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Friday, May 30, 2014


Few days went by just playing civilization 5 "brave new world" expansion game on my PC, just to kill a few days off before reporting back to career shipping last Wednesday May 14th, 2014 . Due to the limited money I had currently, originally my only agenda at that day was to attend the accounting briefing and had the accounting slip be signed by the accountant (which I accomplished within two hours), But I figured that I still some spare time and I do wanted to know what's
Character I use in Fallout new vegas
the deal behind the new "Marina COP" document . I do know that it’s a replacement document for the TESDA C.O.C. (Certificate of Competency) , but don’t exactly know the further details on what kind of documents I'd be needing to get one. I went to the PRC / TESDA booth and asked on how to get one , Mrs "Teri" wasn't around and the fat lady with glasses gave me a small paper slip and told me that this is the document I'd be needing , give it to her first and she'd return it back to me in a few minutes.

Immediately took out my Filo fax folder out of my bag that contains my documents , Unfortunately when I plucked out my folder some silvery blue colour  packet just came out of my back pack and when I took a closer look and to my embarrassment , it was a pack of condoms that fell off my bag. Everybody saw it  and just told them that pretend they saw nothing. Anyway the conversation on PRC / TESDA booth on my company ended up me knowing that I need to get it directly to MARINA and there's no other alternative to it. Due to the lack of money I had at that time It would be best I decided to postponed it until I got enough money. In the meantime while I'm waiting to get the money , I just stayed on the house and played Fallout New Vegas Videogame on my PC.

Having lunch with my college friends on the reunion,
Last Tuesday May 20, 2014. I went to Cubao to meet up on my old folks during college days and hear how have they've been doing over these past few years. We met on a  small restaurant inside Ali mall and had a chat over our other classmates during college years. Well what can I say ? I haven't been in touch with my college classmates for the past 8 years and I often wonder to myself how have they been after college.

Joenar Palomas has been successful in his sailing career and relatively has worked without any problems as a ship officer. Rommer Banal on the other hand seems to be having difficulties being a sailor, apparently because of his age. We discussed on what happened to our other classmates during college, which most of them have already had ship officers license and from the looks, it seems that I'm a bit backward in progress but no big deal, I just wonder sometimes that those folks who would cut class often are now successful in their career as sailors, (makes me think that I should have done the same). I heard from my friends that one of our classmates Nathan Calunod have proceeded in studying law (Well from what I heard he became a sailor first then return to study law). There's also some news that one of our classmates have died on an accident in work though it's not confirmed if "Pragmac" really died.

We discussed on what happened to our fellow Yérs as well (The school club we joined during college). From what I learned on the intrigue is that Mike Cuba has recently converted to Islam while working in Dubai , which puzzles me a lot - given that Mike Cuba is a devout religious Christian guy during our college years. Never occur to my head that he'd be a Muslim one day and if there was a last person on my list that would convert into a Muslim , Mike Cuba would definitely fit in on the last person on my list. Anyway I'm not exactly sure what's the real deal why he converted to a Muslim either it could be for practical reasons (being a Christian on a Muslim land is big misfit, and better sign up as a follower of the Koran for the time being to avoid trouble )or because of influence ( Some smart ass Muslim guy practically brainwashed him and decided he should sign up for Allah ). Other Yérs like Che Manalo , "Arnie" , Jack Delos Reyes - had been happily married to their respective husbands and had kids.

On our get together, Joenar mentioned our zany professors like the bald Captain Penera and Chief Mate Chua (an instructor who has a terrible hearing problem and wears a hearing aid on class). Our mini reunion was really interesting on the fact that I was saying things as a sailor in a "Ratings" perception while Joenar Palomas was saying a lot of stuff that was in a "Ship Officer's" perspective. I would say things that is very different on Joenar's look of things such for example on how we ratings treat each other during on and off work, Somehow he could sense my disgust over Filipino visayans (ethnic Filipino's living south) though I did not point it directly.  I just kept those opinions to myself and to this journal.

(public service announcement here !!)Remember children when the Visayans come there ain't no shame in locking your doors, barricading your windows and cowering on your cabin beds. When this psycho's come to play, they have one thing on their minds - making your life as fucking miserable as humanly possible. Visayans CAN'T BE BARGAINED - OR REASON WITH and aint no use in surrendering, cause they just maltreat you anyway. So run , hide or fight if you got the balls or the weapons but for god's sake don't go waiving the white flag, they just strangle you with it.

Anyway It's really wonderful that my closest friends in college are still doing well after all these years. There are is so much surprise among them, maybe who knows after a few years' time again , there would be more improvements. We bid farewell to each other, and maybe we'd to have a mini reunion in a couple of years again.

