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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Made plans about a lot of things lately , some of these plans are the one's slated for next year 2013. Honestly its about time that I made something meaningful for myself and in the long run that I'm here in the Philippines.

 I had been thinking of this for quite sometime now and that It would have been beneficial for me to be returning back to college to study marine engineering by this summer. I have thoroughly decided about it and I think my reasons are valid, I wanted to make something out of my stay here and that I just didn’t end up to be a bum.

In news related to work.

As of the moment things appear to be stable situation on my job and that in some ways I'm still doing my same old kinds of daily objective's though its certain that I'm still struggling on my metrics and that I'm below the average productive telephone operator , in fact I'm under qualified on almost all aspects based on metric scores on TRANSCOM standards.

However despite the majority of bad news and office memo's that keep pouring in , my metrics if compared to a "TSR telephone operator standards"  is not bad at all , my AHT score is about 600 plus to 800 plus seconds , and my ACW score card ( after call wait ) is 59 seconds to a minute and 20 seconds.  The average standard for a TSR Telephone operator is somewhere between 1,200 to 1560 seconds for AHT and 120 seconds for ACW.

One thing pretty funny about the manner of working in TRANSCOM is that their score cards are overrated and exaggerated , and putting a TSR / CSR / Tech 1 / Tech 2 Work with a Score card solely based on a CSR standards is plain rubbish and utterly stupid. Anyway It may not agree to almost everybody but that’s the system goes here in the call center world and believe it or not ,it works.

For the moment my group is being temporary transferred to the Customer Service and Billing Department and what's more bad news  is that were going to stay there for at least 3 whole fucking weeks. Pretty funny work objective given the fact that if I recall correct the job description I signed up on my contract is just limited to the internet TV , I find it annoying on my part that they're pushing me up to something that I never originally signed up for. Honestly working as a telephone operator in the Philippines keeps getting worse. 

To worsen my failing  optimism TRANSCOMS so called  benefit "Tech allowance" of 2,000 PHP they are so bragging about and added to the basic salary is TAXABLE , meaning I wont get the exact amount of it and it will have deductions - Jesus H. Christ !!! Then why the hell did they put up a so called TECH allowance if I'm not exactly getting the exact amount of money I worked for ?!!  FUCKING TRANSCOM IS DOING SOME CON'S AGAIN !! Jeez ! 

Anyway hell do I care about it , as long as I get enough working experience of 6 months and more then I'd resign to this job and switch it over on some less stressful back office job in Maersk BPO company, In the meantime I'm still stuck here digging money.

In other news related to BPO

I was recently caught by the security guard possessing a tablet ( Mobile electronic device) , while I was already on my way out in the office. Fortunately enough I was able to get through to the guard and didn’t hand over my tablet otherwise , My 4000 PHP worth Hi-tech tablet would just be another "TRANSCOM" company property. Anyway aside from that good thing that the guard is ignorant enough not to notice my spy camera pen or else I could be into a much deeper trouble.

In other work related news

I reported in recently on Career Ship management Philippines and see how is my job application doing there, Unfortunately they had me waiting again of the whole day on just a simple query if my job application went through or not.