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Tuesday, July 29, 2014


So far so good, after a month I finally figured out how an email station works here , but of course I still leave a benefit of the doubt if this every reaches print on my blog given that I'm not so sure about the email blog address I typed in or the
effectively of the email station computer here onboard.
To describe the email system here onboard CONTI Greenland, the email here is much more primitive and crude compared to the "mariner mail" CSM uses. The "Globe email" is barely bare bones compared to the usage from my previous ship - but despite its
backwardness , as long as this so called "Globe email" is useful enough to transmit at the very least just plain text , then it will be fine with me.
I haven't wrote yet the differences from NSB ship to CSM one's, so I guess this is the perfect opportunity to describe the dissimilarities between the two. Aside from having a much bigger salary and less contract time in NSB , the supplies here seemed
to be well maintained compared to the ships fully controlled by CSM. Purified water , Issued laundry and bathing soap, and even down to the food are never a problem.
I never had the trouble of getting water here, and as a matter of fact there is not a quota of how much water I can drink here. If I ran out of purified water then just simply get a case of water down in the galley store below, no such thing as a so
called ridiculous "water discipline" (which unfortunately bastard sailors like Amican and German Tan Corales and so many more, are fond of doing ) like I experienced in Cape Tallin.
They say that the working environment in NSB ship have already deteriorated from that its former glory days here , but from my observation there still a big gap between the standards of the two and NSB is way better, the crew here are well taken care
Speaking of working environment, the crew here seems to be a bit benign and not aggressive so far. I had been observing them for a month now and no such signs of any form of rudeness or "mean spirited" are showing up - at least for now. Perhaps people
here are not that mentally disturbed (or stressed out) given that contracts here are just six months. Way back in Cape Tallin , Most of the sailors there are already showing up signs of mental instability and aggression within just weeks of observing -
This only proves my theory that sailors who have longer ship work contracts are more mentally unstable compared to sailors who have shorter contracts.
In other matters?
Never occurred to me that the weather here in Italy would be this hot in summer as a matter of fact I never expected that it would be like this. I always thought that the weather here would be very similar to that in the Netherlands or something close
to that here, but it seems that I'm wrong. According to BOSUN Payopay, temperatures here in July and august are the hottest in this area - the area here is so hot that I might think I'm in the Philippines. Oh well I guess there's nothing I could do
about this and had to adjust, just had to wear little clothes inside my coveralls and bring my water canteen to prevent dehydration.
Since the arrival in Italy would be less than 24 hours, as a usual daily maintenance work here , we had to do the "Baldeho" kind of work (translated to something like washing the whole deck floor area). I'm already familiar on what to do and prepared
the squeegee , mop , soap (teepol), a few water hoses and a bucket. We started washing in the Bridge deck all the way down to the deck floor area down to main floor deck.

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