In other matters ….

After nearly two weeks of waiting, I finally got the money I requested from my sister and hopefully I could now proceed in getting and renewing my MARINA COP certificate. I'm not exactly sure on how much this piece of paper cost, but  I'm sure that my sister gave me enough resources to cover the cost for this.

In early preparation, I had these documents photocopied in two sets. Record pages of my seaman's book , My sea service certificate from my previous company and current one, My old Certificate of competency from TESDA, NAC certificate of PSCRB (Personal Survival Craft and Rescue Boat certificate). I Had it photocopied a day before I set off and went to MARINA.

As anticipation that MARINA will provide a horrendous treatment to C.O.P. applicants, I left home as early as 3:30 Am in the morning and reached MARINA office in TM Kalaw street at 4:45 AM. (only stopping briefly during transit at cubao area to take breakfast in a nearby 7-11 store). When I arrived it was not a surprise to me that the line was already a long one this early in the morning, just as what I saw in the local TV news months ago. I estimate that it will take me awhile to accomplish my objectives. 

MARINA Office started letting people in at about 7am. It was gruesome applying for a COP certificate and was never easy as the office was terribly overcrowded and I literary have to wait 11 plus hours on the line just to get a chance on the Booth and submit my documents, not to mention I was given a wrong application form. I fell asleep a couple of times and woke up with still waiting for my turn. The annoying fact was that I had spent more time waiting rather than the actual submission and compiling of documents to the evaluator (which by the way only took less than 30 minutes all in all). It was very noticeable that MARINA is giving crappy public service to everyone, and I bet they're not going to change (or even slightly improve) their shitty service anytime soon.

The Agony of Waiting in MARINA
Apparently It looks like that this government agency ate more responsibilities than it can actually chew on when it handled all maritime related affairs in the Philippines recently - and as a result ordinary Filipino sailors pay a nasty price on their delinquency.

Finished the task at about 2:45pm. Since I figured that I still have some spare time , I decided to drop by and check out Maritime Medical Laboratory for my Liberian Medical certificate (to be used for Liberian seaman's book). It was only a 15 minute walk from MARINA , So it's very near. Unfortunately it wasn't a very good experienced when I visited the place as the staff had me kept waiting again for an hour and a half. I'm already tired , hungry and cranky at that time and decided that I'd just call it a day and be heading home and let them forward the med certificate to my agency , just as what like they did on my Marshal Islands Med Certificate a year before. The staff says that’s its ok and I dumped my med form there and let them finish the rest.

claim stub for the marina COP
Been through the agony of waiting for almost 11 hours a few minutes ago and certainly wasn't in the mood to go to another torment of waiting another few more hours for something, Just can't go thru waiting for the whole day - just had enough of the waiting.

at about 4:30PM while I was walking my way to the nearest public transport waiting area , all of a sudden it rained and lasted for about thirty minutes. Well I Don’t have any issues with the rain but for some reason whenever it rains here in Metro manila, shit happens after it and its followed by a heavy traffic jam. By the time I rode a public transport, the traffic jam was so congested that it will took another 30 minutes just to cross a 100 metre distance away from the public transport stop. In other words it would be practical to walk rather than ride a jeepney. Which resulted in me walking from SM Manila all the way to Recto LRTA train station. Had no idea why here in the Philippines, a little rain would always cause a serious traffic jam afterwards - GO FIGURE !!! Even when I rode the LRTA train there was a serious congestion on the passengers as well.

The picture i took during the aftermath of the short rain, Traffic congestion as expected

In other news

Financial trouble keeps popping up every now and then and causes me to skip progress for almost more than 2 weeks now. Without any delays and financial setbacks I could have been ready in just a week or so on my documents and deployment on work. To make it more complicated is that people who owe me money didn’t pay up, and I became too trustful to their words. For the record the total money that has to be returned to me amounts to almost as close 20,000 PHP. Anyway since there is no possible way (nor assurance) to recover that amount of money I lend, I have to consider that this money is totally lost and will definitely be stern when it comes to money lending - In other words I WON'T BE LENDING MONEY TO PEOPLE  EVER.

Anyway going back my progress have been very slow, and up to now I still have to finish this task.

1.Recovery of BTU / BTR COP
2.Recovery of Marina COP (TESDA C.O.C.)
3.Acquire Certified True Copy of Marina COP in M.A.R.I.N.A
4.Return to Career the documents I had borrowed (Medical, SIRB, SRC)
5.Finish Liberian Seaman's Book Requirement.

