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Monday, December 28, 2015


"Hero - A person who fights for a cause"

Couple of days' time, I will be leaving this spoiled country behind temporarily. I won't be seeing the terrible traffic of EDSA , corrupt government officials , and the terrible 32 percent of income government tax . (means more than 1 / 4 of your entire income for a month is taken away by the Philippine government)

Life in the Philippines is difficult for any Asian country. So difficult because of economic depression that has been raging on for decades, and I think I'm not going to see that the Philippines and its Filipino society will not get any better in decades to come - or at least on my entire lifetime. For now the trend in the Philippines is send its people to faraway lands, some end up in the middle east , some in the united states , few in Europe, others in Asia, but all of them wind up doing slave work or very manual jobs like a second class citizen. Funny thing that the Philippines has all the ingredients to become a much better utopia than most Asian countries but end up short on a lot of things. The main conclusion and bottom line is that Filipino's cannot govern themselves, and most of the national wealth and power comes from aristocrats and the elite - and its only for their personal use and not for patriotic gain . Not exactly a true democratic country if you look closely, but more of like a monarchy or aristocracy kind of country

As a normal Filipino citizen, and one among the so many overseas Filipino workers. I am bound by this very tiring cycle. Honestly they call us "the new heroes of Philippines society" but I question that government statement and refuse to acknowledge it up to now, from what I recalled a hero fights for a cause , and basically that’s the question us Filipino OFW's should ask ourselves. WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR ???! AND WHAT IS OUR CAUSE ?! . For all I knew OFW's are out there for purely selfish personal reason's and not for patriotism, because on the main fact that jobs here in the Philippines are almost non-existent and pay very little (remember the 32 percent income tax I mentioned on local employment). Its already an establish fact that Filipino workers do help the national economy, in some extent (or a lot of extent). But the problem is what does the government do to help sustain itself ? Basically our Philippine government is helpless in doing anything aside from extorting money to its citizens. It as far as in every definition available is unstable and cannot survive on its own. Let's face it !!!! The Philippine Government cannot provide its citizens any stable form of security. If the Philippine government would be a parent , everyone could say that their doing a piss poor job as a parent.

The government simply give the title "new heroes of Philippine society" even without thinking on what it is actually. They say those things simply to distract the fact that its citizens are just cattle where they can get the source of income called taxes. As for us Filipino overseas workers, we had all the time in the world to ponder our meaning of existence and didn't question why are we called that. we simply content ourselves in thinking that thru slavery work we can be called hero's. Despite heroic brands they call us, we are less heroic than we sound - and far less heroic on what OFW's actually do. OFW's are not special in any way - not even special in our own unique way. The simple truth is that the Philippine government sold us out, and they're not content in just selling us, they want more from us, Stripping us of anything they could get their hands with.

Are we actually hero's for patriotic cause or simply just innocent victims who got caught in the middle of decades long economic depression ? Ponder this things as an OFW.

Friday, December 25, 2015


The thing about Xmas in the Philippines , is that you're god son's always kick down the door and ask for Christmas gifts . I'm still researching on what part of Philippine history did it started , I dont recall in history class that Filipino's are doing this during Spanish era, or even america period . hmm i think it must have been during after world war 2 that this started.

Anyway point here is that every year , god fathers are always plagued by this Philippine tradition 

PAMASKO PO NINONG !!!! , and put youre hands up in the air where i can see them :D


Can you imagine that your worst boss  in real life would be pictured here as a saint and a hero ??! WHAT THE FUCK ???! why don't they just stab my heart with a stake huh ?! anyway sailors are meant to be deceptive in the first place , only shows their character that they don't tell the truth. Maybe one day when my biography gets the big screen or Hollywood , i get to choose the actor to be the heroic one like alden richards (from eat bulaga tv show) etc... nah !!! that idea is pathetic hehhehe   

In a few days' time we will be saying goodbye to 2015 and will be greeting 2016, Amazing that one year just went by in a snap and being in prison with the ship for six months was tolerable.

