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Monday, December 31, 2012


Only been a few days since my last log and yet a lot things went by just like that. I'd try to put as much information as I can and recall the things that had happened.

Christmas Dinner Held by TRANSCOM at the roof deck

Christmas Day…

It was fortunate that Aunt Milen will be joining us for Christmas and that she granted our invitation, to be honest It's really important to me and my sister that Aunt Milen joined us in Christmas eve.  Aunt Milen is currently undergoing kidney dialysis three times a week just to keep her alive and I'm not exactly sure how long will she hold up on that kind of situation nor even sure if this will be her last Christmas, That's the main reason why Christmas is very important this year because of Aunt Milens situation.

On work…

Since this is holiday , I decided I should try out my new outfit I bought from the local mall along with the new shoes I bought (Pictured on my last entry). Honestly speaking I really look great after I tried it out , though in some ways it has brought me criticism from my co-workers on the fact that the attire outfit on that day was "all red" in the office and incidentally I was wearing brown - so I got the general idea on how misfit I was on Christmas day but nevertheless I paid no heed on that and no one is stopping me from wearing what I want in Christmas eve aside from that I also tried to wear a red Santa hat as a head gear , kind of ridiculous and childish of me but I always wanted to wear one when I was a kid.

Unnamed Person wearing a Santa Claus Costume 
Well TRANSCOM was a bit generous in some ways to give their employee's  a sort of Mini Dinner at the roof deck of TRANSCOM Building, Unfortunately I never enjoyed the said meal in the sense that the quantity  and quality of the food given wasn’t that great as what the company is bragging about on the company email network. I find the food a bit less and short on my expectations. Frankly the only reason I could think of  why TRANSCOM put up such a banquet was on the fact that they don’t want to be put on the position that their company will be branded "Stiff" to their employee's during Christmas. Honestly if TRANSCOM is going  to put up a Christmas dinner with their employee's  then they should have to the very least had considered the "Generosity" Factor to their employees rather than the "Saving Grave" one.

During the latter shift in the early morning , there was a raffle about getting two Samsung Galaxy phones in the office and I can't exactly remember who the guys that won.

Fast forward to December 26th.

Since the lack of calls Talktalk Account has been receiving during holidays , It was decided by TRANSCOM  that they would give out GHE ( coined term as "GO HOME EARLY" ) to teams and agents. The team that I belonged with was given a GHE and of course immediately all except me went out early on work, Me being left out later decided that I should avail of the GHE , after all GHE of two hours early leave isn't going to hurt my pay check at all ( GHE unfortunately is similar to unpaid leave ) . Anyway since I had nothing to do for a few hours a decided that I should join the rest of the group on a drinking session in metro walk  ( I think its somewhere located in ortigas area)
We went to a usual club there and got down to drinking , Midway in the drinking session I was asked by "Rose" along with "Dustin" if I had a diary of some sort, I did replied to their question that I do have one and it has three versions - Paper form , Electronic , and Online journal. I puzzled why they ask such and immediately they asked me the said question, "You don’t like us ?" I didn’t replied to their answer as it was too personal.  In reality my answer is half right and half wrong, and lets just say that I had trouble getting along with some folks but not all and frankly the three previous teams I worked with on three  different companies in the Call center are very different from this one , and I had no problems with my former teams mates considering that they do respect my privacy.

Then "Renee" bought in the subject in the table when she was I think half drunk that I was putting up a blog , to my surprise I didn't have a clue that "Renee" has an idea that I do have a blog . Then it hit me "BAM !!!" , she must have read this this blog.

The whole Gang and my co-workers in a local Pub having a drink
Anyway it never mattered on how she got access or discovered my blog ,but the fact is that she saw it and read it and I have no idea on the extent she read on my blog but I do have a guess that she read the part where I was saying a lot of negative stuff about her and even to my teammates. She said at the drinking table that I should be careful on what I put in the cyber space and that "I owe her, something" . Yeah point taken about it but if she expects me to retract everything I wrote about against her or to anyone on this blog then , she's making a big mistake. I do admit I said a lot of nasty and negative things on people but you can't stop people from what goes on in their minds. On my case you may put down my blog or hid it away but you can never read or stop on what's going on in my head.  Aside from that I do have my right's in putting up a blog and I'm old enough to get it my way  (PLEASE read my introduction on the top part of this webpage)

Frankly I don’t see any big deal about me putting up a blog nor would it make a big issue out of it. So what's their point ? Got a problem with that ?

The drinking session was finished on at about past 7am and I went home again walking my way to cubao.