Hopefully if there will be no more unnecessary delays, I could in the least finish this by first week of June and that I had already secured getting a MARINA COP (Primary objective) everything should be straight forward at that time. If all goes well maybe I'd be deployed by this June.

( By the way just to keep the public informed. The MARINA COP specifically called II-4 and II-5 document for deck ratings, III-4 and III-5 document for engine ratings cost about 225 PHP each. So if you're planning to get both of these documents expect there going to chunk 450 PHP on your wallet in a snap, in addition this excludes the charges of another sub-document called "certified true copy" which is just basically a photocopy with a colour stamp and some "renting" charges on some sailor's uniform a person will be going to wear for the ID picture. To be on the safe side prepare about 1,000 PHP to cover all charges cause MARINA is going to bleed you dry on the money

Monday, May 12, 2014


Received a call out of nowhere on my Cell phone and when I answered , it was from Career Shipping office informing me that I would be deployed in Conti Greenland within 72 hours. Puzzled, I asked why the reason behind the short notice. The caller said that I had a functional Schengen Visa ( European Visa) , I told the caller that my documents for deployment aren't ready yet and I still have a couple of things to sort out. She replied that if that was the case then I had to report back to career shipping to sort things out.

The following morning , I hurriedly packed my things up and headed to the shipping office to confirmed the said deployment. I was in the hurry that I didn't even bother to go my usual daily rituals to take a bath before heading out.  I arrived at exactly 9am in career shipping office and quickly headed to captain Galang's office to clarify my said departure. Good thing Captain Galang reassured me that I will not get deployed on Tuesday and that there was just a slight mix up on what happened.

It was a relief that I won't be in a rush to and I still have plenty of time to fix my documents. While I was at Career office I took in the extra mile of finishing other paper document stuff needed, such as my application for a Liberian seaman's book and clearing out other small details like the English proficiency test (which they call marlin by the way) my proficiency score is still passing thought , I personally think my English vocabulary has deteriorated slightly compared to my performance two years ago.

The following day , I received another SMS message yet again on career ship management (I'm starting to get annoyed that I kept receiving messages from them every now and then). This time It was about something on the NAC / COP documents, after a brief conversation with the person in charge of these documents on the telephone, it was revealed to me that the COP documents I took on PNTI are meant only for BTU / BTR seminar and not the COP for Marina. To make it simple BTU / BTR COP is different from MARINA COP (althought both of these documents have a "COP" at the end). To avoid confusion , here's what I figured out , translated to what is the equivalent version of our old documents

MARINA COP ----> equivalent to TESDA certificate of competency ( TESDA COC)
BTU / BTR COP ----> equivalent to the old NAC certificate of seminar trainings

So the bottom line is I'm back again in doing several mini - quest yet again in completing these documents, and finding out that I'm just halfway on my current goal.

For the moment here's my Mini Quest Shopping list.

Go to Career Ship Management and get some info about MARINA COP
Attend the accounting briefing at Career Ship Management
Attend PDOS Seminar at Career Ship Management
Go to MARINA and get the MARINA COP document
Go back again in maritime medical laboratory and get the PEME certficate
Retrieve the BTU / BTR COP document in PNTI.
Apply for Liberian Seaman's book at the License counter on our company.

Seriously I could finish this within a week or couple of weeks, but the thing that complicates my situation is the availability of funding. For the moment only my younger sister is the one shouldering all the expenses I need to accomplish this and she's already feeling the strain of my financial drain. Without her financial backing all my activities will be put on standstill and a halt. I don't simply want to add more strain on her in the financial part , but unfortunately I'm stuck and have to relay on it.

Anyway this serves me a lesson that I should me be more wiser in handling my money and as much as I hate being uncharitable, I have to be very cautious in trusting people when it comes to money matters (like lending my money), because chances are some of them don't exactly pay their debts at all. When I get out of this mess, I really swear that I won't lend my money to other people. I don't like being in this kind of situation ever again


A day after completing and upgrading my SRC, I received an SMS from my the shipping company informing me of a sudden change of schedule , and departure time. Puzzled I sorted it out and found that the schedule for departure in Cape Bari will be the last week of May 2014. No big deal on end and that I could use some spare time in finishing off my pending medical situation.

Thursday went by and my sister urged me to go to the local dental clinic to have my tooth cavities patch up. We went to Dr. Ponti a well-known dentist here in Marikina and upon visiting and a rough estimate on how many teeth exactly I had cavities with (which ended on a total count of 11 tooths, instead of one three). Not surprisingly the cost of all the repair plus cleaning ended up on about 6,700 PHP (Philippine Pesos) , a very costly repair which I only estimated earlier to be just at least 2,500 PHP or less.