Lately I had watched the film, known to sailors as "Captain Phillips" . This film is well known to any sailors around the world especially Filipino sailors and believe it or not it was nominated on the Oscars, this film was based on the height of Somali piracy few years back. In this case it was a ship named "Maersk Alabama" was attack and its American captain was held hostage and on the later was rescued by the U.S. navy

The film was average and mediocre at best on my perception but it took my curiosity to at least do a background research about it. The thing I never expected was the film should be at least historically accurate, well unfortunately it turns out too far from the historical accuracy of the events nor even the portrayal of real life characters in the movie is entirely based on a person's single bias testimony. Anyway the film was made purely for cinematic and money making purposes only and does not cover the facts and reality - just like the film "brave heart" (starring Mel Gibson) 

The film features Captain Phillips who is being pictured as the heroic captain who has no fault , brave and a dedicated sailor. If it were not for his actions the whole crew would have perished in the hands of Somali pirates.

For the people reading this , I will not go on describing the film and let the people watch the film themselves and analyze the facts from cinema, what I can say on the summary is that it was not historically accurate and doesn’t even come close to facts. What I'm going to write now is the reality of the situation. First off Captain Phillips in reality is the "asshole type" captain (horrible bosses - least to say), he wasn't the hero of the day and it was not even his efforts why the crew was saved, people onboard that ship figured out during the pirate attack that it was best that they don’t listen to the captain and hid in the engine room, (in the movie it was ordered by Philips that they hid in the engine room)

Fact is his attitude was so obnoxious that people refuse to be assigned on the ship he's stationed at . He doesn’t even fit the criteria for a diligent captain and ignored the safety part on putting up anti-piracy measures which already existed back then (putting up barbed wire) . In the movie there was not a single Filipino sailor around , when it fact in reality there was a Filipino crew. Another thing in the movie portrayed was that his crew is nothing more than coffee break lazy workers who are comfortable hiding in the worker union's protection and he is the only one who seems to be concerned about the pirate attack during that time (in reality it was the other way around). Anyway I don’t think the producers of the movie has nothing to do with the wayward story , basically they just based the story on the warped perception of reality by Mr. Phillips - even if it was bias , unfair and totally unrealistic, not to mention deceptive. The thing here overall is that people should think about is that if Mr. Phillips testimony is inaccurate and unreliable then its only concludes that he's credibility is poor and reflects his character to be really an arrogant asshole shitty kind of captain .

People should seriously ponder about this….

For me, if this was the case then captain Phillip's got what he deserves - to be abducted and beaten by Somali pirates. Anyway its no surprise for me that the tale told in the movie is a far cry of facts, what I can tell first hand as a sailor myself , is that generally sailors and to be specific Ship Captains are one of the worst kind of people in society - and expect them not to be telling the truth, .

People will never get to understand sailors, and will never know the truth about it. What I'm saying is that not all sailors are bad people and not all of them are good either, in fact generally mostly sailors are more generally inclined to being more of a bad people than good.

THE FACTS I HAD READ IN FACEBOOK (repost from new york times)

New York Post

Crew members: ‘Captain Phillips’ is one big lie
By Maureen Callahan October 13, 2013 | 3:34am
Crew members: ‘Captain Phillips’ is one big lie
"Captain Phillips" star Tom Hanks with Capt. Richard Phillips. Photo: AP Photo/StarPix, Dave Allocca
It’s made for Hollywood: the story of an average American family man, captain of a cargo ship in dangerous waters, his vessel overtaken by armed Somali pirates demanding ransom, saving his crew by allowing himself to be removed from the boat and taken hostage.

All of this is the basis for “Captain Phillips,” starring Tom Hanks as the titular, real-life hero. The only problem, say some members of the real Capt. Phillips’ crew, is none of it is true.

Capt. Richard Phillips, they say, is no hero, and the film is one big lie.

The Maersk Alabama leaving the Port of Mombasa, Kenya in 2009.Photo: AP Photo/Sayyid Azim
“Phillips wasn’t the big leader like he is in the movie,” says one crew member, who, for legal reasons, spoke with The Post anonymously. He worked very closely with Phillips on the Maersk Alabama and was alarmed by his behavior from the beginning. Phillips, he says, had a bad reputation for at least 12 years prior, known as a sullen and self-righteous captain.

