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Monday, December 28, 2015


"Hero - A person who fights for a cause"

Couple of days' time, I will be leaving this spoiled country behind temporarily. I won't be seeing the terrible traffic of EDSA , corrupt government officials , and the terrible 32 percent of income government tax . (means more than 1 / 4 of your entire income for a month is taken away by the Philippine government)

Life in the Philippines is difficult for any Asian country. So difficult because of economic depression that has been raging on for decades, and I think I'm not going to see that the Philippines and its Filipino society will not get any better in decades to come - or at least on my entire lifetime. For now the trend in the Philippines is send its people to faraway lands, some end up in the middle east , some in the united states , few in Europe, others in Asia, but all of them wind up doing slave work or very manual jobs like a second class citizen. Funny thing that the Philippines has all the ingredients to become a much better utopia than most Asian countries but end up short on a lot of things. The main conclusion and bottom line is that Filipino's cannot govern themselves, and most of the national wealth and power comes from aristocrats and the elite - and its only for their personal use and not for patriotic gain . Not exactly a true democratic country if you look closely, but more of like a monarchy or aristocracy kind of country

As a normal Filipino citizen, and one among the so many overseas Filipino workers. I am bound by this very tiring cycle. Honestly they call us "the new heroes of Philippines society" but I question that government statement and refuse to acknowledge it up to now, from what I recalled a hero fights for a cause , and basically that’s the question us Filipino OFW's should ask ourselves. WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR ???! AND WHAT IS OUR CAUSE ?! . For all I knew OFW's are out there for purely selfish personal reason's and not for patriotism, because on the main fact that jobs here in the Philippines are almost non-existent and pay very little (remember the 32 percent income tax I mentioned on local employment). Its already an establish fact that Filipino workers do help the national economy, in some extent (or a lot of extent). But the problem is what does the government do to help sustain itself ? Basically our Philippine government is helpless in doing anything aside from extorting money to its citizens. It as far as in every definition available is unstable and cannot survive on its own. Let's face it !!!! The Philippine Government cannot provide its citizens any stable form of security. If the Philippine government would be a parent , everyone could say that their doing a piss poor job as a parent.

The government simply give the title "new heroes of Philippine society" even without thinking on what it is actually. They say those things simply to distract the fact that its citizens are just cattle where they can get the source of income called taxes. As for us Filipino overseas workers, we had all the time in the world to ponder our meaning of existence and didn't question why are we called that. we simply content ourselves in thinking that thru slavery work we can be called hero's. Despite heroic brands they call us, we are less heroic than we sound - and far less heroic on what OFW's actually do. OFW's are not special in any way - not even special in our own unique way. The simple truth is that the Philippine government sold us out, and they're not content in just selling us, they want more from us, Stripping us of anything they could get their hands with.

Are we actually hero's for patriotic cause or simply just innocent victims who got caught in the middle of decades long economic depression ? Ponder this things as an OFW.