Before being put on the dentist chair, I asked my sister seriously if she has enough money for the repairs , she replied I shouldn't worry on it and she'd take care of it. I didn’t asked anymore and was assured that my sister has already figured it all out. The repairs was a long and tedious , but despite the long repair - it was painless and bloodless , didn’t have any trouble with it whatsoever.

My Medical Results, Fit as a horse !
The following day, since my teeth has been fully repaired I decided to drop by to the maritime medical clinic to verify the results of the repair and have me cleared on my medical. It only took less than 30 seconds on the dentist there to check my mouth and sign the paper, after finishing with that I proceeded next to the X-ray room as there was minor problem that showed up on the findings. After successfully sorting it out , I was back again on the road and headed to the career shipping office just to finish off a few paper works needed. Everything was doing fine until I saw the list of my would be co-workers on the computer screen , Much to my disgusts and horror I saw on the list the name AMICAN, ZACARIAS DELA TORRE which brought an infamous sound on my head. This was the notorious BOSUN whom I was having problem with back in Cape Tallin,

Never was happy to see his name on the list and said to myself that I don’t like to endure again another 9 to 10 months with him around on another ship - I just simply had enough on that guy. During the lunch break I was in the nearby McDonalds store thinking of any excuse I could think of just to get rid of him, Then it hit me. I thought why couldn’t I just make an excuse about my dad's present situation and tell captain galang that I'd be transferring of another ship line up. It's not a sure guarantee but on the very least I won't be in Cape Bari with that asshole.

As soon as lunch time was over I did not hesitate to go to Captain Galang's office and ask if I could shift to another line up. Without any further questions he said it's not a problem and said he's going to put me to Conti Greenland , In addition so Captain Galang would not suspect anything about my real intention is that I mention my dad's current condition as an excuse, It was a good cover story and sold well in captain galang's ear, he checked his computer briefly ans saw my profile, I was even surprised to hear from him that the remarks I got on my previous ship was very positive (turns out the remarks says that I was recommended for promotion as A.B.) I easily accomplished my objective without any suspicion at all , he just simply went to Mr. Nidoy to confirm my reassignment to another ship and that's it.

Seriously I have nothing personal against going to Cape Bari ship, However it’s the people whom I'm going inside on that ship that worries me. I just simply can't stand going in back on ship board work and working alongside with my enemies. I already had serious trouble getting rid of Zacarias Amican for the rest of 9 months I was in Cape Tallin and don’t want to go to another gruelling 9 months with him on Cape Bari. He was a real threat on board during my time in cape tallin and I would estimate that he will continue to be a serious threat on my existence if I took the offer in working on cape tallin. As I wrote on my previous entries on my journal , the threat was so serious that even my development of effective tools (and equipment) that I use on work was being threaten.  Its either that he puts us all the excuses he can throw out in forbidding me using those tool (and some extent even taking advantage on his job position as BOSUN)or you see him using a same version of my equipment as if like he's competing me of some sort.

Anyway good riddance !!! Now I'm going to be reassigned in Conti Greenland and him out of the way , I'm sure that working there on the new reassigned ship will have no problems at all (assuming that I don’t encounter a much more sinister crew there) and best estimate is that I'd thrive there, maybe even perhaps get a promotion there as an A.B. , an objective that I couldn't achieve if Zacarias Amican would be around. 

It was my best interest to be reassigned , it better that way and I don’t mind if my deployment will be as far as June rather than suffer yet another grim 9 months on the hands with my enemies. It's better that way , I'm ok with that.

Late at night it was confirmed to me via SMS message that my reassignment to Conti Greenland was accepted.

Name:Conti Greenland
 Vessel type:Oil/chemical TankerGross
 tonnage:23,403 tonsSummer 
DWT:37,606 '
mDraught:7.3 m

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Total chaos as expected inside POEA, by the time I arrived there literary a hundred people flocking the whole compound to conduct their daily affairs related to overseas employment. 


Sadly there are a lot of changes in POEA compared to the last time I had been here a few years ago. The POEA is much more chaotic and disorganized now, worst is that the instant "one stop" shop they brag about a few years ago has been disbanded (booths that process all documents needed like , NSO , DFA, TESDA, PRC, MARINA, NTC, NBI, ). Aside from that they're no longer issuing the quarterly publication on the list of licensed maritime companies.


Anyway I'm here to get my SRC card here and according to the application form I got I'm scheduled here at 1pm to apply for that card. While I was waiting in the PAGIBIG waiting area, waiting. The Security guard called out and announced on the mega phone that they prioritize first MAAP graduates and they get to be out on front first in the waiting line (even though they arrived very late), A bit insulting not only me but to other people who arrived earlier.


