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Sunday, December 13, 2015


Been sometime since I wrote anything, in fact I was lazy to write anything at all, probably because I lack the creative idea lately. So in response I'm going to start fresh again in writing and pick up where I left off,.

The latest news I had been doing is preparing for my next ship assignment , which I had accepted although I'm reluctant because my last experience with CSM.

Anyway there's nothing much I can do now but ride along on the 10 month ride in that cursed ship and had been preparing heavily and investing a lot on working equipment to ensure that I can last long enough on prolonged isolation. I had been buying a set of clothes and all sorts of stuff in preparation. I took pictures to show on this blog what's the kind of clothes and equipment I had selected.

Why prepare ?! That's a big question most people would ask . In fact some sailors that I had talked about this even question the necessity of my methods and instead say that I should have faith and relay on the ships store for all my needs. A lot of people (even younger ones) opt on that option, all of course except me, why ? The answer is just basic.

I had been on a couple of ships now since I had started as a sailor few years back (longer than this blog was created) and they all had shared the same factor. Ships store and supplies are unpredictable and the people who are in charge on it are more unpredictable as well. In other words management could be a lenient for a few months and suddenly cruel on the next few months or so, and working supplies and needed equipment goes along on this sudden changes. The conditions on a ship are simply unpredictable and unreliable , and  putting my trust on the management and the people inside the ship is simply foolish.  Yes in other words , I practice self-reliance and that’s the reason why I lasted and still around in this cruel brutal job.

A lot of sailors nowadays simply overlook this kind of matter , or probably not aware that they have to be prepared and bring the right equipment they will need. Instead they're concern is preoccupied on how much money they can make rather than how long they can last.

As before my equipment consist of three main types this time .Communication and electronic equipment which is basically my backpack ,Personal clothing and Reserve equipment which is the small stroller luggage , And Working equipment , which is the larger stroller luggage.

Some of the equipment that i bought

In relation to this…

Customizing my military type water canteen
It looks like that I won't be tagging along with NSB for a while , apparently when I reported back to the office Mr. Nidoy has already had plans in transferring me back to CSM . Based on his explanation , most O.S. personnel of NSB have been displaced by cadets taking over on the work - so as a result most O.S. personnel will be hanging out in CSM for a while.

As for me I'm assigned to the CSM ship called "Cape Texel" which according to my search in the internet is roughly the size of my former ship "Cape Tallin" , Given with its size and appearance I could estimate that it is a "black cargo" type . Well I don’t mind working on the same type of environment as what I had years back in cape tallin - but the thing I'm worried about is what kind of people are there inside that ship, will they be friendly or the hostile hypocrite bitches like the one's I encountered on cape tallin ?

The thing about being a sailor when it comes to ships is that, you'd never get to choose who are the people you're going to work with , there's no certainty and no assurance that people inside that ship will be a good (or bad one). The ship assignment is always random

In other news

On the past few days I had been working on processing my working papers and I never had any serious problems finishing the paper work , in fact this is the easiest and most "low budgeted" agenda's I made since I started out being a sailor. The only thing I spent was for the minor "oral prophylaxis" cleaning of my mouth on the dentist which only costed 750 Pesos on a specialist dentist. (cost could be lowered on an ordinary dentist) .

Aside from that I currently attended two boring company seminars , which is basically nothing more than basically waste my time . One seminar called "ECP" (Environmental Compliance Policy) has a cranky 2nd engineer professor. He's ok for the most part on the lecture but that old bat seems to get pissed off easily if we tell a joke or something. Anyway the reason why I had to take this course was because according to the company , CSM got caught throwing garbage off in the United States and as punishment (aside from the huge fine) they had to inform each and every one of their employee's about the garbage disposal rules , and remind them about the what will be the consequences of throwing garbage .

The seminar was basically more of like showing fear and terror tactics rather than to be an educational and enlightening one, and overall it only points out that shipping companies and principal are more concerned of losing their money that providing good welfare on their sailors. Anyway most sailors are ignorant or blind about this fact and believe it or not greedy CSM believes that human lives are EXPENDABLE compared to properties and assets. Anyway that fact doesn’t surprise me.

Come to think of it, it reminds me of a court argument few years back about a shipping company called sulpicio lines. According to their attorney's , they argued to the court that assets and properties are more important than human lives because they say it gets passed on to one generation after another - can you believe that ?! What kind of bullshit argument is that ?! And even the Philippine court sided with that kind of argument .

Total amount of leave pay i got , cumulative of six months work onboard as an O.S.