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Monday, May 12, 2014


A day after completing and upgrading my SRC, I received an SMS from my the shipping company informing me of a sudden change of schedule , and departure time. Puzzled I sorted it out and found that the schedule for departure in Cape Bari will be the last week of May 2014. No big deal on end and that I could use some spare time in finishing off my pending medical situation.

Thursday went by and my sister urged me to go to the local dental clinic to have my tooth cavities patch up. We went to Dr. Ponti a well-known dentist here in Marikina and upon visiting and a rough estimate on how many teeth exactly I had cavities with (which ended on a total count of 11 tooths, instead of one three). Not surprisingly the cost of all the repair plus cleaning ended up on about 6,700 PHP (Philippine Pesos) , a very costly repair which I only estimated earlier to be just at least 2,500 PHP or less.

Before being put on the dentist chair, I asked my sister seriously if she has enough money for the repairs , she replied I shouldn't worry on it and she'd take care of it. I didn’t asked anymore and was assured that my sister has already figured it all out. The repairs was a long and tedious , but despite the long repair - it was painless and bloodless , didn’t have any trouble with it whatsoever.

My Medical Results, Fit as a horse !
The following day, since my teeth has been fully repaired I decided to drop by to the maritime medical clinic to verify the results of the repair and have me cleared on my medical. It only took less than 30 seconds on the dentist there to check my mouth and sign the paper, after finishing with that I proceeded next to the X-ray room as there was minor problem that showed up on the findings. After successfully sorting it out , I was back again on the road and headed to the career shipping office just to finish off a few paper works needed. Everything was doing fine until I saw the list of my would be co-workers on the computer screen , Much to my disgusts and horror I saw on the list the name AMICAN, ZACARIAS DELA TORRE which brought an infamous sound on my head. This was the notorious BOSUN whom I was having problem with back in Cape Tallin,

Never was happy to see his name on the list and said to myself that I don’t like to endure again another 9 to 10 months with him around on another ship - I just simply had enough on that guy. During the lunch break I was in the nearby McDonalds store thinking of any excuse I could think of just to get rid of him, Then it hit me. I thought why couldn’t I just make an excuse about my dad's present situation and tell captain galang that I'd be transferring of another ship line up. It's not a sure guarantee but on the very least I won't be in Cape Bari with that asshole.

As soon as lunch time was over I did not hesitate to go to Captain Galang's office and ask if I could shift to another line up. Without any further questions he said it's not a problem and said he's going to put me to Conti Greenland , In addition so Captain Galang would not suspect anything about my real intention is that I mention my dad's current condition as an excuse, It was a good cover story and sold well in captain galang's ear, he checked his computer briefly ans saw my profile, I was even surprised to hear from him that the remarks I got on my previous ship was very positive (turns out the remarks says that I was recommended for promotion as A.B.) I easily accomplished my objective without any suspicion at all , he just simply went to Mr. Nidoy to confirm my reassignment to another ship and that's it.

Seriously I have nothing personal against going to Cape Bari ship, However it’s the people whom I'm going inside on that ship that worries me. I just simply can't stand going in back on ship board work and working alongside with my enemies. I already had serious trouble getting rid of Zacarias Amican for the rest of 9 months I was in Cape Tallin and don’t want to go to another gruelling 9 months with him on Cape Bari. He was a real threat on board during my time in cape tallin and I would estimate that he will continue to be a serious threat on my existence if I took the offer in working on cape tallin. As I wrote on my previous entries on my journal , the threat was so serious that even my development of effective tools (and equipment) that I use on work was being threaten.  Its either that he puts us all the excuses he can throw out in forbidding me using those tool (and some extent even taking advantage on his job position as BOSUN)or you see him using a same version of my equipment as if like he's competing me of some sort.

Anyway good riddance !!! Now I'm going to be reassigned in Conti Greenland and him out of the way , I'm sure that working there on the new reassigned ship will have no problems at all (assuming that I don’t encounter a much more sinister crew there) and best estimate is that I'd thrive there, maybe even perhaps get a promotion there as an A.B. , an objective that I couldn't achieve if Zacarias Amican would be around. 

It was my best interest to be reassigned , it better that way and I don’t mind if my deployment will be as far as June rather than suffer yet another grim 9 months on the hands with my enemies. It's better that way , I'm ok with that.

Late at night it was confirmed to me via SMS message that my reassignment to Conti Greenland was accepted.

Name:Conti Greenland
 Vessel type:Oil/chemical TankerGross
 tonnage:23,403 tonsSummer 
DWT:37,606 '
mDraught:7.3 m