The following day…

There was still a lack of calls coming on the office and pretty much everything is still boring, and the avail time is about more than 45 minutes.  During the long avail, TL John Rivero called us for a quick team meeting which I early assumed to be work related. The first part of the meeting was that "TL John Rivero" announced was that our team will be extending our stay in the customer service department for another week as said  by the brass in TRANSCOM, " Ok Fair enough " I said to myself and guess that customer service department really needed some guys and that they can't put us back immediately until things gets stable enough for them and aside from that I think we will be one of the last teams to be put back to plus TV department after this new years holiday.

Second part "John" announced was there is no word yet on the 2000 PHP TECH allowance on our salaries , and that It cannot be put up on discussion until after new years day since HR COMPENBEN department is still in holiday. I also said to myself "Ok Fair enough"

The night is quite in Fan Ranch Park nearby TRANSCOM
The third part of the meeting was a bit disturbing on my part in the sense that TL John said that he'd be making a few changes within the weeks to come , specifically in the seating arrangement and  in the fact that he noticed that some of my team mates are not joining the dinner tablet . Based on what he said there is some grudges going on within the team and mentioned something of a blog which directly refers to me

Apparently he said we should sort the difference and work together as a group.

Had no idea why my blog was the subject of discussion among my co-workers . the new members of the group had no idea what TL JOHN is pointing out, but my other co workers , Dustin , McVin, Renee, Rose, Mark and Gwen know what kind of shit John is referring to. What I put on my blog is definitely non of their business whatsoever and what I ever put in there ,I take full account with. However I still don’t see the fuzz why my blog became so controversial about it and it doesn’t make any sense on what's the deal about it. I feel terribly annoyed on this on the fact that they are encroaching my personal space. I just find it simply distasteful that they even bothered to go thru so much trouble in finding out personal details about me. Really bloody awful.

I'm not exactly sure what will happened next , now that my blog has been discovered and I fear that it might brew trouble ahead. I do hope this matter will not escalate further and that I'm going to "Lockdown" this blog until my further decision.

Picture if the whole Group "TEAM Awesome" (includes also the new members of the team) , I'm on the lower right wearing a Santa hat. Leftmost side is our TL John Rivero 

Two days later……

Did enjoyed my 2 days off from work in the sense that I needed some time to relieve myself on those horse shitting office politics, I do deserve a personal space and break , now that my blog has been discovered. So what's going on in the office then ?

Well first off , it seems that our former co-worker Richard Regidor is now hanging up with McVin as a love interest and based on what I heard in the office. McVin and Chard had a passionate tongue to tongue kiss a day earlier in a bar (Based on what McVin is bragging about). Wow guy to guy romance huh ? Well not my problem - its their lives' not mine. In relation to this "dustin" even added to Mcvin's statement by making joke comments like "hey , McVin it looks like you hit a jackpot on Chard's good looks"

In other news ......

Email Transcript of TRANSCOM employees in their MS outlook

Dear Employees,
Greetings of Yuletide Season!
To supplement Sir Siva’s email regarding keeping up with our tradition during Christmas and New Year’s Eve, we have prepared free meal for our employees who are on duty during Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Please be guided by the following procedure:
1.       Look for your name in the reception area.
2.       Each employee on duty is entitled to one meal voucher worth Php 50.00.
3.       If you brought one of your family members or friend, you will be given one additional voucher. The family member/friend must be present upon retrieval of the meal voucher.
4.       Distribution of the meal voucher is from 7:00pm – 12:00mn of December 24, 2012.
5.       Meal Vouchers can only be availed from 7:00 pm of December 24, 2012 – 6:00 am of December 25, 2012.
6.       Food will be prepared by our concessionaires in the Roof Deck for Tiendesitas and Second Floor Pantry for Filinvest. This occasion will emulate a Barbeque Party during Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
7.       On New Year’s Eve, everyone is welcome to view Firework Displays in the Roof Deck (Tiendesitas) while having a sumptuous meal with your loved ones in Transcom.
As previously stated by Sir Siva, this is Transcom’s way of thanking all our employees for their dedication and hardwork and for choosing to celebrate Christmas and New Year in Transcom.
Trully… Transcom, I’m Home…
Thank you and Have a Merry Wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 28, 2012


Tested and synchronized my Android tablet PC on the public WiFi network of SM Mall Marikina. I fully utilized its abilities and the test turned out to be more than I hoped for. So far as of the moment I have integrated two (out of three) twitter accounts in one integrated interface , along with fully integrating four yahoo mail accounts and three face book accounts. To simply put I had successfully converted my Tablet into an all in one device. Now the only problem for me is were would I buy a Pocket WiFI device for the internet connection.

In other news...

Things that i bought for two weeks , new shoes also :-D
For the moment my salary got into a bit of a problem when two different ATM machines didn’t dispensed money and later registered to have dispensed the money when I checked it our on the main bank. It was a problem for me that metrobank and PS Bank Atm machines , ate up my 1000 PHP (each ATM machine , I withdrew 500 PHP).

