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Saturday, October 4, 2014


Early morning of September 19, 2014 Friday was greeted with a lot of heavy Fog. It was so thick that I couldn't see anything infront of me beyond 10 metres, at first I mistook that piloting and mooring will be cancelled from the bad weather, in fact Chief Mate Anatoliy Bayez even gave a work order for us to wash the deck area. We started our usually deck maintenance schedule then all of a sudden in the middle of work somewhere between 9am, I saw A.B. Marlon Layos rushing towards BOSUN Payopay and told him to prepare "Combination Ladder" (a mix of pilot ladder and gangway ladder being lowered) on the starboard side. I asked A.B. Marlon on what's going on and he replied that Pilotage and mooring operation will begin soon and I had to hurry up and change coverall's.

Did change my coveralls immediately and by the time I went back the whole combination ladder had been finished rigging. Soon after I proceeded to the forward anchor winch to prepare and heave up anchor. O.S. "Ronnie" was the one who actually operated the machinery and heaved it up, while me was basically stuck in removing the anchor ball. While no one was looking I secretly put a digital camera on top the ETA appliance to film the actual heaving of anchor. It only took a couple of minutes for me to record the work and was immediately cut off because Bosun Payopay ordered me to wash the 2nd deck level with a fire hose, I can't leave the camera behind so I took it with me.

While getting the equipment for deck wash was being ready, I became absent minded whether this hose was to be taken on which floor. By the time Bosun Payopay arrived, he was surprised that I haven't even started yet on the work. He was definitely upset about it. At noon we finished washing the deck in a rush manner.  Seriously I think it was a bad idea to go working on deck maintenance while underway, I'm not certain why we did that but obviously its not a good idea.

Mooring was easy given that we just have to drop our mooring wires and the mooring arrangement for Rotterdam was 3:2 (three headlines, 2 spring lines) , to make it more easy there's a mooring boat to assist us.

Loading cargo didn't resume until 9pm on my shift. During my watch most of the crew here were anxiously to await the Sunny Euro agent, obviously to buy a lot stuff. A lot of crew have already prepared their shopping list for it and mine as well. During the wait I showed off my best talent in being fluent in English communications on talking into the walkie talkie, apparently it was a big mistake to do that and as a result I got suspected as a former call centre agent. Obviously out of fear and horror I tried to deny my former association with the BPO industry as much as possible, given that former call centre agents here are always being targeted by jealousy and singled out for persecution. I can't risk my safety here no matter what and don't what to repeat the mistake for the third time. It's a good thing that I just set an alibi that I got my English from watching too much television when I was a kid (poor excuse, but hey it work and they bought the idea). Besides they don’t have any hard evidence or witnesses to pin me down on my association with the BPO folk's (technical term for call centre community)

Being a former call centre agent in a seaman environment is a very bad idea, more bad if your crew mates knew about it. Unless I want be an unwilling target of discrimination, I suggest I keep my mouth shut for my safety and tone down my English to the social degenerate level. Don’t get me wrong, I'm always proud of my association with the BPO and being a former call centre agent , the English skills they impart on me is the lasting legacy - a part of me that will never fade.

On the second day of Loading Cargo, the agent from sunny euro visited our ship and took orders of the stuff we want to buy on their store, from the looks of it "Sunny Euro" got a good income from us , from what I heard the biggest spender was chief engineer Revaz Chavchanide, A.B. Marlon Layos (which both of them bought a laptop computer) and O.S. Ronnie Macalawa (which bought a Sound system component). On my end I just only bought a headset for my computer , I needed to buy one since my previous headset got broken when I accidentally got it crush under my bed.

Late on the evening, the replacement for 2nd office Olan arrived…

Unmooring operations went on without any problems and this ships next stop will be Senegal africa