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Wednesday, June 6, 2018


As expected the following days from my last contract have been difficult, since the arrival of the two new shit bag crews (Chief mate "Ivan" and Bosun "Jerrymine") . As soon as they arrived the new bosun immediately set to work on putting more harsh policies likes less time on water breaks and such,

During unmooring time, on India. I saw on my very eyes that he's the typical harsh type of Bosun by always yelling at people. I haven't seen those types of Bosun in years but now I'm seeing one and I'm filled with disappointment over it.

For short he's a dick.

In other more bad news for me,

It was lucky fort me that I was still in the crew TV room when the Qatari deck cadet spoke to Bosun "Jerrymine" that the X-box Gaming console on the officers Tv room was missing. I didn’t bother to get into the details about the missing X-Box but it is apparent that they know it's already missing.

March 10, 2018 Saturday EMPTY HANDED

I went to full panic and quickly headed to my cabin and planned on how to deal with the X-box on my possession. I was thinking that as soon as its discovered, a follow up cabin to cabin search will soon follow. I couldn’t think straight at that time ., and was totally spooked. I went in and out of my cabin a number times just to check if the place was clear.

Then an insane plan hit my head ., rather than dealing on how to hide the X-box on my possession, why not think of a method on how to "dispose" of it properly without a trace ? No evidence to point to me that I'm planning to steal it and take it home on my house. The first initial though that came to me was throw it at sea immediately which I think was a bright idea.

So I took a black garbage bag on my locker and stuffed the whole merchandise in it and waited for a couple hours. During the waited , I also thought that even if I wasn’t caught having an X-box on my cabin , I would be caught having a Nintendo Wii device instead , so as much as I hate I had to include the Nintendo Wii on the garbage bag for disposal , along with all its accessories.

At around 10.30 Pm I looked outside the deck area to see if everything was clear and check if the CCTV's were no pointing on the direction which I would dispose the garbage bag. I threw in a long throw and the garbage bag went directly overboard to the sea and that was the end of it.,

I slept calmly knowing that the trouble has past and assured that this problem will no longer trouble me., Although I admit , I will be going home without a treasure trove around of videogames (empty handed for short) but considering the risk of discovery - it's worth that I should literary throw this one directly at the sea.