“No one wants to sail with him,” he says.

After the hijacking, 11 crew members have sued Maersk Line and the Waterman Steamship Corp. for almost $50 million, alleging “willful, wanton and conscious disregard for their safety.” Phillips is a witness for the defense.

“The crew had begged Captain Phillips not to go so close to the Somali coast,” said Deborah Waters, the attorney who brought the claim. “He told them he wouldn’t let pirates scare him or force him to sail away from the coast.”


Phillips had taken command of the Maerskin late March 2009. Left for him, says the crew member, was a detailed anti-piracy plan now used by all ships per the International Maritime Organization. Should pirates get too close, the crew should cut the lights and power and lock themselves below deck.

“He didn’t want anything to do with it, because it wasn’t his plan,” says the crew member. “He was real arrogant.” Phillips says he knows nothing about such a plan.

Over this three-week period, 16 container ships in the same region had been attacked by pirates, and eight had been taken hostage.

As the film opens, Hanks, as Phillips, is seen assiduously tending to safety protocols. “Let’s tighten up security!” he orders. “I want everything closed, locked, even in port.”

Phillips has admitted that, on board, he got seven e-mails about increased piracy off Somalia — each exhorting ships to move farther offshore by at least 600 miles.

The Maersk was 235 miles off the coast, says the crew member, though Phillips has since rounded that number up to 300.

“I couldn’t tell you exactly the miles,” Phillips tells The Post. “I don’t know.”

In 2010, Phillips told CNN the Maersk was 300 miles off shore; published reports from that time had the ship at 240.

Phillips ignored every missive and later admitted he didn’t share these warnings — though they were not sent exclusively to him.

Meanwhile, another crew member was tasked with keeping track of every ship in the region that had been attacked. Using the e-mails, a chart was built. On it were the names of each ship, the dates and times they were assaulted, their latitude and longitude, the ransom demanded.

When presented with this data, a crew member says, Phillips ignored it, too. In the film, Hanks tells his crew — depicted as lazy coffee guzzlers who fall back on the security of their union-protected employment — that their job is to get the cargo ship from Point A to Point B in the shortest, cheapest time possible.

In fact, says this crew member, the Maersk veered off course by 180 degrees south — this was during the first attack, on April 8. Phillips denies this, and says the boat only picked up speed.

“We had two pirate attacks over 18 hours,” says this crew member, not just the one shown in the film.

The crew didn’t know whom to fear more: the pirates or Phillips.

According to this crew member, during the first attack, as two pirate boats came into view, clearly chasing them, Phillips was putting the crew through a fire drill. In the film, it’s a security drill.

“We said, ‘You want us to knock it off and go to our pirate stations?’ ” the crew member recalls. “And he goes, ‘Oh, no, no, no — you’ve got to do the lifeboats drill.’ This is how screwed up he is. These are drills we need to do once a year. Two boats with pirates and he doesn’t give a s- -t. That’s the kind of guy he is.”

At first, Phillips maintains this is a lie. “No,” he says. “The mate called up and said, ‘Do you want to stop the drill?’ They [the boats] were seven miles away. There was nothing we could do. We didn’t know the exact situation.”

But is it true that he ordered the entire drill completed anyway?

“Correct,” Phillips says.

“Yeah, seven miles. What’s the dif?” the crew member says. “I saw them, and they were closer than that.”

The Maersk eventually made a narrow escape, and Phillips ordered it back to its original route.

One of the crew mutinied — he refused to do it, instead going below deck, sleeping with his boots on and his flashlight by his side, waiting for the inevitable.

At 3 a.m., the pirates radioed the boat to stop; Phillips had left the stern light on and the bridge open. At 7 a.m., came the third and final attack: Four armed Somali pirates stormed the Maersk.

The crew was on their own. “Phillips didn’t say what he wanted to do,” says the crew member. “His plan [was], when the pirates come aboard, we throw our hands in the air and say, ‘Oh, the pirates are here!’ The chief engineer said, ‘We’re going downstairs and locking ourselves in.’ One of the mates said, ‘Let’s go down. We’re on our own.’ ”

They hid in the engine room, in 130 degree heat, for 12 hours. Phillips and three other crew members were held at gunpoint, yet Phillips tells The Post things weren’t that dire. “The ship,” he says, “was never actually taken.”