Geez never knew that those pampered bitchy little girls get the special kind of treatment even on this government agency, I don't understand what makes them so different and special than the rest of us grunts standing here ? . Anyway that's the way here in the Philippines (specifically in the maritime industry), It's based on social status - not the law.


No big deal on me , just have to live with that part. Anyway The first step in applying for that card is of course get the application form from the security guard on the information area, which I had done a few days ago. Next step is get the requirements, I can't remember exactly the documents needed for first time applicant's and it's been years passed since renewed my SRC card but what I can only tell for now is the documents needed for the "Upgrading and Renewal" of old timers like myself. The documents needed are these only, the rest listed on the back of the said form are none essential.


Application Form

Passport size ID picture

Old SRC card

Seaman's Book

50 Philippine pesos


I only presented these at the SRC counter located at the mezziene floor and the guy at the counter told me to pay the 50 pesos fee at the fifth floor and then go back here. After paying the fee at that fifth floor , I was told again by another guy on the counter to wait at the PAGIBIG waiting area at around 3pm for the releasing. After waiting an hour the security guard called out queue numbers and I went back again on the mezziene floor and got my card there along with my Seaman's book.


When I got the card , I took a good look at it and noticed that there's nothing special on this SRC card, it's appearance didn't even changed at all during these years , It's just a piece of paper indicating a sailors registry number and its new rank. The same paper card I got years ago.


Once that I had finished my business in the SRC , I went on the extra mile in settling out my PAGIBIG number (housing loan thing). A year ago I had already registered my tracking number online, and now aside from having an online number , Career now requires me to get an actual card number from PAGIBIG itself.  Anyway I got my PAGIBIG card very easily, I just told the guard in the PAGIBIG office about my tracking number and after a few minutes he presented me a card. 


Finished all my agenda's in POEA In a single day and that wraps up my latest business on that place, My next objective will be this


Submit SRC card, and other Documents to career shipping

Finish the dental repairs ,and go back to the medical clinic.

Get the COP certificate at PNTI school


Saturday, May 3, 2014


usual routine medical test , answer honestly the HIV / STD test 
Routine medical examinations in Maritime Medical laboratory clinic proceeded as scheduled and with little problem (only Dental and possibly X-Ray as the main challenge). It took me only half a day to finish all the 5 Medical exam stages ,which included Audio, Optical, Laboratory (blood chemical), X-ray and ECG, Physical, Drug test and Psychological test. I'm glad that my stool sample is no longer needed on the laboratory test , So I just threw my "shit cup" on the trash bin.

Apparently according to the attending dentist that checked my teeth the cost of the entire dental repairs will be as much as 2,400 PHP and that even excludes the dental cleaning that will follow. The cost of the repairs is very high and I'm not exactly sure if having it repaired on the said clinic will persue , For now the only remedy solution I could think of is have my teeth repaired on a local government hospital and get a Medical certificate there.

For the record, the repair form given to me says I need to have dental fillings on three carries and some cleaning. As for the X-ray issue , I was told by the med tech that my current Chest X-ray result will be made in comparison with the previous medical X-ray they have on their database and submitting a previous chest X-ray plate I had will no longer be necessary.

SRC application form in POEA
As of the moment my medical is still pending as of now.

Late at night , I was given by my sister some money to cover up a few expenses that will be needed for the latter.

On the following day. I left the house very early to update my SRC (seafarers registration card ) at POEA office in Ortigas. Arriving early I asked the security guard at the information booth there on where I could  update my card, The security guard prompt just gave me a paper application form and said that I have to go back again on May 5 in the afternoon to have my application form be processed. I took the form before the security guard changes his mind and did ask any further on why the hell why I have to wait for a couple of days more for just a piece of paper. As I read on the back of the form SRC cost only as little as 50 PHP and I only have to present a few original documents which includes my Seaman's Book , Passport and a 1 x 1 picture

Didn't stayed in POEA that long and went to Career Ship management office in Evangelista office located in Makati Edsa to ask if I can borrow my passport from the office (from what I read on the form, a passport is needed to update SRC). The lady on the counter said that my passport is no longer needed and assured me that my seaman's book is enough to update my SRC. I do hope on what she says is true cause I have a nasty impression that most staff in Career are a bunch of big fucking liars who set the wrong expectations on people like what just happened a year ago about the wrong airport terminal (telling us its terminal 1 instead or terminal 3).  Anyway her words will be tested on May 5 and see if its correct,

Just chilling out on the local mall after the POEA visit
SRC requirements for new and "Upgrading" ratings