 At first I only thought that it was a server error on the fact that the machine registered this message "Cannot Process your Transaction at this time" on the PS bank ATM Screen, I said to myself "Ok no problem , server error" , I went to another ATM machine which is called Metrobank and It also said the same thing. Now since both of those ATM machines have some sort of error going on , I only assumed that its useless to attempt to withdrew money and proceeded to the bank who issued my debit card which is called Union bank. Upon Arrival on the Union Bank ATM , I was surprise to see that the remaining money is now reduced to 500 PHP and if I recall correct I should have had at least 1500 PHP left on my debit card, not 500 PHP as what I'm seeing on the Union Bank ATM Screen.  Then it hit me -- BANG !!! That the unsuccessful withdraw of two 500 PHP Bills went ahead and registered as Successful - WHAT THE FUUCCCK !!!!! Now I only have about roughly 700 PHP budget on my wallet for two weeks because of it , GOD DAMN FUCKING ATM MACHINE'S of METROBANK AND PS BANK , they ripped me off of 1000 PHP !!! Bloody fucking awful piece of rubbish crap !!!!

In other news

Since according to "T.L John Rivero" that there is a huge possibility that our "Team Building" get together may not materialized. He decided that the "Team" should have a get together drinking session on the local bar after work, Well I didn’t see any problems at all mingling with the team and besides that It would be best if joined in rather than being put off in the wrong foot with my team mates.  The whole team was complete on the whole mini Christmas party (of sorts) of our team and even invited three guest , one is "Dustin's" boyfriend who briefly visited the bar , and the two others who joined the whole party were "Rose's" boy friend and "Renee's " Girlfriend.

The mini party was started at around 4 am and ended at about 8 in the morning, Went I went for a walk after the party and was badly drunk , heck I couldn’t even barely walk straight. Anyway I did manage to walk as far as from Global Antel Building to POEA building in Ortigas Center before falling asleep for an hour. Afterwards I woke up again and resumed my walk from POEA building all the way to Cubao, While walking my way my head hurts like hell and I was walking like a zombie

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


(Videos taken inside the heavily guarded and secretive production floor area in a call center, I used my spy pen camera in taking a video)

Since the groups recent transfer from tech TV plus dept to Customer service department , I had now  reached the maximum number of call I took in a single day ever in my whole entire career as a call center agent.  The total number of calls based on the record on our CTI Phone tool was 60 calls took in a single day.  Quite a lot right ?!  based on the numbers that was put up and taking in half a hundred call is almost just roughly 8 hours of phone time is no easy task . I myself couldn’t imagine that I made a record holder reaching 60 calls that day.

Anyway bulk of the calls I had been receiving are from the TV Plus department which apparently according to my T.L. John that my phone line hasn't been rerouted yet and even though I can support it , I have to pretend to don’t know it and transfer it back to TV plus.

For now , Our group is being retrained for a day on some sort of "Self Installed" kit that will be launched by TalkTalk company by this December, Quite Frankly I had no idea on how the hell's is the difference between a regular TV kit and a self install kit from Talktalk and that the only difference I could tell is that the later package has a physical paper manual and doesn’t service a live engineer personnel.

Left side is my pet cat, right side is my sisters pet dog 
By the way our currently group received another fresh faces from another batch to join us , from my count there are about 5 fresh new faces joining in. Which makes me wonder in  that is this all that is left on their batch ??? Only 5 new faces made it, out of the original 20 plus people… Hmmm guess a lot of people never liked the idea of being a TSR / CSR / TECH 1 / TECH 2 agent .  For now I still don’t remember the names of the new faces yet and I don’t exactly talk to them that much. I'd post later on if I've post later on if I knew their names.

My week didn’t start off quite well as on the first day , and that I had to transfer three other computer stations before getting finally a working computer to setup my tools. First computer didn't have trio initializing well with the CTI Telephony , Second computer that I transferred with had a TRIO and CTI telephony working well but was plagued with slowdown issues and had to transfer , Third computer was a combination of both problems. The fourth one I transferred was the perfect kind place for me to setup up shop . Unfortunately by the time I could find a working PC , I had already wasted an hour trying to find one. It's a good thing that I informed my "TL  John" about my system issues and hopefully I wont get penalized for logging in late in work.

Also there was one incident that I had to write down about that happened on the Production floor , Apparently the new Manager was a bit bragful  and arrogant, and shouted In front of everyone (as in infront of 30 plus people)  with a commanding tone "that nobody goes a break without asking permission from a supervisor or TL" .  Every one was so surprise and dismayed on that misbehavior that some of my team mates "McVin" , "Mac" , "Dustin" kept talking about it  till it was lunch time saying that the manager was very arrogant and power drunk.

