being phased out by (surprise !!!) by European companies. Heck they were so determined on exterminating us for cheap labour that they even invested in putting up a huge number of "quality" facilities outside in the Philippines just to replace us. Apparently it ended up less than they wanted to, facilities turned out to be in tattered condition in a couple of months and companies just ended up throwing their money to the grand canyon. To make the story short , Filipino's sailors are still around and those installations are not.

Personally I think EMSA is not the kind of thing that could be bargained or reasoned with , They'd still try to put us out of business no matter if we even complied on their terms. So it's basically this decision is already rigged from the start and even if they try to phase us out again , they can't exactly exterminate us all , Filipino sailors are too many and too widespread, that they'd have a very difficult time trying to get rid of us and most probably they'd be begging us back in a couple of years or so.

For Marina (Maritime Industry Authority ) , This agency It Isn't exactly the best solution out there but it is definitely better than dealing with multiple government agencies for maritime related affairs. Unfortunately this will be the only sole heir left on any maritime related needs of sailors in the near future (as of circa 2014), Bad for us Filipino sailors in the sense that their giving a despot too much power and I had serious doubts that their dealings will be fair and just like what the fiasco they did on the COP's document, let alone handling of the professional license of sailors nor handling of the maritime schools in the country. The thing here is this -  things will start to get worse than it is getting better before we even know it. 

Anyway that's not the reason why I'm writing about this. Recently I came up on the list about "the official maritime schools" sanctioned by the education department called "CHED" which has a  connection on the upcoming ban of EMSA , unfortunately when I looked on the list - my school was not included on the 2013 (or 2014) list of qualified schools. The school I graduated from is already been on this business for nearly half a century , and that’s the big problem . Since they had been so long as people could remember  , they started to lax and become complacent , to the point that they never adapted anything or made innovations to their facilities - nor even improve at all. Overtime their system of education rot and got the attention of the education department, If I recall correct CHED sent a warning to them way back in 2006 and basically they just ignored it and it was only up to 2012 when CHED decided that it's about time they get slapped in the head.

Obviously when it got to the public that my school got closed , no one could argue the reasons why it got closed - they knew basically that my school deserved what it got . Last I heard from the school was that it was still in business but only a court order prevents its closure. I'm not exactly sure on how long my school could hold out that long with only a piece of paper as a life line from being shut down PERMANENTLY, eventually I'm not going to be surprise one day if that happens. The school management knew it had it coming ,

Maybe somewhere along the line , my school made a lot of poor decisions along the way, Things that proved to be fatal to them in the long run. I still remember the days during college that my school was heavily investing on propaganda rather than taking care of the welfare of their education system. They always blabber about how the schools founder discovered some islands on the ass end of west Philippines. They were on so much propaganda that I sometimes think that they're building a "cult of personality" on the schools founder. Yeah sure there is no doubt that my schools founder has some achievements during his time but those accomplishments he made during his life has no relation at all on the schools situation. The worst part is that almost all of their instructors are corrupt and ruthless, to the point that a college students lunch money end up being on the pockets of these instructors. Even the descendant of the schools founder was ruthless enough to practice these (which happened to be an instructor as well on this very school).

One of the worst instructors there on my school was this person named Mr. Malacas (translation in English "Mr. Strong"), he was a viciously ruthless sociopath in any way a person can think of - he was pure evil incarnate. Aside from using coercion to force his student in handling over their money, he's infamously known to bring a 45. calibre hand gun in the classroom while literary counting the loot he got in his students and even arrogantly shows it off openly on the teacher's desk and makes threats that if any NBI or police shows up (or any law enforcement) the first person right in front of him will be shot. Hmpf I guess that's how he got his rank of second mate , shooting innocent 15 - 16 year olds teenagers. Aside from that he is also infamously known to harass any student he comes across, doesn’t matter what time or place as long as he was in the mood of harassing people , he do whatever he can think of to cruelly harass people. Now What kind of a fucking teacher is that eh ??Another incident is that apparently he coerced a female student in another college department to have sex with him , sad to say the student really ended up a local motel with him.

Going back. my school never made any progress in improving their facilities hence as a matter of fact as time goes by , basic facilities and overall look of the school campus deteriorates beyond any passing rate to the point that  even a public elementary school looks even better than my college maritime school at that time.

By the time I'm writing this MARINA will come up soon on the list of "EMSA" qualified maritime to verdict CHED's decision, Unfortunately my school's  fate will finally be decided by that.

Don’t get me wrong I support my alumni school PMI, I came from that place , but I'm not some blind, Flag saluting , founder worshipping do-as-they-will PMI Lover, Their family like a kid brother, but let me tell you what family really means .  You ever had a kid brother ? Some dumbass delinquent younger brother, say, who banged up the pastor's daughter, can't hold a job, and his home away is a jail cell? - that’s what PMI is. All I'm saying is it’s a good wake up call for them that CHED kicked them in the nuts , I just wished that sometimes MARINA should slap the heads of PMI school official instead and tell them on how really a maritime school should be run.