Aside from the movie review , I had heard another news around the Philippine maritime community.

UFS also known as United Filipino Sailors , apparently got trashed by this so called COMELEC EN BANC on its candidacy for political representation of sailors. I'm not exactly sure on how UFS got denied on their petition to run for office but those are the words of COMELEC , Anyway it's not that bad or shameful if UFS didn’t make the cut - it's not exactly the end of the world anyway and to be frankly honest , the maritime community would be better off without any political representation in the government than having one, the same goes as having a bad representation is much worse than having no representation at all .

For the record The last political party who represented the maritime community turned out to be such a disappointment (I'm referring to "Angkla" political party)  and instead of helping out the maritime community and easing up the burden of sailors , it turns out that this organization  added even more problems than solutions to the maritime community. And thanks to them everything is in the maritime community is in a god awful shitty mess and being a sailor in the Philippines is much more complicated and impractical.

Anyway despite the disappointments that UFS ran into , it doesn’t stop them from helping people. And a little rain on their parade won't be a setback. AMOSUP doesn’t even come close to UFS in confronting and discussing issues related to the maritime community in the Philippines. 
Screen shot photo i took in wikipedia confirming if the film was shitstoricly errrr..  i meant historically accurate 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


There is some trouble lately on the internet connection, for some reason "Smart communications"  lately pulled out its unlimited prepaid internet connection and replaced it with a much less disappointing 800 MB per day offer called "SurfMax" . Not a very good news for me given that I use torrents for downloading of some stuff I need , in particular PC games. Frankly I'm having a hard time finishing those downloads because of it.

In other news related to my work …

For now things are going smoothly and in fact, I had just finish all the necessary working papers needed. I am now just literary waiting for my time to be called up and wait for the dispatch orders coming from my company. However despite being ready there is one part of my working papers that is somewhat questionable, Specifically my Schengen visa (European Visa) - from what I recall its was supposedly to be expired this September and I had to renew this visa. I'm not entirely sure that my next ship still requires a Schengen visa but what I can say is that my U.S. Visa is still active and that my Schengen is expired, Maybe I have to go back to my company and verify about what will they have to do with my Schengen visa.

As for my equipment , I had just finished customizing all my stuff and all it needs to do is pack it up on my 2nd luggage. I had finished sewing my reserve coveralls and putting extra pockets on its shoulder , aside from adding a zipper function. On my water canteen , I had added a company patch to it so it won't look too much like a military water canteen and look more like a civilian type

Another thing about my equipment lately is that I kept inspecting it every now and then to keep insects away (specifically ants) from building a hive inside my luggage. It's annoying for me that animals and insects have an automatic behavior that makes them go to my luggage, and the bad part is that they always destroy something on my luggage. Last year it was my sisters dogs that keep chewing on my electric cords and other parts of my luggage , and the year before my cats were sleeping and leaving their fur  behind. For this year its these ants that got inside my luggage and nearly chewed off (or drilled holes) on  my "ateneo" collectible jacket. I got rid of the jacket and washed it but it looks like that these ants are not only after that but are even planning on building a hive inside the bag.

the outfit that the ants chewed off 

On my electronics equipment lately I had made a discovery about a certain android operating system emulator for windows. If I recall correct the website is called , and can be downloaded on the internet. I haven't fully tested it out yet but it shows promise in playing all the android apps that can only be played on the cell phone and tablet. For now the thing it can do is back up my contact list on  my phone and do basic google related apps, Another thing that I noticed on this program is that requires an Wi-Fi or internet access to be played, without it basically it can't do anything else.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Been sometime since I wrote anything, in fact I was lazy to write anything at all, probably because I lack the creative idea lately. So in response I'm going to start fresh again in writing and pick up where I left off,.

The latest news I had been doing is preparing for my next ship assignment , which I had accepted although I'm reluctant because my last experience with CSM.

