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Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Never had occurred to me that despite having a full set of gear during work , my eye could be injured. Incident happened during unmooring ops in Netherlands. Me and BOSUN PAYOPAY was securing all the mooring ropes for the long travel, after securing
all the equipment on the fore and midship area we got to the aft part and lowered the ropes using the circular hatch at the aft. I was wearing my goggles at that time and peeked at the hole, nothing happened and was very much an ordinary hatch. The
temperatures were during that time of day was warm and for a second just simply adjusted my goggles for better comfort on the warm temperature, While adjusting a sudden gush of air came out of the hatch - along with it a puff of dust. A piece of the
dust caught my left eye and that's when the trouble started. Left eye was having difficult in opening up and can't even focus on an object or even look straight at it. Despite the problem I was able to finish the work.

Soon after the shift, I sought to get the emergency eye wash bottle located at the duty mess hall. The wash was ineffective and the dirt was still my left eye stuck and seriously impairing my vision, Thinking that I would go away , I just slept thru
it. When I woke up , it was still again on my left eye and things got bad during work - so bad that I sought help on Second Mate Olan and see if he could remove the piece of dust that was still on my left eye. 2nd mate Olan couldn't see were the dust
was on my left eye and Fortunately for me O.S. Joseph was around and removed a very small piece of metal using a cotton bud. 2nd mate Olan gave me an antibiotic ointment and taped my left eye with an eye dressing pad after it was removed.

I'm very fortunate (and thankful at the same time) that this accident happened on CONTI Greenland and not on my previous ship Cape TALLIN. Otherwise I would be a very serious problem for me and knowing how dreadful and awful the people are there. In
Cape TALLIN I had to rely on my skills and no one there to look after me - It would be a very costly if I get myself injured there and to make it worst Second Mate Renan Olis Oveda in Cape TALLIN is a cold hearted bastard who would rather see me go
blind than do his work in being a medical officer. The Filipino crew in CAPE TALLIN are simply not sympathetic to injured people (as what happened during A.B. Dondonilla's time)

I'm lucky that the people here are different than the one's in CAPE TALLIN.

July 19, 2014 Saturday.
Ship is currently headed off to Italy after the loading operations in Amsterdam. Upon further chit chat with A.B. Marlon , I found out that this ship is permanently stationed here in Europe and doesn?t go as far as north west Africa or even a
transatlantic trip to the U.S. . Convenient for me in the sense that airports here in Europe are not that rigid in case I would disembark and make a flight trip back home, luggage searches will not be a problem - bad in the sense that I can't buy
cheaper electronic goods around here, all prices here are unfortunately in euros (monetary here in Europe, has more value than a U.S. Dollar)
On matters regarding work. Currently were doing the usual maintenance work like chipping rust of this ship these past few days , but on Saturday we had a fire drill as a little change of pace on work. My role in the fire Drill based on my card is that
I get and prepare the fire hose, and "boundary cooling" - not bad for a first timer such as myself in handling something bigger than fire extinguisher, Though I might need a little practice in controlling the fire hose and the nozzle. After the drill
, we immediately set up the table for the upcoming grill party. Me and "Ronnie Macalawa" brought up the grill down from the steering gear room, while the BOSUN Payopay and O.S. "Joseph Dinglasa" arranged the tables and the tarpaulin roof (as a
makeshift cover).
At first the weather seemed to be going bad as it had a few rain showers, but after an hour the sun went out and we immediately started the fire on the grill. After I think another hour or two everything was ready and chief cook Regidor Pineda was in
charge of the grilling. After another hour the rain started pouring agin and we had to immediately put inside the crew mess room all the grilled food (plus the cake), but despite the rain the grill party didn?t stop and continued back in the crew mess
until everybody got drunk , I had a few drinks and had to stop because I'm already starting to feel nauseous ( from sea sickness). I didn?t went out on my cabin until 9pm to do my laundry.
The following day , Sunday . It was just mostly spent on two things sleeping and playing videogames called sims 3, playing that PC game was really absorbing and no doubt some people on the internet forums and surveys consider it one of the greatest
video games of all time.

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Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:23 UTC
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