Regimental Cosmetic medicines, hope this doesnt hurt my liver 
The following day was quite a bit annoying , on the fact that again we were bounced off to take in calls for Tech TV department on the first four hours and then be bounced back yet again to the customer services department later on the work shift.  Somehow my idea and thoughts of a *Super* telephone operator are solidified when TRANSCOM keeps putting us back to and from one irrelevant department to another which doesn’t fit on our job descriptition

In domestic matters around the house

My younger sister was very my pissed off when an acquaintance of hers , ripped her off and took the money indeed to buy a new furniture set. Worse part of it was that even the money that will be used for the Christmas celebration was plundered along with it. So eventually Christmas will be in for a disaster if I don't do something about it.

In other news

There no recent updates yet on my agenda in the maritime career and to be frank and honest my situation is in a stalemate and in a stand still, The only best bet I had in getting back to the Foreign shipping is the endorsement I got from Capt. Nick Betts , Beyond that I could say that there is no exact guarantee and time frame that I'd get back at all. Capt. Betts recommendation is the strongest lead I got so far next aside to going to work in the interisland shipping. I guess I had to wait patiently for the answers in this time.

In the meantime , I'm left here accumulating work experience and cash from TRANSCOM. A couple of weeks more then maybe I'd be back again on my feet again and be financially stable. For now the plans slated for me is to buy equipment needed for being a sailor , upgrade my civilian clothing and be well adjusted in civilian life - and in the long run maybe even return back to college and study marine engineering.

Lasagna , one of my Favourite snacks . Too bad 7-11 store only sell small quantity packs of it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Made plans about a lot of things lately , some of these plans are the one's slated for next year 2013. Honestly its about time that I made something meaningful for myself and in the long run that I'm here in the Philippines.

 I had been thinking of this for quite sometime now and that It would have been beneficial for me to be returning back to college to study marine engineering by this summer. I have thoroughly decided about it and I think my reasons are valid, I wanted to make something out of my stay here and that I just didn’t end up to be a bum.

In news related to work.

As of the moment things appear to be stable situation on my job and that in some ways I'm still doing my same old kinds of daily objective's though its certain that I'm still struggling on my metrics and that I'm below the average productive telephone operator , in fact I'm under qualified on almost all aspects based on metric scores on TRANSCOM standards.

However despite the majority of bad news and office memo's that keep pouring in , my metrics if compared to a "TSR telephone operator standards"  is not bad at all , my AHT score is about 600 plus to 800 plus seconds , and my ACW score card ( after call wait ) is 59 seconds to a minute and 20 seconds.  The average standard for a TSR Telephone operator is somewhere between 1,200 to 1560 seconds for AHT and 120 seconds for ACW.

One thing pretty funny about the manner of working in TRANSCOM is that their score cards are overrated and exaggerated , and putting a TSR / CSR / Tech 1 / Tech 2 Work with a Score card solely based on a CSR standards is plain rubbish and utterly stupid. Anyway It may not agree to almost everybody but that’s the system goes here in the call center world and believe it or not ,it works.

For the moment my group is being temporary transferred to the Customer Service and Billing Department and what's more bad news  is that were going to stay there for at least 3 whole fucking weeks. Pretty funny work objective given the fact that if I recall correct the job description I signed up on my contract is just limited to the internet TV , I find it annoying on my part that they're pushing me up to something that I never originally signed up for. Honestly working as a telephone operator in the Philippines keeps getting worse. 

To worsen my failing  optimism TRANSCOMS so called  benefit "Tech allowance" of 2,000 PHP they are so bragging about and added to the basic salary is TAXABLE , meaning I wont get the exact amount of it and it will have deductions - Jesus H. Christ !!! Then why the hell did they put up a so called TECH allowance if I'm not exactly getting the exact amount of money I worked for ?!!  FUCKING TRANSCOM IS DOING SOME CON'S AGAIN !! Jeez ! 

Anyway hell do I care about it , as long as I get enough working experience of 6 months and more then I'd resign to this job and switch it over on some less stressful back office job in Maersk BPO company, In the meantime I'm still stuck here digging money.

In other news related to BPO

I was recently caught by the security guard possessing a tablet ( Mobile electronic device) , while I was already on my way out in the office. Fortunately enough I was able to get through to the guard and didn’t hand over my tablet otherwise , My 4000 PHP worth Hi-tech tablet would just be another "TRANSCOM" company property. Anyway aside from that good thing that the guard is ignorant enough not to notice my spy camera pen or else I could be into a much deeper trouble.

In other work related news

I reported in recently on Career Ship management Philippines and see how is my job application doing there, Unfortunately they had me waiting again of the whole day on just a simple query if my job application went through or not.