Anyway there's nothing much I can do now but ride along on the 10 month ride in that cursed ship and had been preparing heavily and investing a lot on working equipment to ensure that I can last long enough on prolonged isolation. I had been buying a set of clothes and all sorts of stuff in preparation. I took pictures to show on this blog what's the kind of clothes and equipment I had selected.

Why prepare ?! That's a big question most people would ask . In fact some sailors that I had talked about this even question the necessity of my methods and instead say that I should have faith and relay on the ships store for all my needs. A lot of people (even younger ones) opt on that option, all of course except me, why ? The answer is just basic.

I had been on a couple of ships now since I had started as a sailor few years back (longer than this blog was created) and they all had shared the same factor. Ships store and supplies are unpredictable and the people who are in charge on it are more unpredictable as well. In other words management could be a lenient for a few months and suddenly cruel on the next few months or so, and working supplies and needed equipment goes along on this sudden changes. The conditions on a ship are simply unpredictable and unreliable , and  putting my trust on the management and the people inside the ship is simply foolish.  Yes in other words , I practice self-reliance and that’s the reason why I lasted and still around in this cruel brutal job.

A lot of sailors nowadays simply overlook this kind of matter , or probably not aware that they have to be prepared and bring the right equipment they will need. Instead they're concern is preoccupied on how much money they can make rather than how long they can last.

As before my equipment consist of three main types this time .Communication and electronic equipment which is basically my backpack ,Personal clothing and Reserve equipment which is the small stroller luggage , And Working equipment , which is the larger stroller luggage.

Some of the equipment that i bought

In relation to this…

Customizing my military type water canteen
It looks like that I won't be tagging along with NSB for a while , apparently when I reported back to the office Mr. Nidoy has already had plans in transferring me back to CSM . Based on his explanation , most O.S. personnel of NSB have been displaced by cadets taking over on the work - so as a result most O.S. personnel will be hanging out in CSM for a while.

As for me I'm assigned to the CSM ship called "Cape Texel" which according to my search in the internet is roughly the size of my former ship "Cape Tallin" , Given with its size and appearance I could estimate that it is a "black cargo" type . Well I don’t mind working on the same type of environment as what I had years back in cape tallin - but the thing I'm worried about is what kind of people are there inside that ship, will they be friendly or the hostile hypocrite bitches like the one's I encountered on cape tallin ?

The thing about being a sailor when it comes to ships is that, you'd never get to choose who are the people you're going to work with , there's no certainty and no assurance that people inside that ship will be a good (or bad one). The ship assignment is always random

In other news

On the past few days I had been working on processing my working papers and I never had any serious problems finishing the paper work , in fact this is the easiest and most "low budgeted" agenda's I made since I started out being a sailor. The only thing I spent was for the minor "oral prophylaxis" cleaning of my mouth on the dentist which only costed 750 Pesos on a specialist dentist. (cost could be lowered on an ordinary dentist) .

Aside from that I currently attended two boring company seminars , which is basically nothing more than basically waste my time . One seminar called "ECP" (Environmental Compliance Policy) has a cranky 2nd engineer professor. He's ok for the most part on the lecture but that old bat seems to get pissed off easily if we tell a joke or something. Anyway the reason why I had to take this course was because according to the company , CSM got caught throwing garbage off in the United States and as punishment (aside from the huge fine) they had to inform each and every one of their employee's about the garbage disposal rules , and remind them about the what will be the consequences of throwing garbage .

The seminar was basically more of like showing fear and terror tactics rather than to be an educational and enlightening one, and overall it only points out that shipping companies and principal are more concerned of losing their money that providing good welfare on their sailors. Anyway most sailors are ignorant or blind about this fact and believe it or not greedy CSM believes that human lives are EXPENDABLE compared to properties and assets. Anyway that fact doesn’t surprise me.

Come to think of it, it reminds me of a court argument few years back about a shipping company called sulpicio lines. According to their attorney's , they argued to the court that assets and properties are more important than human lives because they say it gets passed on to one generation after another - can you believe that ?! What kind of bullshit argument is that ?! And even the Philippine court sided with that kind of argument .

Total amount of leave pay i got , cumulative of six months work onboard as an O.S.